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One week of Maddox ignoring me

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One week of Maddox ignoring me. One week of me trying to do the same. I have strategically planned my showers and any use of the bathroom so as to not run into him, and I'd been successful. Often, his eyes would follow me when I entered a room but dart away as soon as he noticed that mine were already on him.

"Why do people drink alcohol so much anyway?" I ask curiously, my head hanging over the edge of my bed while Kiki and I talk. I hear her laugh and look up, pouting.

"Confidence, lack of inhibitions, to be more social, to forget..." She lists them on her fingers and shrugs. "You just gotta beware the hangover. Eat first. Drink a cup of water for every drink you have, and then before bed, drink as much water as humanly possible. Pro-tip." She smiles and I tilt my head to the side. "I can practically see your brain working, spit it out." She commands with comically narrowed eyes.

"I sort of want to try getting...drunk. I'm scared of what I'll do though." Her eyes widen.

"Seriously? I mean, if you really want to, and no pressure, I can babysit. Like, I won't drink at all and I'll make sure you're okay if you want."

"That doesn't sound very enjoyable for you." I cringe and she shakes her head with a smile.

"No! Ror, I want you to experience Uni like the rest of us. If you want to drink, I'll be there. If you don't, I'll still be there." I groan.

"Stop being so sweet," I whine.

"You love me."


"Well, that went well," Kiki says, excited after hanging up the phone with Faye and Lexi. I simply nod and Kiki practically drags me off of my bed and pushes me across the hall into the shower. Laughing, I strip down and climb under the stream of warm water. When I step out, I wipe the condensation off of the mirror.

Realizing that Kiki forgot to give me a towel when she pushed me into the bathroom, I look around, not seeing a single one left in here besides the hand towel. I pound on the door and yell for Kiki. Hearing music start to play from my speaker, I groan and continue to pound on the door until I hear a knock.

"Oh thank god, you didn't give me a towel when you shoved me in here!" I yell and unlock the door, opening it slightly so that I can see through the crack. That is not Kiki. Maddox stands on the other side and offers me a towel. Taking it with wide eyes, I close the door, and wrap it around myself. Running quickly across the hall to my bedroom, I pause when I see that he's standing there, with his tattooed hand raised to knock. He lowers it when he sees me, his large form blocking my exit. Darkening grey eyes brush over me with the same look in them from the beach.

"Aurora I'm―" He starts but I brush past him and shut the door to my room once I enter. Kiki looks up and smiles, dancing around my room while she waits for the hair wand to heat up. I dry my hair and Kiki leaves hers natural.

I curl my hair, knowing how to form perfect ringlets from the multiple dance competitions I'd competed in. Kiki applies light makeup to her face and I watch until Lexi and Faye show up. Letting them in excitedly. They compliment my hair and I compliment them entirely, my eyes wandering to the large overnight bag in Lexi's hands.

The two of them look absolutely gorgeous, Lexi's wearing a relatively modest, dark blue satin slip dress with a denim jacket and a pair of matching trainers. Faye is wearing a tight, bright red wrap dress and a leather jacket, her shoes are a pair of black boots that cover-up to her knees. Faye is wearing makeup, her blue eyes accentuated by the dark eyeshadow around them.

Faye takes me to my bed and sits me down across from her. "What do you want?" She asks, reaching into her purse for an eyeshadow palette and I shake my head.

"No thank you, I only wear makeup for competitions," I admit and she nods in understanding.

"It's the stuff on your eyes, right? If you want, we could do a french look and just do a bold lip. If not, no pressure. Just want you to know your options." She winks and my eyes dart down to her bright red lips, perfectly accentuated by the color.

I nod. "Okay."

Lexi goes into my closet and I hear an "awe". "Your clothes are so cute Aurora, I love how light it all is. It's so you." I hear hangers sliding over the bar and zero clothes being strewn on the floor haphazardly as Kiki likes to do.

"Thank you!" I call and Faye glares at me as she touches a lip liner pencil to my lips.

"What do you think about wearing something a little more daring?" She asks, coming out of the closet bare-handed. I shrug, open-minded. Lexi rifles through her overnight bag and pulls out a piece of black fabric. My first thought is that it's very small.

"Before you say anything, just try it on. It won't be as revealing as you think." Lexi smiles reassuringly and Faye stands back to look at my lips, nodding.

"Okay." I smile, taking the dress into my closet and shutting the door before unknotting my towel, slipping on underwear, and pulling the dress on. It doesn't have any straps, and it fits perfectly. I walk out and turn around to look in the mirror, my eyebrows raising on my forehead.

My small bust is accentuated by the tight material of the dress. The hem is short, but it doesn't budge as I walk and my long legs look even longer when you can see all of them. Turning around to face the girls, their eyes are wide.

"Woah. Who gave you permission to look like that." Faye says with her tongue between her teeth cheekily. I blush.

"Do you feel okay in it?" Lexi asks and I smile, peeking over my shoulder.

"Surprisingly, yes." I say and Lexi digs through her bag once again, tossing me another item. Holding it up, I see that it's a matte black blazer.

"Trying wearing that over your shoulders, without putting your arms in the sleeves." She suggests and I do exactly that.

"I love this, all of it. Thank you." I say, turning around to them. Faye comes up and ruffles my hair, loosening the curls. She goes into the closet and comes out with a pair of black flats, handing them to me.

"Let's move out, troops," Faye says and we leave everything else where it is. The four of us walk downstairs and hear the distinct sound of boys playing video games. I see Chase focused on Lexi and she walks over to give him a kiss. I hide behind the wall to avoid everyone's eyes.

"Okay, we're off," Lexi says and I come out from my hiding place, hesitantly following.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I hear him call from behind me.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I hear him call from behind me

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