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"Why do I have to do everyone's laundry? None of it is mine." Yoongi huffed, folding a shirt. It was detailed, professional looking. He assumed it was one of Taehyung's.

Seokjin dragged the younger into folding laundry with him. All he wanted was a nice nap but Jin had decided that it wasn't going to happened.

"Because you should listen to your elders."

Yoongi smirked, watching his hands roll up a pair of socks. "So you're admitting that your old now, huh?" Jin dropped the pants he was in the middle of folding and sighed loudly. "Are we really going here little man."

"Excuse you, my height went to a better place. My di-."

"Continue and I'll rip your head off your neck and shove it up your ass."

Yoongi laughed and went back to the task at hand. However, his mind started to wander off to other things.

Like the time where Jin Hyung and Jimin getting into a fight over a wii remote. That argument ended up with a bump on Jimin's head and Jin's bedroom being torn apart.

There was also that one time, multiple times actually, where he and Namjoon would fight about music.

They would sometimes even drag Bang Si-Hyuk into it, which he threatened to disband the group ("does it look like I give a fuck about this group").

He sighed, we really fight a lot. Yoongi couldn't even remember a day where they weren't fighting as trainees.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Jin asked, pulling a penny out of one of the member's pant pockets.

"How do you guys do it?" Yoongi asked in a desperate manner. Jin furrowed his eyebrows. "Do what?"

"We fight all the time. How did we-.. What happened?" He was so sick of the fighting and headaches caused by them. He just wanted it to be over.

Seeing the future them gave them hope, but he was wary about messing it all up. It seemed that Seokjin knew he was serious right now and stopped folding all together.

"It was really bad back then, wasn't it? Well, BTS is known for being a team. We work together to help each other."

"But how?" Yoongi pouted, even if he didn't want to admit it. He sucked in a breath, "we aren't a team."

Jin suggested that they move over to the living room's couch. It was just the two of them, the rest were out doing errands.

"We learned to be a team. The most important thing is that you need to develop trust each other. Learn to let your problems onto the others. It brings us a closer."

"You know I'm not that open.." Yoongi shrugged, looking deep in thought. "Even so, how would I even start that, considering I'm the only one who would know about it. It wouldn't initiate something like that."

Jin hummed, "which one of us are you closest to? You could mention it to them." "Probably Namjoon or Jungkook."

"Of course it's Jungkook," Seokjin latched. They were inseparable from the start. Even he knew this from the past; however, was too anxious to mention anything.

"Hey, Jungkookie's quiet. He wouldn't say anything to the others." Yoongi reasoned. "Besides, it's not like that." Seokjin cooed at the younger, "totally not."

He pushed Jin's fingers off of his keeps, complaining about the pain residing. But Jin was right, they had to trust each other to become closer.

"But Kookie wouldn't speak up about this idea."

"Maybe not Kookie, but Joonie will. Actually, Jungkook will come out of his shell because of this."

"I don't know.." Yoongi thought numbly. He wasn't opposed to the idea but he wasn't thrilled about spilling his emotions.

"This will be good for you too. It's like a nice group therapy session. If you do this, it'll help lesson your anxiety."

"Okay now that's a stretch."

"Please do it, there's no harm in trying. Look how it turned out for us. I would die for you guys. Before, I wouldn't even blink if you asked me to."

Yoongi snorted, feeling better; however the peacefulness didn't last long. A wave of nausea crashed into him.

He shot up, Jin calling confused after him. He ran into the closest bathroom and dropped to his knees at the toilet. Dry heaves were coming out spastically.

"Yoongi?" Jin asked, clearly worried. He rubbed Yoongi's back in hopes that it would soothe him. "It's okay, let it all out."

Tears were threatening to be freed. Yoongi's chest was shaking and it all came out. All the food he ate throughout the day tumbled out, splashing the water as it landed into the bowl.

Jin winced but has gone through this a million times. He just hoped that the younger wasn't coming down with something.

Yoongi choked, releasing the last of it. He sobbed, his cheeks and throat burning. He didn't know where this sickness had came from but he wanted it gone. He groaned, laying his face down on the toilet. 

"Hey, let's clean you up." Jin helped Yoongi stand up. He was weak, his knees buckling only from a few steps to the sink. Yoongi was spaced out, so Jin had to help him with brushing his teeth. 

He frowned, holding a hand to the younger's forehead. It was warm to the touch but not enough to call a doctor over. Even if it was, that would be a difficult decision to chose. 

"Come on, let's rest for a while. I'll make soup for when you wake up." He leaned Yoongi's weight onto him and walked him to his bed. The latter only hummed, but it was enough to let Jin know that he was still aware.

He wrapped the blankets around Yoongi, cooing when he cuddled with a pillow. Jin sat down on the side of the bed and ran finger's through his hair. He only left when he knew twenty-thirteen Yoongi was asleep. 

He sighed, Yoongi was getting really bad. He made a mental note to talk about this when the others get back. For now, he started working on his famous 'get-well' soup. 

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