다섯 - Knowing

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The next day I avoided Bang Chan, which was hard because he sat with us at lunch.

I spent all day with Minho, clinging onto him basically, third-wheeling immensely.

At the end of the day, Chan was leaning by my locker, hands in his pockets as he waited for me.

"So, you're coming to mine-" He said quietly, I nodded and almost hit him in the face with my locker door.

"Alright darling, let's get going." He said, smiling as if he hadn't made me physically sick yesterday.

I walked a few metres behind him with a frown on my face as we walked past Minsung kissing each other by the front gates.

"ANNIE!" I heard Minho shout a few seconds after we passed them.

"Yeah Meanhoe-" I shouted back, Chan laughing slightly, which made me roll my eyes

"Where are you two off to?" Minho asked, Jisung's arm around his waist and he raised his eyebrows.

"We're doing our project at my house." Chan answered.

"I've never been to your new house Channie-hyung." Jisung said, making Minho raise his eyebrows even more.

"Hmm- I'll text you later Minho-" I said, waving and walking ahead of Chan.

"Do we get the bus?" I asked Chan, pointing at the bus stop.

He nodded and we got on the same bus that I use to the stop outside my apartment block.

"If you want to know, this is where I live." I said, pointing at my apartment building and following Chan down the street.

"That's nice." He said, smiling as we eventually got to his apartment block, which was only a few streets away from mine, unnaturally close.

"Are your parents in?" I asked.

"No, they live in Australia, I'm here alone." He said.

"Oh really?" I asked, feeling really nervous now, now that we're alone.

We entered the apartment, which looked just as I expected, messy but clean.

"Here's my humble abode." He said, showing me around his small apartment without talking to me.

"Why are you so cold?" He asked me suddenly as we sat down at the table.

"What? Me?" I asked.

"Who else am I talking to?" He asked me, his heat was making me sweat but I still was obviously cold to the touch.

"I guess I'm just a bit cold." I said, shrugging.

What's the point in lying if he already knows what I am?

"Fuck-" I swore, taking out my phone as Chan got out his workbooks.

My eyes were fuzzy, meaning I was at the peak of my hunger.

I looked at Chan and he seemed concerned becuase my eyes were probably watering as well.

"Annie you're-" He started to say.

"I'll be back in a few minutes-" I said, running out as fast as I can, speeding around the block trying to find someone, anyone.

I found an old man who was watering his flowers about a 3 minute walk from Chan's house, and I had to kill her.

My eyes turned dark brown without my contacts in, though they were in, and my eyesight came back stronger than before.

I sped back to Chan's apartment, and only a minute had past in the time I was gone.

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