넷 - Hating

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"COME ON ANNIE! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Mum shouted through my bedroom door on Sunday morning.

"Where are we going again?!" I shouted back, forgetting how important today was.

"GRANDMA'S!" She shouted back.


I got up out of my bed after watching Netflix all night, dragging myself into the shpwer before changing into my nicest clothes; a knee length red dress with white dots.

I put my hair into a low ponytail and hurried out to put my shoes on before I ran to the car where my parents were waiting.

"Sorry mum and dad." I said, sitting in the back of our car, my dad driving as soon as I closed the door.

"It's alright, but you know how grandma gets when we're later." Dad said, I nodded.

My grandma, my dad's mum, once a month had a get together with all the family. My dad's mum is human, like my mother but my granddad isn't, in fact, I'm the only girl in the family who is not human.

A lot of people at this gathering are human, but most are not as my dad has many brothers and cousins who are all like us. Many people in my family found it hard to not kill when at this party, many of the humans smelt amazing, but we have the will power to prevent any deaths.

"Hello Grandma..." I said to her, hugging her as I entered her big house.

"You're so cold, go put on a jumper." Grandma said to me, and I smiled weakly, going to her room and putting on a large blue jumper.

I came downstairs, seeing many faces that I had never been before.

"Mum? Who are these people?" I asked, pointing at a few new people, I'd never seen before, the back of a guys head catching my attention.

"Uncle Sam, do you remember him?" My mum asked, I nodded, "He moved here recently, and these are his neighbours."

"Ahh really?" I asked, nodding at a few of them who smiled at me.

"Chan?!" I blurted out, coughing slightly as I saw him.

The boy with black wavy hair turned around, his eyes connecting with mine.

"Annie?!" He said, coughing on the drink he was drinking.

"I'll leave you both, now where is your father?" My mum said, hugging me before hurrying off to find dad.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"It's my grandma's party." I said, noticing his eyes were still black like usual, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Oh." He said, drinking the glass of what looked like alcohol, but I wasn't sure.

"What about you?"

"I'm Sam's neighbour." He said.

"And you're already invited to a woman's party, who you don't know?" I asked him, walking over to the corner of the room rather than staying in the middle because I did not want to talk to my weird uncle Steve.

"I get on with Sam."

"You've known him for a few days, how do you even know you know him?" I asked with a scoff.

He moved closer to me, and the smell of freshly washed clothes and lavender filled my nose.

"You smell like cinnamon." Chan said, his voice so low, I almost didn't hear it.

"You can hear me can't you?" I whispered, even quieter than he did.

He nodded, holding my hand.

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