둘 - Eating

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Dad came back early the next morning, his eyes back to a light brown/yellow colour.

My mum was asleep when he came back through the front door, my ears picking up the faint sound of keys in a lock even from my room.

"Morning-" I said to my dad, as I walked into the living room where he was now watching TV.

"Dad- serious question." I said, sitting beside him.

"Why have you not changed mum?"

"I don't want her to change." He replies almost immediately, as if he knew what was coming.

Well he does.

He reads minds.

"But wouldn't it be easier for us all, not spending all that money on food for mum." I said, smiling a little at my comment.

"I love your mother as is. Why would I change her? We're all going to die anyway." He said.

Not true.

"Why are you lying? We're not going to die-" I said, my dad smirked.

"Who knows." He said, not even batting an eyelid as I rolled my eyes.


"You want to know when you know someone's you're soulmate." He said, looking at the TV, not even at me and he knew.


Chan get out of my head.

Who even are you?

"Is there someone? Already?" He asked, staring at me now.

Half the time my dad acted like an annoying best friend. Like, stop.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted then realized mum was sleeping.

He nodded his head, respecting my privacy though I knew he had already read my mind.

"Well- when you're near them, you feel weird, but Annie, it's as simple as having a crush on someone, yet you just know. I just knew." He replied to my unsaid question, smiling a little.

"Urgh." I said, imagining what my dad was thinking off and then wishing I hadn't.

"Right- have you done homework?" He asked and I said of course I had.

I helped dad with a few filing jobs before it was dawn when we decided to cook for mum for once.

It was almost 7 when mum woke up, eggs and meat cooked on the table.

"Oh wow- thank you both so much." Mum said, kissing both of us on our cheeks before sitting down.

She ate well, and I was a little jealous because of how good it smelt.

I changed into black skinny joggers, a black t-shirt and black bucket hat. I put in my simple silver earrings, and put on trainers before going to the car.
Today I wasn't feeling the outfit effort, throwing on basically anything that was comfortable.

We got to school on time and many people came up to me, saying hi even though I had absolutely no clue who they were.

"Annie?" Minho asked as I sat beside him.

"You look so different today."

"I'm being comfortable, today is relaxed Annie." I said with a smile as I played with my silver chain.

I took off my hat as the teacher entered and took out my homework to hand in.

School was the 'usual' and at lunch I sat with Minho and the boys again.

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