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I startle awake to the sound of knocking at my door

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I startle awake to the sound of knocking at my door. "Come in." I groan and open one eye to see my brother slowly opening the door. He grins, probably at my mussed-up state, and sits on the edge of the bed beside me.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," I roll my eyes. "Dunno how you managed it, but you slept through a very obnoxious party hosted downstairs." Chase laughs and I sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with the heels of my hands.

"Seriously?" He nods. "Classes are today, aren't they?" I ask, having trouble functioning while I'm still half asleep.

"Yes, they are. Up and at em'." I roll back over, pressing my face into my pillow and Chase reaches under the covers, grabs my foot, and yanks me straight off the bed. Landing on the floor on my stomach with an "oof", I glare up at him and notice a figure standing in my doorway.

Maddox's face remains impassive but the slightest tug at the corner of his lips gives away his amusement before he continues walking toward his room. "Thank you very much for that." I say as I push up from the ground, throwing a pillow at the huge target that is Chase's back as he walks out of my room.

After showering, I allow my long hair to air dry and apply sunscreen to my skin and chapstick to my lips. A loose, white off the shoulder dress with long sleeves and frills on the hem is what I choose to wear. As most of my clothes are, this dress is quite modest but I still feel slightly naked with my bare shoulders so I use my long hair to cover them for the most part.

I throw on some necklaces, including the one that Chase gifted me for my sixteenth birthday; I rarely take it off. The necklace is a mixture of amethyst and aquamarine, the February and March gemstones. My birthday falls on February twenty-ninth and soon enough, I will be turning eighteen. Or four and a half. I slip on my favorite white flats before going to knock on Reece's door. He offered to take me to school because Chase had a meeting to go to.

Reece emerges from his room, grabbing his bag and mine and leads the way to his Jeep. We laugh as we both walk to the left side of the vehicle because I had forgotten about the backward cars here. I'm practically jumping in excitement as we drive the short drive to the campus. I was fully prepared to walk, but this is much better.

"Are you excited for your first day?" He asks, facing me once we pull in to the car park. I nod fiercely, exiting the car. We decided to come to the campus an hour early so that Reece could show me where my classes are located. "So which courses are you taking?" He asks me and I light up.

"I'm in all of the art history courses as well as ballet," I tell him proudly, I could hardly wait to start. His eyebrows fly up and he nods slowly.

"Cool. I see it." Reece offers to help me find my buildings and I eagerly take him up on that offer. "Oh shit. I totally forgot to tell you, Faye is a dancer. Ballet too. That's perfect." My smile gets even larger.

"That's brilliant! I cannot wait to meet her, she sounds lovely." Reece shows me where to go and we waste the rest of our free time chatting and eating muffins from one of the many cafes. Reece easily finishes the rest of mine off and we part ways.

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