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Namjoon opened the door to their apartment. He stayed overnight at the studio and was exhausted. He couldn't wait to crawl into his bed and get some well deserved rest. 

With tired eyes, he glanced around the room. Jin was in the living room reading a romance novel, Jimin were in the kitchen making breakfast, and Taehyung was watching a dog documentary.

Jin hummed once he saw Namjoon's presence. "No Yoongi or Hoseok?" Namjoon shook head head. "Yoongi hyung went to get food for him and Hosek because they're staying there longer." 

Taehyung turned to look at Namjoon, who was still near the opening of the room. "You should probably sleep then. Kook is still in his room too. He was really distant last night.. seemed distracted. Can you ask if he's alright when you get in there?"

"Yeah sure," Namjoon said with soft eyes. "Okay, go sleep. We can handle things here." Jin shooed him off. Namjoon walked passed them, muttering a small goodnight with a yawn. 

Namjoon knocked on the door just in case that Jungkook was changing. There wasn't a reply so Namjoon thought it was fine. He softly opened the door, respecting the younger's sleep.

He himself then changed into comfier clothes, plugged his phone in and stretched. He looked over at Jungkook and noticed that the blankets were falling off. Namjoon went over to Jungkook's side, wanting to help and cover him up more.

The older noticed that the bed looked more.. filled, as if Yoongi was cuddling him in bed again. But Namjoon knew that wasn't the case, Yoongi was back at the studio still. With a questioning look, he pulled down the covers. 

"What the fuck?"

Namjoon was deeply confused with what he was seeing. A much younger Min Yoongi was pressed against Jungkook.

The loud noise had woken Jungkook up. He didn't notice the tall figure standing over him at first, his first rubbed at his eyes. He nearly fell out of bed when he realized it though.

"Hyung!" Jungkook said shocked. The older was staring at Yoongi and Jungkook knew that there was no way around this situation, he had been caught.

"What's going on, Yoongi Hyung was getting breakfast for him and Hoseok Hyung. Why did he come here instead?" Jungkook looked back at Yoongi, biting his lip. He should probably wake up the younger Yoongi.

He turned towards Namjoon again. "Um.. that's because this is a different Yoongi Hyung."

"A different Yoongi Hyung? What is that even supposed to mean?" Namjoon scrunched his eyebrows together. "Wake him up." Waking him up would be proof that what he was about to tell Namjoon that it was true.

It took a bunch of poking and prodding before the past Yoongi woke up. Yoongi froze though when he saw another member in front of him. He looked over at Jungkook with wide eyes.


"So Namjoon um.. this is Yoongi, from twenty thirteen. Pre debut." Namjoon chuckled, "okay seriously Hyung why are you here? You're supposed to be working on that song with Hoseok Hyung."

Yoongi subtly scrunched his nose at Hoseok's name. He was still mad about the whole ordeal. But he was also confused. Working?

"It's not a joke, Yoongi isn't that good at acting. ("hey!") Ask him anything from then on and I promise he won't know anything."

Namjoon turned to Yoongi, studying him closer. He did look very different from now, maybe a little more.. well fed as well. And now that he was paying attention, Yoongi's hair was black instead of the blonde he was sporting a couple of hours ago.

"Okay.. um, what is our fanbase called?"

Yoongi shrugged, "I don't know, we haven't thought of it yet." Namjoon was a little surprised. Everyone and their mother's knew the answer to that. He brushed that aside though.

"Wow okay. What colors have you dyed your hair?" Yoongi snorted, "I've only done black, as you can see. Literally did it a week ago." 

Now Namjoon was starting to think that they might be telling the truth. A week ago? Impossible in their time. He looked over at Jungkook, who just nodded.

"If you are from the past, how did you get here and why?" 

"I don't even know how I got here. One minute I was in the dorm's bathroom and then the next thing I know, I'm here. I didn't exactly choose to be here, I just.. showed up." 

Jungkook watched Namjoon ask more questions, to which Yoongi never knew the answer to. "So, do you believe us."

"Yeah, there's no way that he can be our Yoongi Hyung. He can't even be a Hyung now," Namjoon laughed, "We are all older than him."

"Hey! It's not my fault." He pouts. "Aw he's so tiny and squishy." Namjoon squished his cheeks, just to annoy him. "Stop or I'll bite your hand off." Yoongi glared. The threat was fruitless though, the older continuing to annoy him.


Jungkook placed a hand over Yoongi's mouth. "Shit, stay quiet. Someone else is going to find you and that's not going to be good. Namjoon wasn't even supposed to find out either." Jungkook said, giving him a look.

"It's not my fault," Namjoon spoke in a hushed whisper, "the door was unlocked." 

There were footsteps heard outside the door. Long steps coming towards them. Before they could act, Jin opened the door. The eldest let out a gasp at the sight of Yoongi.

"What the hell is going on? I heard screaming. Why is Yoongi here?"

Namjoon and Jungkook's eyes met, a sigh escaping the two of them. There goes keeping twenty-thirteen Yoongi a secret.

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