Home Sweet Home

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Wonwoo POV

Something was shaking me. I told them to stop but it continued. I started to swing my arms and i hit something and i heard a loud OW. I opened my eyes and i saw Mingyu on top of me holding his nose with a pained face.

I sat up and looked at him with tired eyes, still trying to wake myself up, i stretched and yawn.

"You now that you look like a lion when you yawn right?"

"Wow, thank you so much Mingyu i really needed that in the morning." i said.

I got out of the bed and did another stretch and went into the bathroom, Mingyu joined me too.

"Hey, don't you know it is one person per bathroom." I said getting very annoyed

"But i see no problem if i am just brushing my teeth."

"Well maybe i have to use the bathroom, until you barged in and started brushing."

"Oh well. That can wait then." he said proceeding in brushing his teeth.

I waited for him to finish but it seemed he just really wanted to piss me off for some reason. He was going really slow, taking his sweet time in doing what he needs to do in the bathroom. He then looked at me and smirked at me and left the bathroom.

I had no idea why he was like this. Maybe he just liked to see me look so mad at him.


I did my business in the bathroom and went out the bathroom and saw that Mingyu was fully dressed and had his stuff piled up and ready to go.

"Hurry up i want to leave this morning, not next year." he nagged

"Ok, Ok i will hurry." I quickly changed into my other clothes and got my stuff together.

We checked out of the hotel and we went to the car and put all our stuff in it and was on our way back to our house in Yokohama.

The drive back was uneventful and nothing exciting happened just playing a bunch of songs that Mingyu picked. And i must say he has very similar music choice as me. Like he played this hip hop song called "Trauma" by these four guys. And then it would go to a song called "Check in".

So once we got home it was like i could finally relax again in my own house. I got my stuff out the car and went straight back to my corner and restocked in my books. Putting my new books in one area and resorting it in how i would like the read them.

After i was done with that i went tot he kitchen and saw that i couldn't find Mingyu there. It was weird he was always there. I then looked in the dining room and i saw him sitting there with a thinking look.

I took a seat in front of him and just looked at his face. And for some reason he didn't react. I waved a hand in front of his face and still nothing. I was wondering why he was doing this, why was he ignoring me. Was it on purpose or for some other reason.

"Hey Mingyu are you ok." i asked

He looked up and seemed like he just realized i was here. "Oh, when did you get here."

"I have been here for awhile now." i said "So what were you thinking so hard about that you didn't notice me walking in."

"Yeah about that, i was just about to call you over. I need to talk to you about something very important."

"Well I'm here, so what is it?"

"It was about last night, when we had that argument." he started "Well i was thinking a lot about that, and i wanted to say i am sorry i over exaggerated at that time."

"No you shouldn't be sorry and i realized what i had done wrong, I think it was i friend zoned you real hard."

He started laughing so hard when i said that. "Well you have the idea at least. But I'm pretty sure you don't have the right idea."

"What idea?"

"Well.....you see....I like you so much." he blurted out.

"Yeah ii know you do you told me in the Ferris wheel." i said like it was not new news

"That is exactly what you don't fully get, Wonwoo. I said i like you, that was meaning that i wan to do stuff to you."

"Like what stuff." i asked curious

"You know, things like kissing, hugging, and cuddling."

"Are you sure that is it."

"Omg Wonwoo i never knew you were so dirty minded. No of course that is too soon. But for real i can't believe what you were thinking." he said looking disappointed in me and blushing fiercely. And i had no idea in why, or what he was talking about. I had in mind if he was going to cook or and make me eat all his new sweets. I wonder what he was thinking.

"Ok but anyways, what you are trying to say is you want to do all those things to me. So why won't you do it." i said bluntly.

"Of course i can't do that, you will get mad."

"Right now, i wonder how you were marked as one of the smartest people in school when we were in school. Like come on, since when do you give a fuck if you get me mad or not." i said

"But this is different from those times."

"How so."

"Um... you know cause these aren't stuff you do with just random people."

"Then who do you do it with." I asked

"You know....like your boyfriends or girlfriends."

"So now you are trying to say that you only do those stuff with your partners?"

"Yeah, exactly." he said barley looking me in the face anymore.

"Then why can't you just ask me to date you then?"

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