Ayano Aiyshi

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The sun rose like a flower raising it's head in bloom. The air was pleasant and cool. The atmosphere returned to the way it was when I first met the love of my life. So much has happened within the past weeks. I got a response from that mysterious force more than once, I got to meet my future family, and I got to show this world that there is no stopping me. Nothing could go wrong today. I walk into the glowing school building and change my shoes like everyday. I follow my Senpai to the courtyard and I watch him read. No girls going near him like I wanted. Class begins and I stare out the window all day at the plush pink cherry blossom tree at the top of the hill in the school backyard. Lunch goes by and so does the rest of the day. Next thing you know, it's time to meet my Senpai at the cherry tree. I get there a little early, eager to hear what my Senpai has to say. I grin a little too wide but apart of me doesn't care. He shows up ten minutes after my own arrival. He approaches me with a smile.
"Hello Ayano-chan."
"Hello Taro-san." I smile.
"So...Ayano, throughout this entire year I've had people I've cared about killed, arrested, or worse. But you, you've always been there for me. You never did me wrong. Ayano...I like you a lot and was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?"
My heart was beating faster than a horse running a race. I didn't know what to say, I just stared.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
I then smack myself to reality. Someday I'm gonna have to grow up and talk to him. I know he likes me now, that means he's 100% mine. There's nothing that can stop me now. I take a deep breath.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend Taro."
"Great! I...I'm so happy." He grins.
He then hugs me tightly. That's when I notice Info-chan staring at us on the roof. Does she wants something? I break the hug, and smile.
"I'll text you when I get home, but I have to take care of some...club stuff."
"Of course. Talk later then." He grins.
I move in and kiss him gently on the cheek. I then let go and run off the hill and into the school. I rush up the stairs and soon I'm standing behind Info-chan. For a moment I thought she didn't know of my presence, but then she turned and faced me. Her face was cracked with a smirk.
"Good job Ayano. You've become a criminal and got the man."
"What does that mean?"
"You know what it means. Listen Ayano, I have one last job for you...one last rival...or else your precious Senpai will know about your behaviors as of late."
"Heh, funny you threaten that. I planned on telling him anyhow. Not now but eventually. So I'm going to say this nice and slow for you. Touch, talk, or look at my Senpai and you will be put three feet under."
"Ayano, you are in no pos-"
"I'd quiet myself if I were you."
We stare hard at each other for a long moment before Info-chan walks away, leaving me alone. I stare out at the cherry tree where Taro just said he wanted to be my boyfriend. I look to the ground, thinking about what I had done to get to this point. I sigh and head home. When I walk inside I hear my TV on in the living room. I turn the corner to see a black haired woman siting on my couch. I approach her and she looks at me with kind eyes. She stands up and hugs me. I push her away.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Ayano...I'm the mysterious force...I'm...your mother." She smiles.
That's when it all clicks. She never left, she was always there! She was just so ashamed because dad left she couldn't see me! She...she felt the way I feel about Taro. That's when everything fell into place. I was raised by a woman who had no emotions either until she saw dad...until she saw bimbo's talking to him as if he were theirs. It's the same way I feel about my own love. We catch up and I tell her what I've done, and how I haven't been caught. She tells me she's proud. I then go all throughout high school as Taro's girlfriend and he never had a clue that I was the real perpetrator. On graduation day he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. My mom was my maid of honor, and our wedding colours were black, white, and blue. I became Ayano Yamada, and we loved each other to a happy ever after. Then one day he comes home and tells me a girl has been hitting on him, and even though he's explained he has a wife...she won't leave him alone. The feeling from high school returned and I knew what I had to do. He stayed home one day sick, but asked me to go get his laptop so he can work from home. He worked for the Saikou company. It's only fitting..when I arrive there I see the floosy he had described. I asked her to show me to his cubical. After grabbing his laptop I invite the girl over for a drink this Saturday. She agrees. Saturday soon rolled around and he was out of town visiting his sister. The girl came in and I already had a kitchen knife prepared. We talked for awhile then I got up and went behind her.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
"Grabbing something, keep talking."
"Okay," she looks away from me, "so as I was saying about Taro..."
She continues on and I pull the knife from my apron like my mom had taught me. I then wrap my hand around her mouth and stab her in the neck, killing her. I throw the knife in the sink and I drag her body downstairs. I then throw her into our incinerator and start it, burning her body. I go back upstairs to be met with my husband staring blankly at a bloody living room. Our black couch darker than before, and our red rug looking as if juice spilled on it. He turns to me, seeing my blood covered body. That's when I figure out why dad left mom. He goes to walk past me but I grab his wrist.
"Please let me explain!" I cry.
"You better talk quick." He says.
I walk over to the love seat and sit down with him. We stare into each other's eyes as I take a deep breath and tell him from day one when I met him. His eyes looked cold.
"You see...it was Monday morning, high school. My alarm was going off to wake me up, it was like a basketball hitting the gym floor..."
I tell him everything, from Kokona Haruka to Megami Saikou. He listens intently. I explain to him about his co-worker and how I'd do anything to keep him.
"Then I brought you here and told you the story. Please don't leave me, I'll do anything!"
He looks hard at me. He then sighs and looks at the mess I made.
"I'll go on a walk. If the mess is still here when I get home...I'm going back out that door forever...if it's gone, then I won't know what happened. I love you Ayano, more than anyone or anything. I never give third chances, so don't screw up your second."
He then gets up and leaves. I nod and quickly start the clean up the mess. Before I know it, I have dinner ready and a smiling husband walking through my front door. I got really lucky didn't I? What he doesn't know though...is about Info-chan's connection and what she meant by that last mission. She secretly had a thing for my senpai...and wanted me to eliminate myself...what he also doesn't know is a week before our wedding day...I burned her corpse that I killed with a baseball bat. Now Senpai will be mine forever...he doesn't have choice...be never had a choice...I walk over to the dinner table and kiss him gently.

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