하나 - Meeting

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I began to scream as I saw the man lying on the ground: I killed him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I said, his neck was bleeding profusely from the two holes I had bitten into his neck.

But, no matter how good he smelt or how hungry I was, I felt sick to my stomach and I gagged.

"Annie... what the fuck." I swore again, trying to move the man. He was so heavy; a dead weight, quite literally.

I pulled him to the corner of the street, blood trickling behind him, staining the concrete ground and drenching his clothes.

"I'm going to fucking prison- fuck my life, fuck FUCK!"

My stomach rumbled as I saw a pool of deep red blood only a few centimeters from where his limp body now lay.

"Fuck-" I swore once again, my body moving as fast as possible, drinking the blood from beside him, not caring about the dirt from the floor.

I wiped my mouth, a small blood smear appearing on my long sleeve shirt.

Thankfully, fingertips don't show up on skin.

My head is clearer now.

I wiped away a tear or so that had escaped my eye, realizing how stupid I had been.

This is how you survive. Get over it.

Someday you'll get over it, my conscious told myself.

I ran from the body, hoping that none of my hairs had dropped onto his body as I moved him.
I'm not on the police's system anyway, they'd never find me.

I ran down the eerie alleyway, appearing on the bustling street I had come from just moments ago.

"Mum!" I shouted, seeing my pale-ass mother about to walk into a café.

"Annie- hello darling." She said, her British accent making me soft as she hugged me slightly before we both entered the café.

"Did you-?" She begun to ask, and I nodded before even knowing what the question was.

"So you're ok for food? Alright." She said, smiling as she ordered a coffee.

My mum's normal, it's my dad who's like me.
How on earth my mother gave birth to me, the devil incarnate, I will never know.

After a three minute wait, her coffee was served and we left the café, walking back to our apartment.

"Were you careful? What happened?" She asked as we entered the apartment, the smell of coffee everywhere though dad doesn't drink it.

"Good afternoon- Wait- is that what I think it is?" My dad asked as he walked into the kitchen where my mum and I were talking about the man.

"What?" I asked.

"Did my little darling have her first unaccompanied kill?" He asked, smugly smirking.

"Yah- every parent would be disowning their child if they had murdered- what-?" I asked, scoffing a little, hardly understanding the circumstances.

"I'm proud of you." My dad said, his eyes glistening yellow which signified he was being honest.

My dad hugged my mum from the side, and I wondered for a split second if I would ever find anyone that looks at me like my dad looks at mum.

After explaining the affair to my parents, we sat down and my mum ate some food as we continued to talk.

"So tomorrow- you're starting school." My dad said.

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