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"Alright everyone, you have the night to yourselves, but we meet in the lobby at eleven o'clock in the morning

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"Alright everyone, you have the night to yourselves, but we meet in the lobby at eleven o'clock in the morning. Got it?" The boy's football coach yells out to everyone seated on the bus and a murmur of agreement breaks out before we're allowed to grab our luggage and retire to our rooms.

Faye, Kiki, and I agree to share a room and we grab a key before lugging our bags into the empty lift. Just before the doors close, Chase sticks a hand inside and holds them open before he, Reece, Luke, and Maddox join us.

I avoid eye contact with Maddox, not wanting to embarrass myself anymore by my constant blushing, but my body betrays me when I think about what Kiki said in my room earlier. He basically said that you had a nice body. And he admitted that he's imagined how you look naked.

The lift doors open and Reece and I laugh as we both try to exit at the same time. He allows the girls and me to go first and they all follow us out onto the same floor. Reece picks up my hand that is holding the key card and looks at it grinning.

"Hey, neighbor." He says as we split off to our separate rooms across the hall from one another. I unlock the door and we all shuffle through the narrow hallway, entering a nicer bedroom than I thought we'd have. Two queen beds occupy most of the space, but we have a nice view of the water. The theme of the room is primarily white, but I don't mind as it makes everything look more open. Kiki and I claim the bed closest to the window and Faye is stuck with the one closest to the door.

"You'll be the first to die if someone breaks in here," Kiki says casually and my mouth drops open.

"Don't say that!" Faye yells and throws a pillow at Kiki. She retaliates. I hear a knock at the door and walk over to open it, seeing as the girls are slightly preoccupied at the moment. Just as I open the door to see the four boys from across the hall, my back is hit with a pillow and stumble right into them, almost falling if it weren't for a pair of tattooed arms holding my waist. I clear my throat and back up, attempting to laugh off my embarrassment but his hands on my hips don't help.

"You started the sexy pillow fight without us? Faye!" Reece asks in mock hurt, sliding past me into the room. I motion for the boys to enter and they do. Maddox's arm brushes mine and I don't know if he did it purposefully or not, but it sends goosebumps rising all over my skin.

"You guys want to go for supper?" Chase asks, laughing at Reece who is currently jumping on my bed and hitting the girls with pillows as Luke joins in.

The pillow attack ceases and they hop onto the ground. We agree to meet outside the rooms in ten minutes and the boys leave us. I take my hair out of the elastic that it was in and run a brush through it. Faye and Kiki both stay in their comfortable outfits as well so I don't feel bothered by not changing. The boys wait outside expectantly for us and we join them, taking the lift down to the lobby where the restaurant is located.

Another group of football players and cheerleaders sit at a table near us and we wave at them before being directed to our own booth. I'm handed a menu by a server around our age and smile at him politely before looking down to read. He takes our drink orders, starting with mine and leaves to go call them in.

I have trouble deciding what I want. Since I've started taking the iron pills, my appetite has come back and I'm eating normally again. All my life, I've been small and didn't eat much, so I have to watch what I eat closely in order to get the proper nutrition. I'm so focused on the menu that I miss someone calling my name the first time, only hearing when they repeat it. "Aurora." I look up and everyone is waiting on me to order, only now noticing that the waiter had joined us again.

"Um..." I panic, feeling put on the spot.

"How about the four-ounce filet mignon, medium rare, with a house salad on the side?" Maddox says, looking right at me with raised eyebrows and I just nod. I mouth a "thank you" to him and he shrugs. Faye and Kiki look amused but everyone else goes back to a conversation that I wasn't involved in, so I find myself lost.

"Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that everyone will be swimming tonight, so you should all come down around eight." A guy from the team, I think his name is Jimmy, says from beside our table and Chase snorts.

"I know Jimmy, I planned it," Chase says and Jimmy just nods and walks away after apologizing to Chase, obviously intimidated by his sarcasm. Chase is one of the biggest guys I know, so I don't blame the guy for not wanting to step on his toes. Being the captain of their team probably doesn't help.

"You three coming?" Chase continues, addressing the girls, and they both nod.

"Sounds fun, we'll be there," Faye promises on our behalf and I nervously fiddle with my napkin in my lap. The waiter shows up again and hands me my food first, telling me to enjoy my meal before handing everyone else's plates out silently and Faye giggles.

"Favouritism much." She laughs once he leaves and I look at her confused. "He's trying to flirt with you. You know, get your attention?" She says directly to me, and the boys groan and roll their eyes, digging into their food and ignoring our conversation.

"You're so oblivious, sweetheart," Luke says humorously, not trying to be rude but I pout.

"I am not," I say childishly, and this causes everyone to roll their eyes and agree with him. I ignore them and moan when putting the first perfect tasting bite of steak in my mouth.

When the waiter brings the bill after we've all finished, he hands it to me and I see a phone number written on the top of it. Faye snatches it from me before I can hide it and she waves it around to everyone at the table teasingly as if I won a medal, while I try to magically become invisible.

Maddox's jaw stays clenched throughout her whole episode and he looks as uncomfortable as I do, perhaps more. When Faye opens her mouth to talk about it, he snaps. "Fucking let it go already, look at her," He says, gesturing towards me and the way I've been trying to be quiet enough for all of it to blow over without attracting any more attention. My eyes widen and we all look at Maddox after his outburst. Faye's eyes are apologetic and I shake my head, mouthing "It's fine," to her.

I may be oblivious, but Maddox is something else entirely.

I may be oblivious, but Maddox is something else entirely

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