Dr. Jekyl Mr. Hyde Part |

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"Hey sweetheart" my mother awkwardly spoke entering the premises of my room. It felt like forever since I seen her and my dad. Since training had begun, I haven't really seen anyone outside of those white walls.

At least, that's what I wanted to believe. Deep down inside I knew why we weren't talking.

It's because she blamed me.

She blamed me for the fact that we won't ever sit at the Royal Tables in big pack events.

She blamed me for being rejected by that jerk, and she blames me for every bad thing raining on this family.

It's always been that way.

Avalon the mess-up.

That's what and all I'll ever be to this woman.

I know it.

She knows it.

The whole damn family knows it.

Nothing will ever not be my fault. It sucks that I'll never be able to change that no matter how strong or more confident I become.

She'll always find something.

"Yes mom", I squeaked closing up my book. I already knew what she was coming in here to talk about and quite frankly I didn't want to here about it.

She walked in and sat onto my bed and adjusted her night-gown.

"Can we talk about- um what happened?" she said cutting right to the chase. I stared down at my hands seeing them begin to shake.

I could only nod.

She stared down at my book and bit her lip, "What happened between you and Lyndon? What did you do?"

My head snapped up and I glared, "What did I do? Don't you mean what did he do and has been doing?" I said putting emphasis on my words.

What the hell did she mean "what did I do?" I knew she'd find a way.

"Honey, boys don't just not like a girl on the first day. Especially when they're mates" she trailed off as if she knew everything about the opposite sex.

"Did you do something wrong? Were you not as confident as you needed to be? Did you wear that ugly black dress I told you not to because that could've been the reason too"

I wanted to slap her, "No mother I didn't. He just didn't like me and I've now accepted that and it's time for you to do the same"

My claws threatened to tear out of my hands as my tears were attempting to do the same.

"Okay well was it that boy?"

Mitch? ,

"Was it that, dare I say it, bloodsucking menace. Did he have something to do with this? Honey, whatever happened, I'm sure you and Lyndon can fig-"

"No, it wasn't Mitch. Can you just stop and let it go? Leave me alone. Lyndon and I don't want to be with one another"

Even though I still got the little sting in my heart, I knew it was true.

"Don't you dare interrupt me young lady. There's more of them, don't pretend like I can't smell your new scent, it's disgusting and I know they're doing something to you. I forbid you to see them again. Ugh, how could my child be so stupid to hang out with those things?"

My claws were digging into my bed sheets by this time and I was almost ready to collapse.

She was going through her Jekyll and Hyde faze, as my brother and I would call it. Just a moment ago she was calm and nice, but now she's forbidding me to do things.

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