셋 - Shopping

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The next day, I changed into jeans and a hoodie, bringing an umbrella with me as it was forecast to rain.
Mum made me put in brown contacts because my eyes were practically bright red now.

"Morning Minho." I said to my friend as I sat down at the desk beside him.

"Hey, what's up?"

"The sky."

"Not funny." One member of our class said, and we gave them death stares before giggling with each other as I sat down.

"So did Jisung enjoy his birthday?" I asked, smiling, then I remembered my talk with Chan, and I felt a little sick.

"Why do your eyes change colour? Or am I not going to get an explanation for this aswell?"  He asked rudely, almost scoffing at me.

"No comment." I said, he rolled his eyes.

"No comment?" He mocked me, and folded his arms like I had.

I held back laughter because he looked so funny.
I swear Chan is a little bipolar, one minute cute like now, the next minute moody like a few moments ago.

"Good night pretty girl-" He said, winking before walking away.

My heart fluttered as I thought back to the moment. I haven't even held a conversation with Chan, but he has this affect on me.

"He enjoyed it- so did I." Minho said, his voice quietening on the last three words.

"GOOD MORNING!" The teacher shouted before I could answer Minho.

"Next week this year and the year above are going on a three day long camping trip to learn survival and practical skills." Mrs Hong said as she walked down each row, handing each of us a letter for our parents about the trip.

"Bring then back by Wednesday next week. The trip is from Saturday to Monday." Mrs Hong said again, before taking the register and starting the lesson.

Halfway through our third lesson, which was maths, I heard a knock on the classroom door.

The door then opened and revealed Chan.

"Ahh hello Mr Bang, how can I help?" The teacher asked.

"Mr Lim asked me for volunteers to paint the set for the play." He answered, his voice was deeper than usual.

"How many do you need?"

"Two or three." Chan shrugged.

"Alright, who wants to go paint the set?" Mrs Hong asked the class, and everyone raised their hands except mine.

I want to learn my maths, I don't care about painting.

I stared into space, a few seconds of daydreaming past before...

"Annie." Mrs Hong said with a smile.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"You and Minho are going to paint the set, take your things because you won't be back before lunch." She said with a smile, Minho getting up quickly.

I slowly packed my things, everyone staring at me a little jealously because I was missing lessons they wanted to.

"YASS! NO MATHS!" Minho cheered as we left the classroom, following Chan to the theatre.

"Hmm." I said, shrugging.

"You like maths?" Minho asked.

I shrugged.

"Right, Minho go help the birthday boy and Jisung with the prop painting, Annie follow me." Chan said, pointing over at Felix and Jisung then walking off.

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