Meeting the Hunted

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Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I create any character of resemblance to characters created by the author of Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan.

This chapter is dedicated to 1PERCYJACKSONFAN for helping me with the idea and for also basically being my mentor in the world of Supernatural.

Dean POV

"Hey, Sam! I just got a call from one of our friends in NY. Says he noticed strange activity near a high school." I yelled out.

"A high school?" I heard from the bathroom of the hotel room.

"That's what I said!" I yelled back. I shrugged on my jacket before grabbing some of our gear to start packing up. I was joined by Sam quickly and we hauled bags to the trunk of my Impala.

Sam slid into the passenger seat as I checked my pockets for my keys. I tapped my front pockets, then my back, before reopening the trunk to rifle through a couple bags.


"What?" I asked irritably as I shoved gear aside.

I saw Sam move his hand out of the corner of my eye before hearing a jingling noise before whipping my head to look at him.

I grumbled obscenities as I closed the trunk again and plopped into the drivers seat, snatching the keys from Sam.

"High school?" Sam asked as he pulled out a map book of the U.S.

I shuffled through my pocket before pulling out the scrap piece of paper that I had written the address on. I tossed it into Sam's lap, pulling out into traffic, inches from getting pounded by one of those hillbilly hick big wheeled trucks.

I smacked the power button on the radio before settling further into my seat, nodding my head to the music.


As I pulled up to the building, bright red letters on a blue background blinking at me, I punched Sam in the shoulder.

He jerked from his nap and gazed up at the sign, "What was the description of the demon?"

I pulled out my slip of paper again, "About six feet, black hair, green eyes, male."

"Student or teacher?"


"Alright," Sam said, "Let's do this."


"Why does this kid stay for so long after school I mean come on, you son of a bitch, get going already." I ran my hand through my hair, checking the time.


I leaned my head against the headrest before getting smacked in the chest by Sam.


"There he is."


We followed him home after he got in the car with a middle aged man.

They stopped at a large apartment complex, pulling into the spot labeled 805, which gave us his apartment number. We watched them go inside, before considering a game plan.

"If we put the Devils trap under the car, then that just makes this ten times easier. When he gets in in the morning, we just block him in, and go in for the kill." Sam said, pointing out what he was saying carefully.

I nodded, knowing he knew what he was doing. He made me get out of the car to carefully draw a Devils trap under the car with chalk.

We both settled into our seats, setting an alarm for five.

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