The Awkward Breakfast

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Wonwoo POV

I woke up to a pleasant smell.

I walked out the room and noticed there was food on the table. And pouring juice in the cups was Mingyu. He must have made the breakfast. I hate to admit it but, no matter what I try to think, Mingyu to me makes the best breakfast.

But I really didn't want to tell him so. He was going to tease me about that and make me too much breakfast. I once told him i loved his cheese breads and he ended up making ten loafs of them, just for me and i didn't know what to do with them. I don't eat all too much too. So that lasted me a good month. So never again.

I sat down trying to overcome my excitement and not smile broadly. "Thank you for the meal" I said then started feasting on the warm omelette.

Mingyu sat down across from me and started eating his food too. We both ate quietly and it became awkward quickly too. I looked up and saw that Mingyu was staring at me. But he wasn't acting like his normal self. His face turned redder and redder the longer i look at him.

"Why are you acting weird" I asked

"What" He said but his voice cracked. His face got redder

"Is everything ok? Are you still feeling sick?" I said while cutting my pancakes and eating them, acting like i didn't care all that much but, deep down i needed to know the answer.

He looked at me and a smile slowly appeared on his face. I looked at him worried about what he was going to say.

"Never mind. Forget that question." I said facing my head down and took my last piece into my mouth.

I finished my breakfast and quickly excused myself from the table and was walking towards the bathroom. Then someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Aw look, Wonwoo was worrying about me." Mingyu cooed looking down at me.

I pulled my wrist away from him and rubbed them, i didn't think he was that strong. I looked up at him and saw he had a bright smile on his face. "No-No i wasn't worrying about you, you must be crazy. Who would care about you. Your your just a big bug to me." I said

"Oh you think that about me?" he said in a curious voice.


"Then why did you go through all that trouble to take care of me when i was asleep."

"What you know that." i said surprised

"Of course, i might not be as smart as you but i am no where dumb." He said

"Well i had to do that. You being your useless and bothersome self refused to wake your butt up." I argued back in trying to defend my actions. At this point i couldn't even look at him in the eyes anymore. I felt my face getting hot.

"Ok sure, have it your way then." Mingyu said giving up and walking away into the kitchen. i was going to turn and continue on with my day but then Mingyu started yelling "You are the best Wonwoo." I was so flustered by that and just wanted to hide in a hole away from everything. But it brought me some sort of warmth. I don't know.

I finally went into the bathroom and cleaned myself off and, got to the room and found my book on the floor. I picked it up and went to a corner and read.


Mingyu came into the room not long before I got comfortable and saw me reading. He sighed. "Hey why are you reading you are supposed to be outside and exploring the world. " I just looked at him like he was speaking gibberish and went back to my book.

Mingyu started to stomp to get my attention and it worked. It got really annoying.

"WHAT!!! Don't you see I am a little busy going into the perfect world" i yelled annoyed glaring at him.

"No I don't see that. I see a sad little boy sitting on a cold floor doing nothing." He said back.

I gave him a stink eye.

He walked up to me and took my book. Yes I said they right, TOOK MY BOOK. I was going to lose it. But before I could talk he beat me to it. "Come on put some decent clothes on. We are going to the city. "

Like I was going to listen to this bug. I sat there not bugging. Mingyu just started at me. He grabbed me, picked me up and throw me into the bathroom with an outfit he chose.

Darn him and is tall figure.

I had no choice but to do as he says. I got changed and once I got out I was face to face with a well dressed Mingyu at the door putting on his shoes. I hesitantly walked up and put my shoes on.

I thought, " Why do I have to actually go outside. Why can't I just be in my little corner imaging my own world that I control. "

We walked out the house and on we go to Tokyo.

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