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After a long morning, Reece takes me back to the house in the afternoon so that I can call my parents before it gets to be too late in London

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After a long morning, Reece takes me back to the house in the afternoon so that I can call my parents before it gets to be too late in London. "Aurora? Darling how are you, we miss you already." I hear my mum say excitedly.

"I miss you too mum, is daddy there?" I ask missing them a ton. This Christmas break, because my parents were out of the country, I wasn't able to stay with them before moving here. Transferring my A-level credits was easy, but my parents allowing me to come here early was not.

"He's at work right now sweetie, but I'll tell him to give you a ring when he gets back yeah? So how is it? Is Chase being good? No parties right?" I giggle.

"It's amazing, the beach is so pretty and everybody is so nice. Chase is amazing, I've missed him so much but he's a bit busy with footy right now. And of course not mum, you know I don't enjoy parties and I've only been here one night!"

"Yes, yes, I know, I still worry. Oh! I'm needed somewhere right now darling, Mind if I call you later? I love you so much." She says, audibly kissing the phone which makes me giggle.

"Love you, mummy," I hang up. At a loss of what to do to occupy myself, I leave my room to look for my brother. Finding him downstairs on the couch, I see that he is playing a video game with most of the other boys that live in the house, plus a few whom I don't recognize.

I stand off to the side where no one can see me until I notice Reece on the couch, waving me over. Walking in front of the tv to get to him, I receive loud cries about blocking the tv from multiple people, making me flustered as I sit down quickly, taking the spot beside Reece. After having caught the attention of most everyone in the room, I hide behind my hair and lean into Reece, making him laugh.

"Who is that?" One of the guys that I don't recognize asks, looking me over with an odd expression on his face, licking his lips. Chase sees this and smacks his arm hard. "That's my baby sister dumb ass, don't look at her." He says harshly, causing everybody's lingering stares to leave me and return to the tv.

"She's hot bro, where have you been hiding her?" Some other guy dares to ask Chase. I immediately blush and Reece wraps his arm over my shoulder, making me feel protected. Hot? I've never been called that before.

"Get the fuck out of my house if you can't keep your comments to yourself. Do none of you have sisters?" Chase snaps, standing up and addressing the whole living room full of boys. My eyes widen in shock. And the guy that made the comment just mumbles a "sorry" and goes back to the game.

"Chase it's fi–" I'm cut off by Reece who lightly puts his hand over my mouth and shakes his head.

"Let him do this, it's necessary. The guys in the house are fine, but some of these other guys won't stop until they have you in bed." I tilt my head in confusion again.

"In bed?" I ask, scared. still looking at Reece. At this, he looks distraught.

"I don't want to scare you, but these guys, all they want is sex." He says slowly and quietly, so nobody else can hear.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. "Why would they want to shag me? I haven't done anything!" I whisper-shout.

"You don't need to do anything, you're innocent and it's sexy as hell." A deep voice cuts in from in between us. I lean my head back against the couch to see Maddox looming over us like a shadow, looking straight at me with those bright grey eyes. I blink quickly a few times to make sure he isn't an apparition

I look back at Reece questioningly and he just grimaces and nods. Well, this is new. I have never had any male advances in my life. I shrink lower in my seat and watch the tv, eventually, all chatter about me ceases and I begin to feel more comfortable.

"Aren't the Red Devils playing Arsenal tonight? Why aren't we watching that?" I lean forward to ask Chase and he seems to be the only one who isn't surprised by my question.

"No fucking way." I hear and ignore as Chase speaks.

"I'm not quite sure. D'you guys mind if we put the game on?" He addresses the room and most of them shrug, still watching me curiously.

"Is Man U your team?" Theo asks and I smile, nodding. Chase gives me a wink and looks back at the tv, remote in hand.

"I am related to this one," I point a thumb over at Chase, "after all." Reece looks at me, impressed and I feel happy to have something in common with everyone. We may not all be fans of the same team, but we share a love of the same sport.


The high-pitched squealing sound that has been going on for about ten minutes straight is coming from the room next to mine. I lie awake in bed, not able to go back to sleep until the sound stops. I'm a light sleeper.

I groan and try to cover my head with a pillow, only able to slightly muffle the sound. Waiting a few minutes to see if the sound will relent before doing something about it, it doesn't so I pull on a nightie and make my way into the hallway. Standing outside of Maddox's door with my fist poised to knock, I am one hundred percent sure that his room is the source of the noise.

Knocking quietly a few times, I listen, not able to hear anything besides the moaning. I knock again. Nothing. Eventually, I look around unsure what I'm looking for and decide to just go in and ask him to stop whatever is making that sound. What is he doing? Killing a cat?

I push open the door and see that the room is dimly lit by a lamp on the table by his bedside. But what catches my attention is the sight before me. Not sure how I was so clueless, my ears are immediately filled with high pitched moans of pleasure, and my eyes are blinded by the sight in front of me.

Panicking, I can't help it as I watch the carnal act in front of me, my feet seemingly glued to the ground, at least until Maddox himself notices me. His grey eyes don't leave mine while the girl on top of him enthusiastically kisses down his neck, the sheet doing a poor job of hiding her naked skin. I don't even bother closing his door behind me before running back into my room and jumping onto my bed. Unable to go underneath the covers due to the heat of my skin after being witness to such a lustful event.

Sweet dreams. I tell myself. Sweet dreams indeed.

At least the noise stopped.

At least the noise stopped

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