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"What? I'm not hiding someone?" Jungkook feverishly shook his head. Little did he know, he fucked up.

"Some. One?" Yoongi's eyes darkened. Is Jungkook cheating on me?! "Babe, I-I didn't meant that." Jungkook desperately said as Yoongi stormed over. Jungkook was legitimately gonna shit himself.

"Open the damn door."

"Yoongi, I can't."

Yoongi turned sharply to look at the younger. "Yeah? And why not?" Yoongi snarled. Before Jungkook could stop him, Yoongi pounded on the door. "Open up dickwad, come out here and fight like a man instead of hiding."

Jungkook tried to pull him from the door but the older's grip was strong. "Are you cheating on me?!" Yoongi hysterically cried, yanking at the doorknob. "What did I do wrong? Please." Yoongi begged.

"Shhh, baby, I'm not cheating on you. Relax. It's complicated." He held onto his boyfriend tightly, giving him a bear hug. "Shh.. let's just get you back to bed. You've been ill lately and you're still tired from being cooped all up in your studio. Come on baby. I'm not cheating on you, shh."

He cooed at Yoongi, who threw his arms around him. They cuddled and walked at the same time. "I could never leave you, I wouldn't know how to live without you." Yoongi shook his head, calming down a bit.

"Me neither, kid." He sniffled. Jungkook's heartstrings were tugged upon. He didn't want Yoongi to find out like this, nor have a fight about something so different than what was actually happening.

He softly laid Yoongi down in his bed, tucking him in his blankets. Yoongi held onto a pillow as if it were Jungkook himself. "Stay?" Yoongi pouted. Jungkook looked back, he could see Jin and Taehyung peering in.

"I can't, promised Jin I'd help with lunch today." Jungkook gave him a kiss on the forehead, it lingering a bit. "Rest well, kay?" Yoongi nodded, "M'kay." Jungkook left the room.

"What the hell happened?" Jin asked, hands on hips. "Yeah, why was there yelling." Taehyung frowned. Jungkook rubbed his forehead out of stress. "Yoongi saw me putting twenty-thirteen Yoongi in my room and now he thinks I'm cheating on him."

Jin's eyes bulged out, nearly coming out of the sockets. "What? Did he see-." Jungkook shook his head. The younger remembered that the younger Yoongi was still locked in his room. It was probably better that he stayed there.

"Also," Jin smirked, "don't think I didn't hear what you said in there." Jungkook was confused by the statement, "what?" 

"That you're gonna help with lunch." This time, Jungkook's eyes widened. "Wait what? No, it was just an excuse. I-." Seokjin held up his hand, which made Jungkook stop talking.

"It's final, you're helping. Go wash up first, you smell like smoke." He waved the younger off. Before, he was gonna have Taehyung help but now that Jungkook offered, he was gonna take in the advantage.

"Hyung you're so annoying." Jungkook whined and stomped off, still conscious about his sleeping boyfriend in the next room. "Love you too." Jin blew a kiss and waved him off. He turned to Taehyung, who was sitting on the couch, "you."

Taehyung looked up from his phone with a questioning look. "You're free of kitchen duty." Taehyung gleamed, "hell yeah!" He ran over to the older and gave him a hug. "Knew I could count on you Hyung."

"-But I'm changing you to dish duty with Hoseok." Taehyung's face dropped. "Jungkookie's right Hyung," he huffed, "You're so annoying." Taehyung left the living room as well, leaving Seokjin alone.

"Kids think they can get out of doing their chores," Jin tuts with a snort. "Not on my watch." He walks off to go watch a movie in his room, leaving two confused Yoongi's behind.


"We never make gyeran-guk, why are we having it now?" Jungkook asked, squatting down to one of the cupboards for a sauce pan. He rose back up and set the pan on the stove. Jin was reaching for ingredients in the refrigerator.

"Because Jeongguk...gyeran-guk... guk." Jin shrugged, setting the eggs down on the counter. Jungkook facepalmed. "You making this because my name ends with 'guk?' I should have known." He sighed. "I thought you were done with your jokes."

"I can still," Jin looked over at the eggs for a split second, "crack a joke." Seokjin's extra laugh now came into play. "Hyung, you are literally the worst." Jungkook grimaced, taking the eggs away so he could beat them, secretly pretending it was Jin at the moment.

"Come on, Jungkookie, you love them." The older moved to the pot, turning on the stove. Jungkook scoffed, whisking the eggs faster. "I'd rather choke."

"Yah, no you wouldn't." Jin rolled his eyes, pouring in the broth. Light footsteps were creeping up on them but not unnoticed. 

"Jimin, you can't be in here, you burned yourself the other day making macaroni and cheese."

There was a low grunt, signaling that it was not the one Jin had scolded. "M'not Jimin." Yoongi appeared with an annoyed look. "Babe!" Jungkook dropped the whisk and ran over to his lover.

"How'd you sleep?" Yoongi gave a soft peck to the top of Jungkook's head. "I'm fine but there's a lot of explaining you need to do." He looked the younger in the eyes. There was a sense of fear in his eyes.

"I know, later, I promise." Jungkook sighed, rubbing the olders arm. A door opened from the distance. "Yah, get back to work Jungkook. Help as well Yoongi." Seokjin said, busy with adding in the sesame oil and steamed rice.

"No thanks Hyung, I'll watch." Yoongi leaned against the counter where Jungkook was working. Jin sighed but continued to keep an eye on the rice. 

Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the smell of the room. He could faintly smell Jungkook's cologne as well. He was really content right now.

"Jungkook, I'm bo-." Someones voice came to a halt at the entry way. A squeak escaped from the person. Yoongi looked up, surprised at what, or who, was in front of him.

"What the fuck?!"

The two stared at each other with much shock in their eyes. 



Jungkook and Jin yelled, but couldn't move out of shock to intervene. "Wha-."

Both screamed, much like the reaction when Jungkook first found him. It was kind of funny though, they both flapped their arms and pointing at each other, appalled to see each other. Guess some habits don't change, Jin thought.

They're mouths moved like fish but nothing came out. Twenty-eighteen Yoongi held onto the counter for support. The two were both hyperventilating and paling even more so than they already were.

"Oh shit, Jungkook catch your Yoongi, they're gonna-." They didn't have time to finish before the two Yoongi's eyes rolled back into their skull and passed out. Jin caught the past Yoongi in his arms before he could land on the floor.

Each tried to wake them up but it was fruitless, they'd be passed out for a while before they would wake. 

Jin and Jungkook looked to each other with deep worry. Yoongi wasn't supposed to find his past self. 

"I guess he.. he found out sooner rather than later." Jungkook sighed. The two were dead weight in the other's arms. "Come on, lets take them to the couch." Jin turned the stove to simmering and followed Jungkook through the apartment. 

Jin placed the twenty-thirteen Yoongi on the left side of the couch while Jungkook did the same with their Yoongi. Jin looked at Jungkook. With a gulp, he said,

"call everyone. This is an emergency."


Ahh so the two Yoongi's finally meet. Sorry, I feel like this chapter is bad. It looks way better in my head. Hope you enjoyed still anyways.

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