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The ringing pounded in my head like a basketball hitting the gym floor... however it wasn't as bad as yesterday. Yesterday it felt like a zillion hitting the floor at once, but today it only felt like one. Could it be because today I have motivation to wake up? I sit up in my bed yawning, my back aching from last night. Who knew Kokona was so heavy! Has to be those big melons of hers...honestly...who is she even trying to kid? Those have to be fake...I then get up and change into my school uniform. I go into the kitchen and this time, there's a note waiting for me. That's right, I didn't come in here last night...I stayed mostly in my room and in the basement. I grab the note, reading it carefully, hoping it will help me figure out this mysterious force.
Dear Ayano,
Mysterious Force, huh? I guess that's only fair...I'm glad you met someone. I'd be nice if you could leave more notes, telling me how's it going. So what's his name? I'm eager to hear your response..after all I always...no, I can't tell you yet. We'll talk soon, and maybe face to face. I love you.
The Mysterious Force
The way they said I love you at the end...I could tell it was real. Who is this person?
"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Screams a voice from my basement.
Right, I have to deal with her first before anything. I look at the clock. I have time...maybe I'll be an hour late. But who cares? Or...the fact that only she talked to my Senpai means there's no longer a threat! That and Info-chan is there. I'm sure she'd pull through again. I then head back into my room grab my phone off the charger, opening her messages.
Ayano: Hey.

Info-chan: Good morning.

Ayano: I need a favor.

Info-chan: How can I be of service to you?

Ayano: Taro...watch him for me today. Make sure he doesn't run into any trouble.

Info-chan: Are you not coming to school today then?

Ayano: Unfortunately no, a raccoon got into my basement and I have to...handle it.

Info-chan: A raccoon? I understand, those purple haired vermin are just terrible, aren't they?

Ayano: Indeed they are. I have to go now. Thank you.

Info-chan: Pleasure doing business with you.
I then turn my phone on silent as I set it back down on my desk. I walk back into the kitchen and over to the silverware drawer, retrieving my biggest cutting knife. I take a deep breath as I ready the knife and head to my basement door. The steps Creek quietly I walk down the stairs, Kokona's breath sharpens. I then turn to face her, her eyes widen.
"Hello Kokona-chan. Comfortable?"
"What's the meaning of this?! Why am I down here?! W-Why are you holding a knife?!"
"You were talking to my Senpai...you have feelings for him...that's unexceptable.."
"Senpai? Who...Taro?"
"You don't have the right to speak that name."
Fear striked her eyes, I didn't know what my emotionless body was expressing at this point in time, but it excited me when I saw the fear in her eyes.
"There h-has to be another way to solving your problems!" She screams.
"There isn't. Besides, I over heard you on the phone, you take part in compensated dating.."
"I do it to help my dad!"
"YOU'RE A WHORE! Taro would hate a whore like you...so for him, I'm going to fix you up."
"Y-You aren't gonna kill me?"
"No...I'm going to torture you until you want to kill yourself for salvation."
I approach her slowly, a cracked grin covering my face as I raise the knife.
"No, stop, please, stay back, NOOOOOOOOO!!" She screams.
The torture begins.
[Friday Morning]
I wake up early today, five in the morning to be exact. I quickly got ready, slipping on my favorite pair of black underwear. I then head downstairs, this time without a weapon. Kokona is so far gone, she has no humanity, nothing left. Throughout this week of her missing there has been a buzz at the school and I saw a girl taking to my Senpai trying to...comfort him! She was all over him and I want her dead. Kokona is the perfect instrument for this. She'll do anything for freedom...even kill. I head down the creeky stairs, and she immediately knows of my presence.
"Please...no more...I'm worthless...no reason to continue..."
"I'm not gonna hurt you Kokona, I came to ask you something. Kokona, do you want to be free from this hell?"
Her lifeless, hopeless eyes look up at me, her voice straining to speak.
"Y-Yes...anything to be free... salvation..I'm useless...worthless...this world is done with me.."
"Well, I have a way for you to claim that sanctuary. I'm going to bring you to school, and you are going to hide behind a bush. When I come to you with a weapon and a name you are to seek this student out...and kill her. Only then will the gates of freedom open, and when that happens...take the weapon.." I go behind her and put my mouth next to her ear as I wisper, "..and kill yourself."
Kokona nods slowly, her broken mind has already given into me. I then untie her and help her up out of the chair, and up the basement stairs. We soon make it to school and I set her behind the designated bush. I head into the school and up to the second floor where the art class is. I only take a glance around before I spot a box cutter that the new teacher was using to bring in his boxes of supplies. I quickly grab it and head out the room before a Student Council member enters.
"Miss Aishi.." Says the SC member.
"Good morning.." I say sighingly.
I then quickly head back down the stairs, passing the blue-headed bimbo who was all over my Senpai.
"Morning Saki." I smile fakly.
"Morning Ayano!" She grins back.
I scoff once I reach the bottom of the stairs. I can't wait to see her blood be spilled. I then head outside and back to the bush.
"Kokona, it's time."
Kokona stands up.
"Here, take this. Your target is Saki Miyu. Now go, take your freedom."
Kokona takes the box cutter and starts heading into the school, searching for her target. I follow behind, not too close but close enough to grin when Kokona takes the blade to Saki.
"Kill...kill...kill..." Kokona mumbles as she walks through the second floor halls.
We were coming close to the supply closet that Saki visits everyday to grab the cooking club supplies. Saki walks out holding some PAM spray when she sees Kokona and stops. That's when I remember something and realize how fitting this is...Saki is Kokona's best friend.
"Kokona? Kokona!" She says, a tear falling from her face.
"Kokona?" Says a voice from behind us.
Good, another witness. Kokona doesn't say anything as she keeps approaching Saki.
"Kokona? Hello? You're...scarring me."
"Kill? Is that what you're saying? Kokona?! Come on, stop!"
Saki drops the PAM as Kokona tackles her to the ground revealing the box cutter and stabbing Saki in the heart. The girl behind me screamed which gathered others, who screamed as well before running and getting teachers. I grinned as Kokona killed her best friend and then herself by stabbing herself in the throat. I then walk away from the scene and join the other students. After police arrive and rule it as a murder-suicide the school releases us early. And to think, school had only just begun. I then stalk Senpai to make sure he returns safely before I return to my home. That night I relax in my computer chair thinking to myself.
"Senpai is finally mine...forever.."
That's when my phone buzzes and the small feeling of happiness vanishes. I pick up my phone to see a text from Info-chan.
Info-chan: Hey, I saw the murder-suicide today. Excellent work.

Ayano: Thank you, but why are you still texting me.

Info-chan: I saw you stalk Taro home...but when you left a girl came over. Her name is Osana Najimi.

Ayano: What?

Info-chan: I loved what you did with Kokona...I'd love it if something horrible also befalled Osana..

Ayano: Osana...she'll regret loving my Senpai...

My Lover is a Serial Killer (A Yandere Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now