열하나 - Hurting

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When I got home later that day, I lay on my bed, not wanting to go to this fucking party later.

Why does it have to be fucking Miyoung?

Why does she have to like Chan?

"DARLING! Chan's here!" My mum shouted before I knew it.

"Fuck." I swore and quickly got changed into a black slip dress and black trainers.

"Fuck-" I swore again as I put up my hair, checking the time.


I hurried up with my makeup, and ran out my room, the time was almost 7:40.

"Finally you're here-" Chan said quietly and my mum giggled.

"Right let's go." Chan said, completely oblivious again, to the fact that I hate fucking Miyoung.

We walked to the bus stop, getting the bus to Miyoung's house which was on the other side of Seoul.

"I don't want to-" I said quietly.

"Baby- it's all fine." He said, holding my hand and within 15 minutes we were at her house.

"WE'RE HERE!" Chan shouted, walking in through the door to a full house of people, everyone stopping for a few seconds before cheering.

Chan kissed my cheek before going to grab a drink, as I sat down on the sofa.

"Annie-" A soft voice said from behind me.

I turned my head to see Minho, and he seemed apologetic but also drunk.

It was only 8 o'clock.

"I'm sorry Annie- I'm so sh-" Minho started to say, his words slurring but Jisung sat on his lap, shutting him up instantaneously.

"Hello baby-" Minho said, before they kissed and completely forgot I was next to them.

"Where's Chan?" I asked, sitting alone for 10 minutes as my ex-best-friend and his boyfriend were making out like nobody's business.

"I'm bored." I said, walking into the kitchen and seeing Miyoung touching Chan's exposed arm.

"You look very pretty noona." Seungmin said as I sat down at the breakfast bar, watching Miyoung and Chan together.

"Oh hey Seungmin- thanks. You look handsome too." I said, smiling at my ex-friend.

"Jeongin and I don't hate you anymore." He said quietly as he drank some coke in a red cup.

"Why not?" I asked, knowing they knew my real identity, but I was also curious.

"We know you're not bad, and Channie-hyung's said nice things obviously." He said, smiling weakly.

"Thanks Seungmin-" I said, smiling weakly back at him.

"Do you want a dri- oh yeah." He said, turning away from the cup stand and walking away back to Hyunjin who was also ignoring me.

"Sorry darling- I'm back, Jisung's a bit neeeeeeeeeeeeeeedy." Minho whined as he sat down beside me.

"It's alright." I said, bored as hell at this fucking dumb excuse for a party.

"I wanted to apologize- cause I miss my best friend..." He said, sounding much more sober than before, maybe it was just me making assumptions.

"I miss you too..." I said quietly, but he didn't hear so carried on talking to me about useless things like how dumb Jisung had been on their recent date.

Out of habit, I was looking around the room for Chan as he had moved from by the sink with Miyoung to obviously somewhere else around.

He has many many friends, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was mingling.

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