The Ferris Wheel Ride

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Mingyu POV

It was a 30 minute drive from the house to the Onsen.

"Hey Mingyu, why out of no where do you want to go to an Onsen?" Wonwoo asked me right after we got inside the car and started driving.

"No real reason, i was just doing so research and i saw that there was this really famous one near us."

"Which one"

"You know the Oedo Onsen, in Odaiba."

"Oh that one i have heard of it before, and saw some pictures of it. I can't believe we are going there." He said excitingly.

"Good to hear that." I said laughing. "but you know since it is an Onsen, a public bath we will see each other....... you know."

"Yeah i know." He said quickly turning to face outside

"Then, why on earth were you so embarrassed earlier."

"Can we um, change the subject."

i really wanted to know the answer but i knew that wasn't going to be all too easy. Wonwoo was a very stubborn person. So i just kept my mouth shut and kept driving.


We finally came into Odaiba and i looked over next to me and saw that Wonwoo was looking out the window in awe. I parked the car and we both went out of it.

He looked around and i started to smile at how he looked like a little kid again. When he turned round to face me he caught me smiling and just looked at me in disgust as he walked on ahead of me. i laughed at how cute that was.

"Do you have somewhere you want to go Wonwoo." I said rushing up to caught up to him

"Actually yes i do. I wanted to go to the DECKS Tokyo Beach mall."

"Oh how unexpected for you." I said since that was usually a place where couples would go to hang out on a date. So i will just imagined this as a date with Wonwoo. All fun and games.

We headed that way and walked the boardwalk looking at the view of the waters. And surprisingly Wonwoo was enjoying this time together. We had bought new clothes, and I'm pretty sure that he got a bunch more books to read. And by the time we got out of the mall it was sun set.

So we sat down on one of the benches and i got us some ice cream we could have while we enjoyed the sunset. I licked my ice cream and looked over to Wonwoo and saw that he had been looking at my ice cream.

"Do you want some?" I asked. He nodded and he  took a lick and offered me some of his too. I gladly had some. Then when i looked up, the sun had set. But that wasn't the end of our night.

"We have so much more to do, Wonwoo so make sure you stay awake." I said happily.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused

I let us finish our ice cream and pulled him over to me and grabbed his hand and walked us over to what i had planned. As we got closer and closer more light showed and i think that excited me a lot. i was jumping up and down.

"Hey would you stop jumping, it is really bothering me a lot. Why are you even so excited." he told me off.

"Hold on, we are almost there and i promise you that you will be as excited as i am once you see where we are going to hang out for the next few hours." i said

He stayed quiet and let me drag him along.


"We are here." I said

He looked up and i saw his usually straight expressionless face turn so happy. "Oh my god, this is so beautiful."

I had taken him to the Palette park where the Ferris wheel is. Since entrance is free we enjoyed going on the rides there and the small food stands that were there. And at the end of all that we are going on the Ferris wheel.

We got on the cart and sat down with all the snacks we had got.

We stayed in silence until we got high up and the wheel stopped spinning and we had a beautiful view of the whole island. I had my head up against the window trying to look every where.

"You know you look like a little kid doing that right." Wonwoo said breaking the silence.

"I like to go back to those days, when we were little kids and life was way easier."

"I know right."

I looked at Wonwoo as he looked out the windows and i was generally very happy. But i have yet to tell you guys yet have I? Well i guess now would be a good time to do so then.

I have liked Wonwoo since i was young and couldn't think of anyone else. i tried going out with others but i always ended up wanting it to be Wonwoo with me doing those stuff.

And as i looked at Wonwoo more and more i just want to tell him. I want to tell him so badly, and i think this is the right time in doing so. Like come on  we are in a Ferris wheel at night by ourselves with no one to bother us.

"Hey Wonwoo i have to tell you something very important so could you listen to me." I said in a light tone.

"Yeah sure, I'm all ears." he said and stared in my eyes.

"Well um, you know we have been friends for a long time now right?"


"You know how i had always bothered you all day, everyday."


"And you know-----"

"Just get to the point." I had been cute off

"Ok, Ok I like you. And not in the best friend like. I mean i love you, like in a romantic way. Like i want to date you type of like." i ended up blurting out all at once.

I looked up and looked at Wonwoo. He had a red face on and was looking down at the floor.

I wanted an answer so i was going to play it a little aggressive. I moved to the same side as him and sat down next to him and leaned in closer and whispered in his ears "So your answer."

His head shot up and he automatically moved to the other side of the seat. His face was getting redder and he seemed so flustered.

"Um, Um i don't know how to react to that."

"Can you tell me how you feel right now." i asked

"Um, i feel hot and my heart is racing like it is going to beat out of my chest any moment. My mind is spinning a lot and i can't look you in the eyes."

I moved closer to him and blocked him up against the corner and looked right at his face. It was redirected the other way. i placed my hand on his chin and forced him to look at me in the eyes, then said, "Doesn't that mean that you like me too."


I pulled him closer to me and i crashed our lips together.

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