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Daryl Dixon's heavy steps marched through the long summer grass that surrounded him. His boots pounding the Earth as he made his way through the farm grass. Each lush green blade blew in the calm breeze, and the edges of his shirt flapped loosely in the blow of the wind. But the breeze felt nice against his sun burned skin. It broke up the humid summer heat, providing a small moment of relief.

A yapping at his feet brings Daryl's mind back to Earth, and looking downward he spots a small black puppy pulling at the laces left undone from his boots. The dog is small; a young pup sure to grow bigger in the coming months. Its coat black as coal, and the only other color comes from the blue collar the dog wears around it's neck.

A sharp whistle makes the dog's head snap up, and Daryl looks behind him in the same direction the small dog looks. Spotting the older Greene sister running towards them. Her loose brunette curls blowing in the breeze.

"I'm sorry!" She calls out as she slows, approaching Daryl and the small animal at his feet.

Daryl watches her walk closer, trying best to remember her name. He knew Glenn was smitten with her... Maggie... Daryl remembers just as she reaches them.

"I'm sorry about him," She laughs as she catches her breath. "We're still trying to reign him in."

"My sister," Maggie points to the girl who stands on the porch of the farmhouse talking to Glenn. "she got this little rascal just before the whole world went to shit. So we never did get the chance to train him."

Daryl is a little taken aback by her language for being the daughter of a clearly religious man, but his gaze is too focused on the middle Greene sister to think much more about it.

She had instantly caught his attention the day he and the others arrived to the farm. A safe haven after being out on the highway for some time. She was warm and inviting-- like all the young Greene girls were-- but there was something about the middle one that drew Daryl's curiousity more than the others.

Maggie was head strong and took care of her sisters and her father, Daryl had observed. And the youngest, Beth, she was fragile and too innocent for this life Daryl decided. But the middle Greene sister... He hadn't quite figured her out yet.

"But he's a good dog, and completely owns my sisters heart." Maggie smiles shaking her head, and Daryl glances down at the pup who sits at his feet. The puppy's bright pink tongue hangs out as he pants in the humidity.

"That's why on his collar there, we put a small key charm. That little black pup is the key to my sisters heart." Maggie explains with a soft laugh, and although Daryl feels uncomfortable as she talks freely to him, he listens.

Paying more attention to the words regarding her sister rather than Maggie herself, but listening nonetheless.

"Anyway," She says and Daryl pulls his gaze away from the girl walking back into the farm house. His eyes had landed on her when Maggie pointed her out, and he kept finding himself looking her way. "I hope he didn't bother you too much, and we'll be on our way now."

"C'mon," Maggie whistles to the dog after calling his name which Daryl missed. His mind still stuck on the middle sister. There was just something about her he couldn't shake.

He had little interaction with the girl throughout their time at the farm. A few kind words here or there from her, and a sweet smile that made Daryl flush bright red. He hardly spoke to her, which wasn't out of character for him, but he still wondered if he should say something to the girl his mind constantly floated to. But what to say, he couldn't quite decide.

He watched her though; a protective nature coming out whenever she was around. As if he was responsible for her safety... Which he wasn't... But still he watched her from a far. Keeping an eye out for anything that could harm the girl Daryl had secretly taken a liking to. And as the summer bled into the Autumn season, he found himself watching her for more than just a watchful eye. He found he liked seeing her, even if no words were exchanged.

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