Osana Najimi

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My alarm rings throughout the house, screaming like a banshee. I quickly rush into my room to shut it up. I wasn't able to sleep last night ever since Info-chan told me about Osana visiting my Senpai last night. Who does that whore think she is?! I take a deep breath. Calm down Ayano...I tell myself. You mustn't let Senpai see you like this..I then head out of my bedroom and down into my basement where I had kept Kokona-chan. Maybe I could make or break her too...but who would I have her then kill? I could always just have her kill herself...but that's a mess I don't need. Well, let's head to school and see how exactly she's treating my Senpai. I head out the door and start in the direction of school, when I had an idea. Maybe I should stalk Senpai to school today...who knows...he might be meeting up with Osana-chan. I then turn down another road which leads to Senpai's house. He hasn't left yet...then again I did leave pretty early. Maybe I can just wait out here for him. Fifteen minutes after waiting I see my Senpai exit his house...and right behind him is the orange haired whore...Osana...what was she doing there? Maybe to finish homework? Let's find out. I follow them secretly all the way to school, far enough away to not be noticed, but I was close enough to hear their conversation.
"Thanks for being there last night."
"No problem Taro. We are childhood friends after all." Osana blushes.
"Yeah, but I appreciate it. Kokona was nice girl, and so was Saki..they were best friends. How could Kokona do that?"
"I don't know. But I'm tellin' ya, this school is full of weirdos! I wouldn't trust anyone there!" She crosses her arms.
"I guess you're kinda right..I mean, not everyone is bad Osana-chan."
"Name one person in that school who isn't!"
"I can name three."
I'd love to hear this...please say my name Senpai..
"I'd love to hear this."
"Well, there's Budo, Ayano, and..you Osana-chan.."
"M-Me? I mean, I guess you're right. That's very sweet of you though." Osana says blushing again.
I however, ignore most of what's said after that. Mostly because my Senpai thinks I'm a good person. It needs to stay that way!
We eventually reach the school and Osana departs from Senpai to go to her locker. Afterwards she goes over to her friend group which used to consist of Kokona and Saki..but they're unfortunately no longer here. This is my chance to ask Osana if she has feelings for him. I go the touch her shoulder when her phone suddenly starts ringing.
"Oh...I have to take this." She says, before running off.
What's so urgent, that couldn't be said in front of your friends?
I follow her without her knowing as she runs to the front of the school. She then answers the call. I stand behind the lockers so she won't notice me, but because of distance I can only make out the words on her end. If I we're closer I'd get both, but ears are only so good.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me when I'm at school!" She pauses, "H-How much did you say?"
What is she apart of?
"Alright...I guess another night won't be so bad...wanna do it again where we met last time? In Shitzua Town? Okay...see you tonight."
She then hangs up and burries her head into her hands.
"I can't believe I'm doing this again! Senpai just...can't find out.."
She...loves him too? We'll see about that!
Osana then heads back inside to her group of friends and I head upstairs, getting to class early.
[Lunch Time: School]
The bell rings dismissing us for lunch. Senpai will head to the fountain around now and eat his bento his mom normally packs for him. I however, won't be joining him behind the tree today. I have other plans. I need to find Osana and follow her. I need to know her routine. That's when I see her head up the stairs to the roof with none other than her best friend Mai. They've been friends since the beginning of school. I decided to follow them onto the roof. They then walk to the far side of the roof by the huge, old AC Unit that has a hidden balcony behind it. I stand behind the unit and listen in on their conversation.
"You haven't been acting like you're usual self lately, is something bothering you..?" Mai starts.
"Course not!" Osana starts, acting tough.
But she then sighs and continues, "I can't hide anything from you, can I?"
"No, Osana. You can't. Everything alright?"
"Well..i-it's nothing really..."
"Well if you don't want to talk about it, it's fine. But remember, I'm your friend. I'd never judge you for anything."
"I..I guess there's one thing..I wanna talk about..."
"I'm listening."
I smirk from behind the unit. Me as well Osana-chan...tell us what's wrong..
"Ever since my mom died...my dad's been drinking a lot...sometimes when he's drunk...he comes into my room and...ugh! Forget I said anything. I really, really don't want to talk about it.."
"HUH?! That sounds, really serious! What does your dad do?"
"Look, I said I don't want to talk about it. Just leave me alone, okay?"
"Does Taro know? He's been closer with you than I ever have."
"No! Taro cannot know! Just...drop it..okay?"
"You don't have anything to be ashamed of! Just tell one of us what's wrong."
"I'm not gonna say anything else! Please, just drop it." She crosses her arms.
Mai sighs, "If you say so. But now, I'm really worried."
I then start to hear them coming out so I quickly run back into the nearby stairwell and head down to the second floor where my classroom is. Osana...what is her dad doing to her? I have to know. If I can figure it out then I can tell Senpai...and then he could never love her.
[After school: After Clean up Time]
After I put away my cleaning supplies I quickly run to the lockers before other people can get there. Earlier in class I had written Osana and anonymous note asking her to meet me behind the school to talk to her about her domestic abuse problem. I say domestic abuse because from the knowledge I know...that's the closest sounding reason. I then see Osana coming around the corner so I quickly throw the note inside her locker and I head to the otherside. I glance behind me and see her open her locker.
"Huh? What's this?" She says, grabbing the note, "Maybe I should meet them..."
Osana then shuts her locker, putting the note in her pocket and starts walking to where I assume is the back part of the school. So I decide to follow her just to be sure. Of course, however, I am correct. I wait til her back is turned to me and I quietly approach her.
"Osana-chan?" I say.
She quickly turns around.
"Jesus Ayano-chan, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."
"So, are you the one who wanted to meet me here? You're note says you wanna talk about domestic abuse." She says, holding up the note.
"Yes. I was walking by when I accidentally over heard you talking with Mai. I want to help you with your problem. What is your father doing to you?"
"What? Oh! You've got it all wrong! My father doesn't do anything to me!"
"Then what does he do..." I look away, acting as if I'm sympathetic, "..when he gets drunk?"
She buys it and continues, telling me the truth of what she could not tell her own best friends Mai or Senpai.
"He...he..." She sighs lightly, "..He cries."
"What?" I say, looking back at her.
"He cries...and he talks about his debt problems.."
"Your father is in debt?"
"When my mom died last year," she looks away from me, "my family lost a lot of money. My father took out a loan so he could continue to pay for my tuition fees...but...it turns out he borrowed money from some really shady people..the interest rate increases by ten percent every ten days.. they've threatened to get violent if he doesn't pay up.."
"Loan sharks..." I say, looking down.
"I'm trying to help my dad get out of debt..I'm trying to earn money anyway I can but...the only ways to make money fast are...gross.."
"What's the name of the business your father borrowed money from?"
"Umm...I think it's called...Ronshaku Loans?"
"I'm going to get your father out of debt." I nod lightly.
"What? No! Don't get involved. We aren't even friends! Why do you care? Besides," she crosses her arms and looks away, "I doubt there's anything you can do about it."
"Fair point..but you'd be surprised."
Osana looks at me, her arms still crossed.
"I appreciate your concern..but I don't think there's anything else to be said." She pauses, "Thanks for letting me talk about my problems though.."
"You're welcome."
"Well I have to go. See ya."
Osana then turns and walks away. Lucky for her however, I know a certain Musume Ronshaku that attends our school.
[The Next Day: Lunch Time]
After class I follow Musume outside to the side of the school where she normally goes for lunch to smoke of her cigarettes. I've been thinking about this all night and I've decided what I'm gonna do. I'm going to tranq her and hide her in an instrument case like I did with Kokona. However, after school I'm gonna ask Osana to meet me in the gym, where I'll have Musume tied up. If things go accordingly...I can drive Osana-chan to murder, and she'll be arrested. Senpai never leaves until 6 when the teachers do their walk-through. Therefore when he sees the cops he'll get curious and check it out... he'll then see his precious Osana getting arrested for murder...and he'll blame the Kokona accident on her...and he will be mine. I go to turn the corner to go outside where Musume is when I hear her suddenly yelling from outside.
"Sooooo unfair! How can I already be out?" She pouts.
I then turn the corner.
"Hello Musume, I heard you yelling. Everything okay?"
"Heeeyyy, Ayano! Got any ciggies on you? I sooooo need a smoke like...right now."
"No, but I'm sure I could get one."
"Thank you so much! If you do this, I'll like sooooo become your BFF!"
"Right...be back in a second."
I then head upstairs to Info-chan's room and I knock on the door.
"Yes?" She asks through the door.
"I need pack of smokes. I gave you five shots last week." I tell her.
"Indeed you did. Here."
She quickly opens the door and throws a pack of cigarettes at me before quickly closing the door again.
"Thank you."
"Anytime Ayano."
I then quickly head back downstairs, for Info-chan was on the third floor, and out the doors to where Musume is. I approach her and hold out my opened hand which has the cigarettes laying there.
"Omg! Thank you so much! You just instantly became my BFF!"
"You're welcome, and since we're friends...I actually could use your help real quick in the gym."
"Bells about to ring.."
"We'll be fine. Don't worry."
"Alrighty, whatever you say."
I then start to lead her towards the gym. I already have the tranquilizer and syringe on me from grabbing them this morning. Once were in the gym I tell her that I need her to grab something for me from inside the gym supply closet that no one really enters on Tuesdays because the sports club doesn't have a meeting. Once she's inside I close the doors behind her and grab her from behind. She tries struggling but I quickly stab her in the neck, the tranquilizer quickly taking effect and her passing out. I then hide her inside a crate, fore I had forgotten to grab the case from the music room earlier. I then hide the items in there with her and I head back to class.
[After school: Cleaning Time]
One perk about being on the good sides of teachers, they'll allow you to clean anywhere you want and alone if you want. I chose the gym and to do it by myself for one reason, and one reason only. Once I was there I whipped out a chair from the back and put it in the middle of the room. I then take some rope from the storage room and tie Musume to the chair, making sure to tie a bandage around her face so she can't see her attacker. I then take the remainder of the time to write yet another note to Osana, but this time it's signed. After cleaning time finishes I quickly rush over to Osana's locker and I put the note it. Afterwards I head back to the gym, knowing she'll come. I put on silicone gloves so I can pick up the baseball bat that Osana-chan will use. But before I do that I have to head to behind the school, which isn't far from the gym building. I see Osana waiting for me as I approach her.
"Hey, your note said you wanted to talk about my dad's debt? What did you want to say?" She asks, crossing her arms.
"I learned some information that might be useful to you."
"What is it?" She asks, uncrossing her arms.
"Are you familiar with a girl named Musume?" I ask.
"I've spoken to her a couple of times, but I don't her very well. Why?"
"Her father runs a loan agency...Ronshaku Loans.."
"Musume's father is the one extorting your dad."
"I-I..I never would have expected to hear that...but what am I supposed to do with that information?"
"I think that...if we hurt Musume-chan, we can make her father stop extorting your dad."
"What?! No! Even if Musume-chan's father is an awful person, she doesn't deserve to be hurt!" She yells, putting her hands on her hips.
"Maybe she does." I say, smirking while I also put my hands on my hips.
"Why would you say that?"
"Well, today...Musume was bragging about the expensive gifts her father buys for her..clothing..shoes.. jewelery..watches..handbags..she bragged about she can make her father buy anything she wants. Even if she pretends to cry, until he buys it. Everything she owns, was bought with the money that was extorted out of your father, and she's not even grateful for any of it."
Osana's hands have dropped by now, and she makes her hands curl up into a fist. She looks to the ground, anger cracking her face.
"That...is what my dad suffers for...so that bimbo can wear jewelery she doesn't deserve?"
"I have a plan," I say smirking, "I'll get her unconscious, tie her up, and blindfold her. Then, we'll beat her up. She'll never know it was us."
"What?" Osana looks up at me, "What would that solve?"
"I would send a message to her father. He'll realize he can't keep getting away with what he's doing. He'll put an end to his loan business, and your father will be free from debt."
"Would that...really work?" She asks, looking away, taking my offer seriously.
"Of course."
She sighs and then looks at me.
"Alright. Let's do it. But Senpai can never know!"
"Mhm. I'll call you when it's time."
"Please hurry...I don't want my dad suffering any longer."
"Of course..just don't leave school grounds."
I then walk away and head into the gym, making sure Osana doesn't see me enter of course. It's 3:20 now. I didn't use as high of a dosage on her.. she'll be awake by 4...I'll call Osana then. In the meantime, I should find that baseball bat in the storage room, and have it ready for Osana-chan...
[Gym: 4:00 pm]
I stand outside the gym, waiting for Osana-chan. I called her five minutes ago alerting her it was time. I told her not to leave school grounds, and I know Senpai hasn't left yet. So where is she? I then start to hear Musume inside yelling for help, but we all know she won't be getting any. A few minutes later Osana comes running up to me.
"Sorry, I was just telling Taro that I had to go somewhere. I'm not good at excuses when it comes to him."
"You're fine Osana-chan."
"So...is it...done?"
"Yes, she awaits us in here."
Osana looks at the gym doors.
"After you." I tell her, opening the door.
We walk inside, me closing the door behind us.
"Oh my God..." Osana says.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"This isn't what I expected!"
I walk over to the baseball bat that I sat right next to the door. I still have my gloves on, keeping my finger prints off the weapon. I then walk back over to her.
"Don't forget why we're here. This is for your father's sake, remember?" I tell her, "here, you'll need this." I hold out the baseball bat.
"Huh? I..." She takes the bat and looks over at Musume-chan, "I'm not so sure about this anymore..."
"I've...heard that voice before..." Musume says, getting Osana and I to look at her, "Osana?! Is that you?! Ugghh, did I really get kidnapped by a skank like her..."
"W-What?! Who are you calling a skank?!" Osana says angerly.
Good...I think to myself.
"Don't play dumb! The whole school knows you sleep with men for money!"
"N-No! I don't! I just go out to dinner with them! It doesn't go any further!"
Musume strains on the rope as a smile cracks her face.
"Ha! That's a laugh! Any girl with a rack like yours knows how to take advantage of it!" Musume then relaxes, the rope straining the chair a little as she does, "Just admit what everyone already knows! You're a total slut."
"I-I never asked for my body to look like this!"
"But I bet you enjoy all the money that your huge boobs are making for you."
"I don't get to keep any of the money I make! I give it all to my dad.."
Musume throws her head back in amusement, even though she's the one blindfolded and tied up. A part of me feels like she forgot about it...but she'll soon remember. I look at Osana and can tell she's coming close to insanity with Musume. I then look back at Musume with a smirk of which niether can see.
"How stupid! You're supposed to be milking money from your dad, not the other way around!" Musume says, stirring the pot.
Osana grips the bat tightly, anger and insanity striking her face.
"Pffft...HAHAHAHA!" Musume Burt's out laughing, her head swung back, the ropes straining as her body moves from laughing, "Is THAT what this is all about?! Your dad can't pay back a loan, so you're taking it out on me?! You're pathetic! Your dad is pathetic!"
I can see Osana break in her eyes, so I decide to take a step backwards, moving myself slightly closer to the door so my plan can take full action.
"If someone can't pay debts, they shouldn't be aloud the borrow money in the first place!" Musume continues.
Osana's arm drops beside her and her grip on the bat is so tight I could see her fingers turning red. Her face was to the ground and I knew it was time to head out and call the police. I then turn and walk outside, Osana was too focused on Musume to notice. Once outside I took off my gloves and dialed 911.
911: 911 what's your emergency?

Ayano: Hello? My name is Ayano Aishi. I heard screams from inside the gym here at Akademi High School...and I saw a student by the name of Osana Najimi...murdering another student.

911: Were sending help right away. Are you safe?

Ayano: Yes. I ran inside the locker room near the gym. I'm safe.

911: Alright. We'll be there shortly.
After hanging up, I slip my phone away and cup my hands on the glass, looking in to see what had happened while I was making my call. As I do this all I see Osana-chan beating Musume to death with the baseball bat I had given her. Insanity on Osana's face...blood coating Musume's. In the angered rage she's in, she goes overboard on her killing spree and coats her whole body in Musume's blood. After Osana realizes Musume no longer moving and breathing, I see her starting to walk backwards towards the doors. As she does this the police sirens ring throughout the property of the school, I hear them as clear as day. I then see Osana throw the bat to the ground and quickly turn around. That's when I hear her scream through the doors, "AYANO!!" I smirk behind the glass, fore I know she can't see me. The cops then run up behind me, their guns drawn. I throw my hands in the air.
"I'm Ayano, the caller. She's still in there!"
"Move men!" Yells the captain.
That's when I see Senpai running towards me.
"Ayano! What's going on?" He asks.
I gulp, hoping not to screw up my words in front of my Senpai.
The cops then come out of a bloody Osana handcuffed. She looks at me and Taro and her eyes widened.
"No! Taro it's not what you think! Ayano set me up! She...!"
"Shut it! Keep walking!" Yells an officer.
"What did she...?" Taro starts to ask, but then looks in through the gym doors.
"Taro! Don't look!" I tell him.
I quickly shut the doors.
"Come on, we should go home. I can walk you...if you want?"
"Thank you Ayano, I'd really appreciate that." He says, looking to the ground.
"Of course."
I then walk him home. It's a silent walk, but I don't mind. It's taking all I have not to get nervous and jumbled. Once we reach his house I go to walk away, but the tenderness of his voice stops me.
"Yes?" I ask, looking back at him.
"Do you think...do you think Osana drove Kokona to insanity too?"
"She most likely did...why?"
"I just...needed justice. Thank you."
"Mhm." I nod.
He then heads inside and I head home. Once home I throw myself onto my bed and squeeze one of my pillows tightly. Senpai is so close to becoming mine. This Friday I'll do it! I'll confess my feelings to him under the Cherry Tree! After tonight...he'll have to except it! That's when my phone buzzes...the only reason why it would buzz now is...Info-chan.
I then take my phone out and open the message.
Info-chan: Hello, I saw the police escort Osana away this evening.

Ayano: What's it to you? I just simply eliminated another rival..

Info-chan: Careful what you say. You're a criminal...and I could turn you in at any moment.

Ayano: You won't. You're a pervert and an accomplice.

Info-chan: Smart one.

Info-chan: Anyways, were getting a new student tomorrow.

Ayano: I care why?

Info-chan: It's a girl.

Info-chan: Just keep an eye out on Mr. Yamada.

Info-chan: Oh, and her name is Amai Odayaka.

My Lover is a Serial Killer (A Yandere Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now