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"So you were naked

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"So you were naked..." Kiki trails off and I sigh exasperatedly, picking at the blanket draped over my lap as I sit on my bed.

"Is that all you've gotten from all that?" I sigh, knowing that it's no use even attempting to explain the rest. She has the worst selective hearing I've ever witnessed when it comes to Maddox and anything I have to say about him and me.

"...and he said it was better than he'd imagined. That's like two compliments in one! I want a boy toy." She whines and I push her shoulder with wide eyes.

"First of all, you did not just say that. Second of all, he's not my anything." I roll my eyes and laugh. I tend to get snarkier when I'm around Kiki, knowing that it's nearly impossible to offend her. "And before we abandon this subject. Two compliments?" I ask hesitantly and she grins.

"He basically said that you had a nice body. Naked." She smirks and I blush and hide my head in my pillows. "And he admitted that he's imagined how you look naked." I sit up in surprise. "I know, " She says mischievously, replying to my shocked reaction. Kiki dramatically sighs and lays back on my bed, fanning her face. If being a dancer doesn't work out, I can see her as an actress.

I grab a small pink duffel bag from beneath my bed and walk into my closet. "How long will we be gone again?" I shout to Kiki who responds with "three days". I nod to myself and start grabbing clothes off the hangers, folding them neatly and gently placing them in my bag, leaving enough room for both of my uniforms and my toiletries.

The coach bus that is taking us to the soccer tournament will be arriving in an hour, stopping at the school first, then coming directly to the house because of the number of people living here. I bring Kiki with me down to the kitchen, ignoring the boys in the living room and walking past the stack of bags by the front door.

I start cutting up vegetables and fruits and put them in containers, also preparing multiple sandwiches, for us and for whoever else wants one, making enough to feed everyone in the house. Checking that I have my iron pills, I go through a mental checklist for anything else I may need. "I made sandwiches!" I yell and smile when I immediately hear happy groans and feet slapping against the floor, followed by the appearance of almost every resident of this house.

I hand out a sandwich to everyone, already placing them in individual plastic bags for convenience. I even went so far as to label each one with their names and add smiley faces because I'm in an extra good mood at the moment. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you are the perfect girl," Theo says, wrapping an arm around my neck and bringing me in to kiss my temple quickly and I laugh, rolling my eyes to try to draw attention away from my pink cheeks.

Maddox strolls into the kitchen leisurely and plants his elbows against the counter. Propping his head on his hands, he stares at me. He looks over my clothes, consisting of plain grey joggers and a white tank top for comfort. I hand him his sandwich and he offers a little smile which causes my heart to palpitate, taking the bag from me and brushing his fingers against my own, sending shocks up my arm. I pull my hand back abruptly but he either didn't feel anything or doesn't react to it at all.

I hear a loud horn honking and the guys all holler out, cheering about winning. The boys take our bags for us and load them into the storage compartment of the bus, letting Kiki and I go ahead first. Faye waves to us from the back and Kiki takes the seat beside her. I sit just beside them on the other side of the aisle, not minding the space. Chase and Maddox sit directly in front of me and I know that I won't be getting any sleep during this bus ride.

Chase spins around and grins at me, sitting on his chair on his knees and the bus pulls off onto the road soon after everyone climbs aboard. "You excited for your first tourney?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah. What should I expect?"

"A few games in the mornings or afternoons, then we have the nights to do what we want. The coaches don't care what we do as long as we show up not hungover." Chase shrugs and smirks. "But you won't be doing any of that will you?" He asks honestly, the humor leaving his face.

"Yeah, drinking and I don't have the best relationship," I say, looking at Maddox who turns his head to look at me, obviously listening to our conversation. I see the hint of a smile before my attention is brought back to my brother.

"Good, I won't have to worry," Chase says and ruffles my hair playfully before turning back around. Maddox turns his head to face the front again and I lean back in my chair. Looking to the side, I see both Faye and Kiki looking at me with impish grins plastered on both their faces. Their eyes dart back and forth between Maddox and me, probably witnessing him staring. I widen my eyes and shake my head at them, dismissing whatever it is that they're thinking but they're unwavering.

Kiki pulls my hand, forcing me to stand up and yanks me so that I'm sitting in between them, draped over both of their laps. Maddox notices from the yelp I let out and stares at us like we're crazy before turning back to look out the window. "I kinda maybe sorta told Faye about you two," Kiki says quietly and I sigh.

"I knew, I just didn't have details," Faye says, and I shrug. I figured as much. I'm madder at myself. What does it say about me that I can't stay away from a tattooed player who happens to be best friends with my brother?

"Hey, it goes both ways," Kiki says soothingly, already reading where my thoughts were headed.

"It's pretty obvious that you feel guilty. Probably because of your brother..." Faye trails off and I nod. "But it isn't a big deal. You're old enough to make your own decisions."

"He doesn't feel the same," I say quietly, looking over at him for any changes but he doesn't look like he heard me. They look at me with incredulous faces.

"You're kidding, right? Anyone with eyes can see that he wants you. But as much as I love the guy, he hasn't ever had the best intentions when it comes to girls. He's not a bad guy, but he's not exactly boyfriend material." Faye tells me, only slightly lowering her voice and I shush her.

"I know you may want him right now, but is hooking up with him worth possibly ruining your friendship with him?" Kiki adds and I pout at her, knowing that she's right. If I continue pining after Maddox, I'll end up falling for him and that'll leave me with nothing. I have nothing to offer him anyway, he's so experienced, and I'm so...not.

"You're right. I just need to find something else to focus on." I say with conviction, smiling at the two girls who I know will have my back.

"Or someone else". Faye adds and she shares a mischievous look with Kiki.

"No. Absolutely not." 


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