Punch Me!

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I lied onto my bed deep rooted into my own thoughts.

Kale and Trina?

Trina and Kale?

Am I dreaming?

'But don't you think this may be a good thing? Maybe it's the Moon Goddesses way of telling us that Lyndon is the one' Sophia spoke up.

I scoffed, 'I highly doubt that that's the case. I need another sign. If she really wanted us to be together- she wouldn't have let him reject me so easily'

'True. Okay well you still need to get over Kale and Trina. Be happy for them and move on. We both knew that it was bound to happen anyway, so get over it'

I guess Sophia was right. I did need to get over him and our kiss.

"You kissed your ex-mates brother?" Mitch smirked at my bedside.

I furrowed my brows in confusion then glared, "I told you to stop reading my thoughts"

He pinched my cheeks and I felt my bed dip a little, "And I said no promises"

Removing my face from his grip and moving over a bit, I lye silent.

After my recent discovery of the whole army thing and my friend finding her mate, I had decided to finally take up Mitch on his offer to take me home.

So here we were, in my dark room, with my arms folded behind my head.

My room was dark because the light was said to irritate Mitch's skin which I found absolutely ridiculous and slightly stereo.

"Are you ignoring me?" Mitch popped himself up to his side to look at me. His eyes were now a pinkish color that were sending me an annoyed kind of vibe.

I then repeated his actions, "What's wrong?"

He blinked a few times and smirked, "Nothing, I just don't like to be ignored"

I rolled my eyes and plopped myself back down.

He was being childish, "What did you say anyway?"

"I said that we have to start training as soon as possible. You also need to get as many people on our side as possible- but only tell people that you trust," he warned.

"It's very important. This is dangerous"

I laughed a little to myself, "Training? I just met you today. How do I know that all this is even true? I can't even fight. I'm more a lover rather than a fighter"

"You can trust me because I don't lie, I just fib. What I've told you isn't a lie so your just going to have to trust me," he chucked, "And the whole not being able to fight thing. Well I guess we'll just have to change that"

Before I could even register the sinister tone in his voice, Mitch was already hovering over me with my hands above my head. Just when I was about to squeal out of shock, I realized that I couldn't.

I couldn't say anything really- all that could escape my lips were mumbles and small whimpers. I then looked up into Mitch's silver eyes to see that he was the reason for all of this.

For a second, I could feel myself go into a mild trance as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"Fight. Back" he whispered slowly, but I still couldn't move.

I tried to slip my arms out of his grip, but nothing worked.

I was stuck and it was beginning to make me feel pathetic.

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