! I M P O R T A N T ¡

93.6K 1.8K 49

Okay guys.

So for all those confused, I started this story when I was like 12 so this is why it's probably bad at the beginning. I just started adding onto it like last year and that's why it's all over. But trust me when I finish it- IM EDITING THE DESCRIPTION AND TITLE bc I just realized how they don't fit in but yeah.

IM ALMOST TO 900k reads so ily and I'm UPDATING ALL STORIES SOON!😘 love getting messages on my board😂

Okay so keep commenting and giving feedback💪👌 Thanks to all those who read Carter Edition & The Ep Chronicles & The Bloodsucker Next Door

That's all folks✌️✌️ Bye now!

Ps// should I change my book cover to the one above?¿ (one of you made it. I like it) Does anyone have any ideas for the sequel?¿

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