Chapter 18: The Test

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 18

It was time to go since the test was about to start and time read 9:49, we started walked to class and finally made it before the teacher started disturbing the test.

You can do this I thought to myself, the teacher slowly placed the test in front of me, I started reading the questions and let out a deep breath, realizing I know all the answers to these questions.

I took a final look at the test as it was filled with dark blue ink writings, I realized I filled all the questions with the correct answers and I was extremely sure of that.

I returned the test paper to the teacher, who wasn't surprised while taking a look at my exam paper, "wow!" He said while placing my test with the others.

We all left after the test and were really surprised of how it all ended up that simple. We knew the full answers to each question, as we revised together in the cafe right before the exam.

"Now what do we do?" Mason demanded while looking around.

"Umm, we should rent a car and drive to place we never been to and play music out loud, go the beach!" Will shouted in enthusiasm.

"Dope stuff bro! I'm in" Ethan agreed while putting a hand on will's shoulder then removing it.

"I agree! and I'd love playing my music too!" I responded.

Everyone agreed and we all went to a certain place and rented a black BMW, the one that you could open it's ceiling all along.

Since Will lived in Chicago already, he knew a lot about the place so he was the one responsible for driving and I was the one responsible for playing music.

We took the car and we all sat on top of it's ceiling while it was open, and we played music all along, and I enjoyed watching the amazingly perfect views and also enjoyed laying next to Ethan with his arm wrapped around me making me feel safe, but.. not as much as I felt safe in Josh's.

Stupid Shar, I kept saying to myself, every time I feel food with Ethan, the thoughts of Josh keep hitting me and changing my mood.

We stopped by a beach which was known for it's clear water, we all got out and I dashed to Ashley, since I wanted her to take photos of me and Ethan by the beach, before they all forced us to go swim.

"Ash, Ash!" I called while giving her my phone. "Can you take cute pics of me and him?" I asked.

Me and Ethan quickly side hugged with head laying on his shoulder with the calm beach view, and so the photo session continued. I made sure I posted one of them before heading over to swim.

As much as I loved Ethan I couldn't forget about Josh at all and how he'd always smile when he's with me, no matter what he's going through..

We stayed in the water fir almost an hour, and started playing truth or dare in turns, they all kept asking questions like who was your first kiss? And stuff like that.

"Now my turn, I get to ask Sharon" Will stated.

"Truth" I say.

"Okay how many exes have you had?" He questions and I start to feel bad.

"Dumb question Will, ask a better question!" Ashley quickly saves my ass.

"Okay, how did your first kiss go?" He changes..

"Awkward like each and every first kiss" I admit sarcastically.

They kept asking questions to each one and then I got bored of the water and sat alone for a little while in peace and fell asleep in the warm sun.

I feel someone's lips on mine and I already know it's Ethan, he woke me up with a kiss, "how did that feel?" He teases.

"Maybe we should get better sleep in our room" he said while staring at me.

I didn't really get why he mentioned "we" instead of you, he wanted to sleep with me, I couldn't I'll think of Josh and everything will go awkward, so things are better that way.

"Maybe we should get sleep some other day, and enjoy the rest if the night out" I replied.

"Sounds cooler than an ice cream" he jokes with our giggles following.

We left the beach at 6, and headed to a place over hills to sit at, and watch the stars, as soon as we left it was 7 and the place was bit far, I slept over Ethan's shoulder and could feel his muscles already, we didn't really okay music on our way back, but it wasn't that bad since I slept the whole way.

We arrived at the hills, where we wanted to sit over and watch the stars. The air felt so good up there and you could really sit there and think about anything while watching the countless stars. . .

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