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As soon as I step off the plane I am greeted with warm, dry air; a welcome change to London's damp, and cold weather

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As soon as I step off the plane I am greeted with warm, dry air; a welcome change to London's damp, and cold weather. My eyes dart around the baggage claim area, looking for a familiar pair of green eyes and blonde hair almost identical to my own. I spot him and immediately sprint across the room, not caring what anyone thinks. Jumping into his arms, I yell "Chase!" and hug him. Chase spins me around in the air before setting me back down onto my feet. Even though it's only been a few weeks, I'm beyond excited to see my big brother. Before that, it had been years.

"Ready for the sun?" He asks while smiling down at me. His tall stature dwarfs mine making me feel safe with him, as I always have.

"Ready to burn you mean?" I pout and Chase laughs, hugging me again.

"Exactly," He says, looking down at me still in his arms. I disentangle myself from him and reach for my bag on the belt but Chase lifts it up before anybody has to witness my struggle. He leads me out to his truck where Lexi waits and I give her a hug as well.

"Hi! It's so good to see you again. You must be so excited!" She says, her beautiful face even more tanned and freckled as she smiles at me with white teeth.

"Absolutely. I'm also quite nervous." I admit as I climb into the backseat.

"You'll love it here Ror." Chase turns around and pats my leg reassuringly before starting up the truck and pulling out of the car lot. "It's only an hours drive to the house, you're still good to stay with me?" He breaks the comfortable silence.

"Yeah, thanks for putting me up," I say nervously. If Chase notices, he doesn't say anything. I watch as he frequently looks over to Lexi for brief moments and I smile. My brother has never been the sort to commit to any one girl, so I know this is a big deal for him to introduce someone to me. He has never once brought a girl home to meet any family before he brought Lexi for Christmas break.

Chase is two years older than me, but we had always been close, up until my parents lovingly shoved me into boarding school at the age of nine. He ended up moving to America just before he turned eighteen, but our circumstances didn't allow us to see each other. My parents had wanted me to go to school in England, but they accepted my choice to do my schooling in America. My brother was just a bonus.

"I reckon you're excited to start school? Especially now that you won't be on a leash." Chase asks laughing.

"I'm proper excited, I finally get to explore the world for the first time in my life. I'll get to live without mum, dad, and teachers constantly looking over my shoulder." I breathe out a relieved sigh.

"Should've done this sooner." Lexi smiles at me and I nod.

"I should have done, but I wasn't old enough to go it alone."

"Just don't go too crazy Ror, especially with the blokes. I won't always be there to protect you, I need you to be smart alright? University and America are very different than private school and London." He says, looking over his shoulder at me with a stern expression.

"Chase, don't worry about me, I'm smart. And you won't have to worry about guys, I've never even had a boyfriend." I mumble, not comfortable with the topic. It's true though, being in an all-girls boarding school, I wasn't really exposed to boys.

"You're kidding!" Lexi exclaims, almost sitting on her knees to look at me with wide brown eyes. "But look at you!"

"Of all people, you shouldn't be surprised," Chase says shaking his head. Lexi rolls her eyes and smiles genuinely at me.

"Chase is my first boyfriend. Hopefully the last if he doesn't piss me off." She laughs, a lovely sound by the way, her eyes filled with joy.

"Tell me anything I need to know about Greenville. How's their cheerleading team? What is there to do?" I ask, feeling the need to prepare myself for everything as much as possible.

"Well, Greenville is a pretty big town, popular for the school, the beach, and my footy team." He smirks and I roll my eyes. "The cheerleading program is one of the best, especially because they are the football team's cheerleaders. And there is so much to do Rory. An amusement park, the ocean, beaches, shops, clubs, bars, you won't be going to any of those, but yeah, you name it."

"Brilliant. I can't wait!" I'm thrilled to see my new temporary home in Greenville.

"Good, because you don't have to. We're here" Chase says just as we pass the "Welcome to Greenville" sign. I squeal, jumping up and down in my seat in excitement.

"You're practically American now," I notice, his accent is much less noticeable especially when compared to mine, and his language is much more Americanized. He nods. I practically shove my face up against the window as we drive past a bunch of cute little shops of all sorts. I can even see the ocean in between buildings, and I can't wait to finally get a tan or try to. Being in boarding school in London hasn't helped on that front. Chase and I have very fair skin, but I know I have potential, seeing Chase's very lightly bronzed skin.

Lexi tells me all about the shops that we pass and which ones are her favorites so far. After a few minutes, we pull up to a very large house, the outside is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm sure the inside is just as well. Colonial columns hold up the portico and the exterior is all white with stone accents.

Chase grabs two of my bags and I grab the other smaller one, and we head inside together. I open the door for us and Chase immediately heads for the stairs with my luggage. "Let's get you all settled in and you can meet my mates at dinner. I'll tell them to back off so you shouldn't have to worry about any of them, but if they hassle you or anything, tell me."

"Will do," I say distractedly, taking in all my surroundings as we walk up the stairs and down the hall. Chase opens the door of the room at the far end of the hall on the left and I walk in, setting my bag on the ground. Taking in the medium-sized, plain white bedroom before me, I'm immediately drawn to the window facing the large backyard with a pool and a football field with full-size nets and proper lines and everything.

My eyes light up as I turn to Chase. "I love it here," I whisper. He smiles. Gasping, I turn to see the beautiful pink and white bed, fit for a princess. "You did not," I exclaim, my eyes wide and excited, hands clasped in front of my face as I look at my thoughtful big brother. He nods his chin towards the bed and I leap onto it happily.

"I'm just down the hall. I'll show you where my room is so you know and then I'll leave you to unpack and get acquainted. Lexi and I will just be in the tv room. Come down if you need me." He says while leading me to his room at the opposite end of the long hallway.

"Thanks so much, for everything. I love you." I hug him tightly.

"I love you too Rory. Anything for you." He hugs me back and leaves me to my unpacking. I can't wait to explore Greenville and everything it has to offer a girl who has yet to see the world.

 I can't wait to explore Greenville and everything it has to offer a girl who has yet to see the world

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