Chapter 7: Three-Headed Dog!

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Sitting with Professor Snape at his dinner table was a novelty for me as we ate a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs which I made with the food I found in his refrigerator. He doesn't talk as he eats and I take the hint to not speak as well.

By the time, I've washed the dishes and pots, it's around nine. Not knowing whether or not I've overstayed my welcome, I make him a cup of coffee with the powder I found in one of his kitchen cupboards.

"You shouldn't drink coffee this late at night," He speaks suddenly from behind me, making me jump. "You won't be able to sleep."

"It's not for me," I breathe, finishing up stirring the black liquid. "It's for you."

"Peculiar," Professor Snape murmurs softly as he takes the cup from me, sipping it. "Would you like me to make you something in return? Hot chocolate perhaps?"

"No thank you, Professor Snape," I mumble, wiping my hands on my shorts. "I should be getting back to the dorms. I'll have to ask what I missed in classes today."

My heart skips a beat when he moves to stand in front of me, cornering me between him and the basin. The moisture in my mouth disappears like a puddle in summer as he places his cup into the sink.

"I don't mind being married to you," I spurt out, looking down at my feet as he steps away from me, answering his earlier question. "I don't know what it means to be married but I've seen how my Aunt and Uncle are like...I like the sight of it and besides, I've always dreamed of having a relationship like theirs..."

"This is no fairytale, Ms Hope," Professor Snape speaks gravely as the heat of his gaze makes my skin hot. "You have your whole life ahead of you. Are you sure you don't mind being tied down by marriage?"

"Marriage doesn't tie a person down," I mutter, lifting my eyes up to look at him. "It makes them stronger."

For a moment I think he's going to scold me for my boldness but he surprises me by giving a short nod, his mask of indifference drops for a split second and there is a spark of amusement in his eyes before he catches and recovers the slip.

"Have it your way," He growls out, turning to leave for the second door to the room he was in since Professor Dumbledore's departure. "Are you coming?"

My heart jumps into my mouth at his invitation, scrambling to cross the length of the room to stand behind him, he casts an eye over me as I stand just next to him with my hands behind my back as I basically balance myself on the heels of my feet.

"It's only for tonight," He grumbles as he lets me into what I can only believe is his bedroom. "If Flitch catches you in the halls this late, you'll end up scrubbing the toilets on every level of this school."

Ah...the caretaker that hates the students.

I don't want to think how many toilets there are in this school... My mouth forms a lowercase 'o' as I take in the neat appearance of his bedroom. A large canopy bed sits in the middle of the room with two bedside tables flanking its sides like guards. To the left of the bed is his bathroom which Professor Snape disappears into while I stand aimlessly in front of the door we entered through.

It doesn't take him long to reappear, this time dressed in a pair of black silk pyjamas with the letters 'S.S' sewn into the breast pocket with gleaming silver thread. Turning back the covers, he gazes at me for a moment before he produces his wand which he flicks in my general direction before he climbs into the left of the bed.

"I hope you don't expect to sleep standing up now, Ms Hope," He grumbles, settling back into his pillows before he flips the right side of the blanket over. "I believe muggle couples do sleep in the same bed."

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