Megami Saikou

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I put my phone away and sit in my desk as I wait for a minute to pass and the bell to ring. Saikou...what a familiar name. I know Akademi High was meant to house and only teach the best of the best. That's when it clicks. The Saikou tech corporation! She has to be the daughter of Mr. Saikou himself! No wonder she's student council president. The Saikou company has done so much for this school. She will indeed be a threat then. I doubt one who likes my Senpai, but definitely one who will try and expose me. I can't get her words out of my head. She called me a monster, claiming to know what I am. I'm a normal person, aren't I? Other than barely being able to feel emotion...I'm still normal though, right? I found love, and anger. Two emotions I didn't have before. That's progress, right? I sigh and stare out the window. The first half of the day soon comes to a close and lunch begins. At least, we thought. When the bell rang to dismiss us a familiar voice came over the intercoms.
"Everyone do not go to lunch. I repeat do not go to lunch. Everyone please instead report to the gym. Thank you." Says the voice of Megami.
I groan quietly and stand with my class. We then head out in an orderly fashion to the gym. Once there I planned on standing by the doors, but that's when Taro, who's standing center gym, notices me.
"Ayano! Come stand by me!" He smiles.
I nod and walk over to him. He grins at me like a child getting candy. I smile softly back at him, my heart starting to heat up. Megami then walks onto the stage and murmur breaks out across the crowd. Appearently she had been home schooled until today. I wonder why...something tells me I'm about to find out and it's not gonna end well for me. I take a deep breath and tell myself not to worry. Megami grabs a mic and taps on it once, grabbing everyone's already had attention.
"Good afternoon Akademi High."
"Afternoon." We all drone.
"Today I gathered you here because there's a killer amongst us. The reason for Kokona Haruka's murder suicide, Osana's anger outburst that caused her to murder, Amai's poisoning, Kizana's electrocution and Asu's. As well as Oka's suicide, and the nurse Muja's disappearance. These were all caused by one person, who is standing in this gym right now."
Taro grabs my arm and looks at me.
"Ayano, I'm scared. I wonder who it is." He says in a worried tone.
I look to the ground and then back at Megami who had a big smirk on her face. She's going to expose me...
"The culprit is none other than, Ayano Aiyshi." She grins.
Everyone turns to be, eyes of fear and anger pointed onto to me like dogs on meat. I look over at My Senpai who starts laughing. Everybody then looks at him, including the pack leader.
"What's so funny?" Asks Megami.
"You mean to tell us, you believe Ayano is this monsterous person you claim her to be? You haven't even been here! For all we know you have a grudge against her and want her expelled!" Taro laughs.
Everyone murmurs with themselves, a few occasionally laughing with him. I look around at scared faces, laughing faces, and Taro's soft face. Megami had a look of pure anger on her face. She wanted Taro out of here. She then takes a deep breath.
"Fine. Believe what you will. But I will prove to you yet." She says.
Megami then leaves the stage and we dismiss ourselves to lunch. I follow Taro out to the courtyard. We sit down next to each other, the cement of the fountain cold to the touch.
"Thank Taro you." I say going red.
"You know,, not yet. Nevermind. Anyways you're welcome."
"Mhm." I nod with a smile.
"So, Ayano, want to hang out Friday after school?"
I nod a joyful yes and he smiles.
"Sweet. Can't wait." He grins.
We then eat lunch in silence. Back in class some kids looked at me as if they believed Megami's word and others just laughed probably thinking her to be an idiot. I sigh and stare out the window. I did commit those crimes, and I thought I was covered. After this I just don't know. I do know one thing though, I have to have her gone before Friday after school. She's gonna be tough to silence so killing, kidnapping, and expulsion are already out. Besides, I don't want people thinking I'm a killer...I can't let Taro know. Maybe if I find a way to frame her? That will be hard since she wears gloves, but there will have to be a moment when she's not wearing them. I just have to watch. The next day I followed her around all morning. She seemed so distant yet I was right behind her. She mature for a high school. I then over hear her telling Akane, one of the council members, something about lunch.
"Akane, I want you to eat with me today. That way that Ayano doesn't try to take them and frame me or something. Cause you know how I eat. Gloves make it too messy."
"Of course Miss President."
I smirk darkly. I then head down to the drama department and borrow some things. I completely hide my identity so she knows it won't be me. I then slip into the art department and grab tape and a box cutter. I finally head outside by the incinerator and grab a small cardboard box. I tape up the box and gab in the box cutter. I take the box inside and to the courtyard where Megami and Akane were sitting for lunch. I approach them and Megami stands.
"Can I help you?" She asks.
"My box cutter got stuck. I was unpacking a delivery for the drama department. Can you get it please?"
She looks at me long and hard. Probably trying to see who I was, but my coverings lucky worked. She shrugged lightly and pulled out the box cutter, setting it down on top.
"Thank you." I bow.
I then take the box into the drama club room. I remove everything I put on except for the small gloves I was wearing. She wants a killer, she'll get one. I quickly text Info-chan for a new uniform. She tells me it's location so I go there and grab it. I hide the new uniform in the locker room and head back inside. I grab the box cutter and hide it in my skirt pocket. I walk up to the roof and find a pink haired boy leaning against the AC Unit all by himself. I approach him with a smile.
"Hey, mind helping me out with something?" I ask.
"Sure." He smiles.
I nod and start leading the way. I take him all the way down the stairs and outside. I walk him over to the maze. He looks at it skeptically at first but then follows me inside. When we finally got to the center I turn to him.
"Why are we here?" He asks.
"Poor kid...should've listened to Megami. There is a killer on school grounds...and it's her. As of today."
I then grab his collar and pull him towards me as I take out the box cutter. I shove it directly into his jugular, blood rushes out like a new born waterfall. I drop the box cutter in a near by bush, and I leave his body to be discovered. I walk out of the maze and into the locker room. I take my clothes off, shower, redress in the clean uniform from earlier, and I pick my bloody uniform and gloves up. I walk out of the locker room, and avoid security cameras as I make my way to the incinerator. I then head to class acting like I know nothing, as I normally do. About five minutes before the bell rang to dismiss us for cleaning time, a teacher came over the intercoms.
"The school is going into a lockdown. Nobody to leave class, no matter who you are. Including Miss Saikou. Now everyone I repeat, the school is on lock down until further notice."
I look around at my frightened classmates. They were shaking in their boots. I then look out the window, and watch the situation going on. The police had found the body. They went looking around in the bushes, and found the murder weapon. The scanned it for fingerprints...they belonged to Megami Saikou. The police rush into the building. They then escort her out. I smile lightly. Who's the monster now? I chuckle lightly.
"What's so funny?" Asks a girl.
"She tried to paint me a monster...and yet she's the guilty one leaving in cuffs." I tell her.
"I guess you got a point."
I stand as the same teacher dismisses us from the whole day, including cleaning time. I walk out of the school with a smile on my face. Tomorrow will be a good day. It's Friday...and there's nobody else in my way.

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