Maybe Wonwoo isn't that Bad

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Mingyu POV

I was really out of it when I got on the plane but Wonwoo had helped me. I was prepared for him to push me aside and continue reading his book not paying much attention to me but, that wasn't it. I remember well what he did. But i am going to be fully honest i wasn't expecting him to be that loving in my situation. I knew he was a nice person if he feels like it but he wouldn't be that nice.

He may act all high and mighty all the time but i know he is just trying to find his own paradise and passion. And i love that about him. That is why I stay with him to see the unexpected sides of him.

I love them.

He would call me names like huge giant, and an annoying bug but i don't care much since after all the insults he lets me do whatever i want in his room. He doesn't force me out unless he locks all the windows and doors, in which he rarely does since he is too lazy. But i have that time to bother him too. it is super fun.

I hit him and hover over him blocking his view when reading his book, ad he just gives me a death stare and pushes my head out the way. that is when i leave the room but come back a little after with snacks. I hand him one and he eats it happily. And i just sit there watching him. It is satisfying just watching him.

Little does he notice know is that he self consciously puts down his book and start conversations with me. Like what would you do if blah blah blah happened. I smile brightly and we go into a full conversation and it just makes me so happy. Like i would be jumping out of my seat.

No matter how mean he gets there is always a reason to it. Or so that is what I think.He has his moments and times.

I actually really like those mean and sweet side of him but I don't feel like he realizes it too much himself.

I also noticed that he doesn't really enjoy life to its fullest and that worries me a lot. Who wouldn't be? Their friend rather spends all his time imagining a perfect world instead of exploring the one he is in now.

He is always cooped up in his room barley getting out of it. Staying in the same exact spot all day and all night. I want him to explore his surroundings and not just the words on his books.

I want him to see that the outside world is just as good as his imaginations and books. That is why I had agreed with his mom, in letting me going with him. I knew he wasn't going to be too excited at first but he is always like that. Always denying stuff but end up enjoying it a lot.

If you were to ask me he is a total tsundere, maybe the king of them.

I just wish I hadn't been sick for the whole first day we were in our new house. I just ruined it for him. Our first day in Japan was supposed to be exciting and eventful but all because of my fear of planes got the best of me.


Before the trip, I was informed by Wonwoo's mom that she had gave us a house in Yokohama to live in for the next two years.

I was so happy, the thought of me seeing Wonwoo everyday, all day. Oh my god.

I was thinking about all the things we could do while he are here the whole time I was out of it. Besides we don't need to rush we do have two whole years to do anything we want. We could get closer together and become even closer friends and explore the land in the process.

I wonder what Wonwoo is doing now with me like this. Probably in a room locked up reading a book again. What else would he do? Take care of me? I wish.

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