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"I don't know, can't you just like.. go in the bathroom again and wish to go back home?" Yoongi rolls his eyes. "This isn't The Wizard of fucking Oz Tae, that's not gonna work."

"Okay well you think of a better idea then." Yoongi tried to think of a snarky comeback but couldn't think of one. He huffed, "I don't have any." Taehyung stuck out his tongue, "see that's what I thought."

"Well arguing about it isn't gonna make it any better. We need to try something." Yoongi rolled his head on the couch, turning towards Jin. "We've tried everything. Nothing is going to work."

"Well something has to, how are we gonna get you back?" He shrugged, "I never asked to be here but here I am. Jeez, why couldn't it have been Jimin, he would've been ecstatic to be here."

The six looked over to Jimin. "What?" He squeaked, "it's not like I could've chosen who's here or not." They hummed and went back to thinking.

They were all in the living room on the couch, where they all usually reside. All were trying to think of ways to get Yoongi back home. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss my group. They're annoying but nice, y'know?" Everyone nodded.

"The group is like a family to me, it's hard to stay away for so long. Wow, why did I get all sappy all of a sudden?" Jungkook giggled, "fans would call it you being 'soft. Besides, nowadays, you're really soft. You let me squishy your cheeks all the time."

Yoongi subconsciously touched his cheeks, imaging the slight tugging of Jungkook's fingers. He grimaced at the thought. "Oh Jungkook." Jungkook hummed.

"Are you still obsessed with the blue Power Ranger? It's really annoying and I hope you've grown out of it." Jin groaned and the others laughed. "No, I'm not obsessed, I just really like him. He's cool." The maknae pouted.

"Great, another thing not to look forward to in the future." Namjoon gave him a quizzical look, "another?" Yoongi thought back to the dance practice two days before. "Your choreography looks super duper hard. I'm not excited about that."

"You'll get used to it," Hoseok brushed it off, "Jin Hyung and Namjoon did."

"Hey!" The two yelled in unison. Taehyung and Hoseok snorted. "Yoongi was pretty bad too." Namjoon coughed. Yoongi glared at him. "Where is your Yoongi anyways?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook piped up, "my baby is in his studio. He's so hardworking."

Yoongi made a disgusted look, even a few of the members fake gagging. Looks like they were as sick of it as much as he was. And it's only been four days for him, he can't imagine living with it for four years.

"Ugh, all this thinking is making my head hurt. I need a smoke." The six almost obtained whiplash from how quick they turned their necks. "I'm sorry, what?" Hoseok scoffed. "You damn well know that it's bad for you."

"Yeah well.. I don't care." Yoongi shrugged. "Kid." Jungkook automatically looked over at him, used to being called that by his Yoongi. "Got a smoke on ya?" "Why would I be carrying around cigarettes?"

Yoongi groaned and stood up, his knees popping. "You're right. I'll just use the ones from that box of yours." They watched Yoongi leave the room and come back with a pack several seconds later.

"I'll be in the back if you need me."

Jungkook watched how Yoongi stared fondly at the pack. He remembers how back in the day, he made Yoongi chose either him or cigarettes. That's what initially started Yoongi's motivation to stop smoking. He didn't want to lose his lover for an expensive pack of cancer.

It's just like Jungkook remembered, the look in Yoongi's eyes when he touched the stick. He had fire in his eyes, quite literally when he was lighting it. Yoongi looked so relaxed under the spell of nicotine.

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