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When I wake up, I instantly realize that I'm in a hospital

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When I wake up, I instantly realize that I'm in a hospital. White walls, white floors, machines, and the smell of sterilizer. I'm confused when I see Maddox on his phone in the chair beside me. He moves around, trying to get comfortable and he looks up, surprised to see me awake. "How are you feeling?" He asks, his voice raspy and sexy.

"I feel fine. What happened?" I ask calmly and quietly. Maddox is about to answer when the doctor enters.

"Hi Aurora, I'm Dr. Yun." I nod and he continues. "Do you know what happened?" He asks but I shake my head. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"Getting in the shower." He nods, writing something down.

"Aurora, we've run some tests and have discovered that you are anemic. Do you know what this means?" He asks and I shake my head. "Well, this means that you lack healthy red blood cells making you weaker. It can be temporary or long-term, so we just need to ask a few questions." He explains and I nod again.

"Have you made any recent changes to your diet?"

"Um, I haven't really been feeling hungry as much," I say, unsure. I haven't had much of an appetite recently and I've also felt nauseous whenever I eat a lot, so sometimes I purposely avoid eating to feel less sick.

"Would you say that you exercise excessively?" He asks, continuing to record what I say on his chart.

"I dance, and I'm a cheerleader, so maybe occasionally."

"When was the last time you had your period?" I blush, looking over to Maddox but he doesn't seem uncomfortable with the question.

"I don't remember," I answer honestly.

"Have you had any reduced interest in sex?" He asks, looking between Maddox and me. I blush profusely and refuse to make eye contact with Maddox.

"No." I squeak

"Definitely not," Maddox teases and I groan, dropping my head onto the bed, beyond glad that Chase isn't here right now.

"All of the symptoms that you are showing can lead to more severe problems. Your body is malnourished and nutrient-depleted"

"I haven't been skipping meals on purpose, I just don't have an appetite or I feel nauseous when I'm eating." I defend and he nods.

"That is one of the symptoms. If you aren't able to eat on your own, you'll be admitted and fed here." Dr. Yun says and makes more notes before smiling down at me. "If I didn't have a copy of your blood test, I'd probably think you were pregnant." He jokes just as Chase walks in and I spit out the water I was drinking. Maddox chokes on air.

Chase lets out an uncomfortable cough and Dr. Yun continues oblivious to our discomfort. He stresses how important it is for me to be eating properly and to take the prescribed iron supplements. He tells me that I am not only anemic but also underweight.

Chase leaves me alone with Maddox to talk about the course of action with the doctor outside and we just sit staring at each other. "What happened? Were you there?" I ask, confused about how I got here. He looks uncomfortable but recounts the story anyway.

"I heard a loud noise, so I knocked on the door, I called out for you but you weren't answering for a while. You were on the ground unconscious with the water still running when I got through the door." He doesn't make eye contact with me and I blush when I realize why.

"So you've seen me naked," I state.

"It's pretty much like seeing you in a bikini." He says, looking down at the ground.

"No, it isn't."

"No, it isn't." He agrees, the faintest hint of a smirk on his lips and I laugh and throw a pillow at him, shaking my head. Maddox has seen me naked. After rejecting me when I was drunk. Kill me now. "Don't worry, I covered you before anyone else could..." He trails off and I somehow flush even more, the tips of my ears beginning to feel hot. I press my cold hands to my cheeks.

"Stop. Stop talking about it please." I squeak in embarrassment and he laughs.

"Way better than I imagined," He says lowly and winks, just as Chase comes back in the room with Reece by his side. I try to hide my blush but it's no use. Neither of them seems to notice though and Maddox continues to smile knowingly. Reece gives me a hug and tells me that he's glad I'm okay.

"Wait, what do you mean by the time you got through?" I ask, remembering that part of his recap. Maddox looks away and Reece smiles brightly, obviously relieved that I'm okay which makes me happy.

"You should've seen him! He kicked that door down so fast, The things you two do for women..." Reece trails off and everyone stares at him. I blush again and he just smirks as Chase and Maddox glare at him.

I'm discharged from the hospital later that day, only having required three stitches on my head and the medication for my anemia. "We're going to be eating steak and medium-rare burgers every night for the rest of your life," Chase says jokingly and I giggle at his dedication.

I think about Maddox and how confusing he is. I was sure that he felt the same, but when I took the leap and tried to kiss him, he just pushed me away.

I feel this overwhelming urge to constantly be around him, touch him, kiss him, but the urge is unrequited, despite his teasing. His mixed signals make me unable to trust him, but everyone in his life seems to feel the opposite, trusting him implicitly.

Chase trusts me to be alone with him and all I want to do is jump on him and kiss the life out of him. Maddox may have initiated it the first time but I sure didn't stop him.

 Maddox may have initiated it the first time but I sure didn't stop him

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