My Peaceful World is Over

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Wonwoo POV

I am at the airport being dragged to my flight line by my mom. She is pulling me by the ear and stomping her way closer and closer to the gate. And it didn't help that I have a ton of luggage that I had checked in and paid for.

We were on time but mom decided to run and make it to the check-in place way earlier to make sure I didn't miss the fight at all. She just stared me down the whole time, and when I said I had to use the bathroom she had escorted me to it and waited at the boy's entrance like she was my bodyguard. Not like I was famous anyway.

Most people would think that sending your own child away would make any parent (mostly a mom) sad and unhappy. Well, not my mom, she was the exact opposite; she was smiling from ear to ear. I, on the other hand, was expressionless.

I had to go to someplace I had no interest in or don't even know anything about and I had to go there alone. How bad have I been to deserve this? Why did she have to drag me out of my room and throw me on a plane?

I tried to think good thoughts while waiting for the gate to finally open. I thought, "Wait, me going overseas means that I will be alone, by myself. And that means that I can do whatever the hell I want. So who says I can't just stay inside the house all day and read my books." To me, it sounded like a good idea and I relaxed just a little. "And I won't have to see that bug for two years. Oh my god, who knew this was going to be this fun." I was satisfied at this point.

Next thing I knew it was black, something was covering my eyes.

"Guess who it is?" I heard from behind me. And I knew that voice and I started to cry internally. That voice had belonged to the annoying bug I call my friend, the very person I wanted to get away from so badly.

I jumped forward and snapped his hands off my eyes. I was blinded by the bright lights for a second but they readjusted and I saw the huge giant right in front of my face.

"Why are you here Mingyu. Are you going to see me off to my misery too"? Mingyu looked confused for a second but that changed the second he had shown the smile he always shows me.

"Didn't they tell you? I am coming with you to Japan. We both will be together for the next two years" he said as he started to jump in the air and tried to make me jump too. But I held my ground.

I looked at him with a blank face, thinking he was just joking around, But once I saw he was still smiling and looking proud I soon realized that he was speaking the truth and I didn't know how to react. All I felt was anger and sadness well up inside me just waiting to come out.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT !!!!" I yelled. Everyone turned to me and glared at me. I turned red and said sorry slightly.

I turned my head straight mom and demanded an answer for this.

"I asked Mingyu if he can come with you on this journey with you so you wouldn't be lonely or get yourself lost in Japan. I got permission with his family and it will be a nice chance to get to know each other even more" my mom said trying to brighten up my already bad mood.


Mingyu and I took our stuff and headed out into the plane. We took our seat and got comfortable. I got out my book and headphones and read. The plane took off and we set out to Japan.

I felt a tap on my shoulder not long since we took off. I faced the direction of the tap and I saw a not so happy Mingyu. He was shaking and I had no idea why he was doing that. I took one headphone out and asked: "Are you ok?"

"N-n-no I'm not, I-I-I am scared-d-d of planes" I was going to roll my eyes but then turbulence hit and Mingyu clung to me like he was a cat that touched the water. I kept quiet and let him do that.

I looked down and saw that he had his eyes closed and clinging onto my arm tightly. I grabbed my book and started reading it again while leaning up against him. I put an arm around him and pulled him closer to my chest. I don't know why I did this but it felt like it was the right thing to do. I patted is head and went into my own world.

~2 hours later~

We are here in Japan and glad to be back on the ground again. But Mingyu must have been even happier, I turned around and saw him on the floor almost passed out for being scared for so long.

I carried him to the taxi that was going to take us to the house we are going to stay in for the next 2 years. Oh now that I think of it, it is going to be the most eventful 2 years of my life even if it is going to be good or bad.

Wish me luck.

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