Taro Yamada

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The ringing pounded in my head like a basketball hitting the gym floor. I have no motivation to get up...to move my body. The alarm kept screaming at me, but I wasn't having it. My dad left a few months ago, and my mom vanished...at least from my dad I got a note. It was distorted, however, but I understood the point. He couldn't have a normal family...so he left...at least that's what I got from his letter that hung on the cold refrigerator door that day. I sigh with no emotion as I sit up and look around my bland room. To be honest I don't even know how I get food, water, electricity, electronics, necessities..I don't even know how my school's tuition is being paid. They just all show up. I go to school, come back, and the fridge is restocked. I already checked my house, there are no squatters living in my attic or basement. I guess that's one mystery that will never be answered...that seems to happen a lot with me. Speaking of mysteries, I just remembered we have a new student today. Maybe that should be my motivation...the anticipation of seeing who is it. Except...I don't really care about other people...I never have, and I doubt I ever will. With that being said I could just go back to sleep. However, instead I get up and get ready for the day. I slip on my white and blue uniform, put my hair into a ponytail, and I put on my shoes as I head out the door. I walk to school today, purposely wanting to go slower to see if I'd change my mind about going. It wasn't until I reached the school that I changed my mind, but now it's a little too late. I watch as everybody walks past me, everyone eager to see their friends or meet the new kid. I trudge to my locker, changing my outdoor shoes into my school ones. I then start heading for the courtyard, people seem to be swarming the area, maybe the new kid is already here...how punctual. As if I even care. It's probably just another ditsy girl that I have to put up with. I come closer to the doors, I can hear the running water of the fountain. I then turn the corner, only to run into a Student Council member who roughly shoves me backwards.
"Hey, watch where you're going."
"I'm sorry..." I say, avoiding her gaze.
She then nods lightly and walks away, her hand behind her head as she heads to the front of the school. I sigh, that's as much excitement that I'll get out of today...or so I thought. I go to finally turn that corner and enter the courtyard when suddenly Measume turns the corner, and yet another person I run into.
"Hey! Watch it!" She yells.
"How could I have seen you? It's not like I can see through walls genius." I sigh, "Sorry."
"You're fine, I understand your frustration. Just, be careful next time. Okay?"
"I will."
She then smiles and walks off, quickly pulling out her phone. She's probably gonna go post about it, knowing her. I then take a deep breath. Please just let me turn this damn corner! I then hold my breath as I go to turn the corner and this time no one's there. I bump into no one, and that's when I notice the new kid sitting on the fountain edge, reading a book. I don't have a good look of his face so I decide to approach him, breathing out as to not pass out. I approach him as a friend, not a threat.
"Hey, are you the new kid?" I ask.
He looks up from his book as says, "Hey, I'm Taro Yamada. And you are?"
I then freeze. What it this feeling? It feels so warm and fuzzy? Could I actually be feeling something or am I just dizzy? That's when I register the emotion...we talked about yesterday in English...the emotion was love. I then start getting flustered, my words mushing together as I try to say my name to this Taro Yamada.
"A-A...Ayno..Ishi...Ayano Ayishi...ish.."
"Did you say, Ayano Ayishi?"
"Nice to meet you, say, are you okay?"
That's when it clicks, I can't let him think I'm a freak or shut out. Then he could never love me. I just quickly nod and hightail it out of there. However, right before I leave the courtyard I hear a female voice that stops me dead in my tracks.
"Hello, my name's Kokona. You must be the new kid, Taro?"
"Yeah I am. It's nice to meet you."
I turn around to see Kokona's face. That's when I start to feel another emotion...rage. The fire that fuels it feels tainted...kind of like the fire that burns for Taro. But I push that to the side as I see them laugh together. I can't let her take him...he's mine. The bell then rings, and I jump slightly from the loud noise. Kokona then departs him and starts walking the opposite direction of him. He gets up from the fountain and starts walking the other way. I take only a second to think on what to do next. Within that second I start stalking him to class as some would call it, in my opinion I was only following him to make sure he got to class on time. But I'm pretty sure no one noticed for I wasn't asked any questions and I wasn't looked at by anyone. He then enters classroom 3-2. I sigh with relief that he got here safely without bumping into any other girls. I then quickly run down the hall and down one set of stairs so I make it to my class on time in classroom 2-1.
[After Class: Lunch Time]
The bell rings to release us to lunch and I immediately bolt from my chair and into the hallway. I then quickly run upstairs and to classroom 3-1. This time he's talking with Measume. I walk in the classroom, blending into the background, getting close enough to hear their conversation.
"Look new kid, you can borrow my notes just don't tell anyone. If I was even seen talking to you I'd lose most of my reputation. Got it?"
"Yeah got it, don't use the bathroom during this class time."
"Good. Now I gotta blast."
Measume then quickly walks out th room and he sighs lightly.
"Is everyone this weird and mean? I mean...Kokona wasn't...and niether was Ayano."
I feel like my heart is going to burst, it's pounding so hard, like the alarm to my head or a basketball to the gym floor. I then realize that hes going to turn around and notice me to I quickly leave the room, looking like a regular student if he were to have seen me leave. He then exits his classroom and starts heading for the room, I of course follow behind him, being careful not to draw suspicion by following him like this. He then sits down on the center bench and he pulls out a small, clean looking bento box. That's when I'm reminded that I forgot to grab my lunch and left it sitting on the kitchen table. However, right now I could care less. Just seeing him eat is all that I need to feel satisfied and full. The bell then soon rings again, and I follow him back to his class before running and returning to my own.
[After Class: After School: Cleaning Time]
The bell then rings again notifying the school that school is now over and it's now the cleaning period of the day. It lasts a half hour and then at 4 when the time is over you either go home or go to your designated club area. With him being here now and with a sudden motivation in my heart I was think of joining the photography club, that way I could take pictures of him without being a creep. Then again, anytime I get close to him I feel like my heart's going to burst and it beats ten times louder. I could always join the karate club...that way I could takedown Kokona. She'd deserve it after all for talking to my Taro..I don't even need to say that out loud to know it sounds weird. I need a nickname for him, something cute and sweet. But what could that be? My little T? No...I got it. Since he's in class 3-2 and I'm only 2-1 I'll call him...Senpai. Yes, it fits him like a beautiful knitted glove. My thoughts then explode of him and I lose my train of thought. What was I talking about again? Right! Clubs. Yes karate would always be a good one to join but I wouldn't want to be arrested for murder...then Senpai could never love me...however there's also the Occult club. Maybe I could sick a demon on her? That's when the bell rings for the final time of the day, which tells us to do one of two things. Leave the building or join a club. I can always join a club in the morning. I'll do that then, it seems the easiest way since I know where my Senpai will go in the morning. But I need to at least see where he lives, and to make sure he gets home safe. I then head to my locker, changing my shoes back and then waiting at the front gates for Taro. He soon comes from the school a few moments later, his dorky hair a mess from the troubling first day. I then wait for him to get a little bit ahead of me before I start walking to make sure he gets home safely. I follow him down street after street until he finally turns to a house of which he enters. It was a nice little blue house, fit for my Senpai. I then sigh with relief and sadness. Relief that he got home okay, but sadness cause now I had to go home. At least I'll have motivation to wake up and come to school in the morning now. I soon make it home for luckily he didn't live too far from me, only three blocks. I then go straight into my room, throwing my bag and items down onto the ground. That's when my phone starts to buzz. Somebody's texting me...but who? I never give out my number, it's almost rare. I cautiously pick up my phone. I was right, I got a text from an unknown number...a number that my phone strangely won't give me. I unlock my phone and open the message.
Unknown: Hey.

Ayano: Do I know you?

Unknown: I saw you stalking an upperclassmen today.
A pit grows into my stomach as I read that message, someone saw me following him? Why didn't they say anything then? The anger that boiled towards Kokona started boiling again for this strange unknown person. I sit on my bed, trying to calm myself as I respond to this person.
Ayano: Do you have a problem with that?

Unknown: No, I wanted to give you some information about the girl he was with this morning.

Ayano: Kokona-chan? I already know about her...

Unknown: True. But you don't actually know about her. You two aren't even friends, let alone talk to each other.

Ayano: Fine. What information do you have?

Unknown: She clearly has a crush on him.

Unknown: She also believes in the myth about the cherry tree behind the school.

Ayano: The myth that if you confess your love to someone underneath that tree on a Friday, they are guaranteed to accept your confession?

Unknown: Correct. She's planning to confess to him next Friday.

Ayano: Why are you telling me this?

Unknown: I would be happy if something bad happened to Kokona-chan.

Unknown: I think you might be the right person to give her what she deserves.

Ayano: I'm not going to jail.

Unknown: Don't worry...I'll help a little.

Ayano: Who are you anyway?
I watch the three little dots bounce as she types her response. Then when it finally sends and I see who they are, disgust, and pleasement ring throughout my body.

My Lover is a Serial Killer (A Yandere Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now