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Once again, Yoongi was awoken by not of his own means. An ungodly way to wake up if you ask him. "I told you we were going today, get up." 

He tried to shoo the figure away with the flick of his arm. Instead, the other pulled on the arm. He groaned, finally opening his eyes. In front of him was Namjoon in workout clothes. "What?" He asked, rubbing at his eyes.

"I told you we were going running today. Being cooped up in here surely isn't healthy. And afterwards, we are going to my studio. I woke you up thirty minutes early than when we are supposed to go because I remembered you wouldn't get up."

Yoongi scowled and tried to pull the covers back up to his chin. "No," he grumbled out, closing his eyes again. 

"You're making me do this," Namjoon tutted and walked away. For a moment, Yoongi thought he actually left. That was until that baboon named Namjoon opened the curtains. It literally made him hiss. 

"Sorry but we need to go." Namjoon didn't sound sorry at all though. In fact, Namjoon pulled the covers right off of him. It made his whole body shiver from the cool air. 

"I'm coming back in fifteen to check on you." Namjoon gave him a pointed look and Yoongi threw a pillow at the older as he left the room. 

Yoongi tried to fall asleep again but it was hard with the sun blaring at him. Eventually, he got out of bed and slowly made his way to Yoongi's (future Yoongi's closet). The couple were sleeping together in Jungkook's bed for the duration of the young Yoongi's stay.

He picked out a simple outfit, A grey shirt with black basketball shorts. He ran his fingers through his hair to get rid of his bed hair. A few other steps and he was ready, right on time too.

"Are you up?" Namjoon knocked on the door. 

Yoongi let out a hum and opened the door for the elder. "Woah look at you already dressed. I didn't even have to nag you." Namjoon teased. Yoongi let out a huff, brushing past him and into the kitchen. 

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asked and followed. "If you're making me run with you, I'm having food first." He pulled out some yogurt, his favorite, and grabbed a plastic spoon. 

"You're not really supposed to eat before you run." Yoongi raised an eyebrow at Namjoon, "does it look like I care?" Namjoon just shrugged, at least he was getting him outside the house. 

Yoongi took his sweet time, procrastinating on the inevitable jog of doom. Namjoon gave him a look, tapping his foot with impatience. "It's going to get hotter if we don't go early."

That made Yoongi throw out the yogurt cups, dragging Namjoon to the door. He hated  the sunlight beaming on his neck. He also got sunburnt easily.

"Please don't do anything rough, my poor physique can't handle it." Yoongi huffed. He was already tired and the only thing that's happened was Namjoon locking the door.

"Don't worry, we'll just be going a few blocks. Nothing tiring. One spot even has shade due to the heavy trees blocking the sun." Yoongi wanted to die. Who goes to the future, only to work out. 

They started out walking, Namjoon letting Yoongi get used to the feeling. "You should really go out more. Nature is beautiful." He took in the fresh air, exhaling loudly. The sky still held the waning crescent moon Namjoon watched arise last night.

"I didn't know that you liked nature so much. All you care about right now is our debut." Yoongi shrugged. "At least in my time." 

Namjoon chuckled, "you can't blame me. I'm the leader and I was nervous. I had the same doubts as you, Yoongi. I just didn't let it affect me."

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