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I sat in the toilet wrapped around my towel being frustrated with my manager. I felt bad for having Noah hear what he heard, it's not what it seems. Everything has finally gotten all better with Namjoon but everything else seemed as if it was falling apart. I walk over to my pj's and start changing into them. Today was a wild day. The party was great, just so many things happened. What I'm really glad is that everything is fine with Joon.

My phone vibrated as I received a text from Namjoon. I opened it up replying and I invited him over to my suite.

Joon: What hotel are you staying at?

Cel: 4 seasons Beverly hills

Joon: no way that's where we're staying at. What floor?

I texted him the floor and waited for him to arrive. That's a funny coincidence. The doorbell rang and I ran to open it. I pulled Namjoon into a hug.

"You okay?" He asks hugging back.

"Yeah, I just really need you right now."

"Is everything okay with your manager?" He asks coming in.

"We sorta got into an argument." I say as we sit on the couch.

"What happened?" Joon asks me.

"He kind of got mad that we were dancing together when I'm pretending to date Noah. He said it doesn't seem realistic. So I told him why don't we just end it but he said no that I need him. I told him I don't need him and it kind of escalated from there. I said something that sounded rude and Noah heard but he didn't hear everything so it seems wrong." I sigh.

"Awe." Namjoon wraps his arms around me. "Your manager is wrong you really don't need Noah for your career to be good. I'm pretty sure he'll understand what has been mistaken."

I sigh, "My manager frustrates me sometimes. But enough of them. I'm just really glad we're good now."

"Me too." He pulls away from the hug. "I'm sorry for ever believing it."

"Hey, it's fine. I'm sorry also."

Namjoon smiles at me caressing my face. "You're so beautiful."

I blush and fiddle with my hands as he makes me shy.

Are you kidding me? The most beautiful person is literally sitting right here in front of me. I'm mediocre compared to him.

"Get dressed." He tells me.


"Go put something comfortable on." Namjoon says.

"Why?" I question looking down at my pj's.

"Just trust me." He squeezes my hand smiling.

"Okay." I say curious as to what he's planning.

I changed into a cozy outfit;

I changed into a cozy outfit;

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"I'm ready." I say approaching Namjoon.

"Come on." He says standing up from the couch. 

"Where are we going?" I ask curious. 

"You'll see." Namjoon says.

We leave my suite and I follow him to the elevator. He presses a button and I stand there confused and curious as to where we are going.

The elevator dings and the door slide open. We were on the rooftop.

"Are we allowed up here?" I ask Namjoon as we step out of the elevator.

"Yes." He responds. "I think."

I follow him to the edge and my mouth dropped from the view.

"Wow. It's beautiful." I say. 

"Yeah." He says looking at me. "Somethings are just more beautiful."

I blushed knowing what he was referring to. 

My suite had the best view but seeing it from up here was even better. 

"It's super late yet this city is still alive." I say looking at the people having fun outside.

"Let's go have some fun?" Namjoon asks.

"Down there?" I ask.

He nods his head yes.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if you get mo-." Namjoon interrupts me.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go!" He smiles walking back to the elevator and I follow him.

We exit the hotel and start to walk down the street. The fresh air hit us, the more we walked the more busy the streets started to get.

"Look its you." He says pointing to a billboard with my face.

"I want to get away from all things Nova right now." I tell Joon. "There's too much going on with her."

"L.A is great." He changes the subject. 

"You think so? I've been living here all my life so I'm used to it." I tell him. "Where are we going?" I ask him.

Namjoon steps infront of me and cups my face with his hands. "Stop stressing. We're not going anywhere specific. Just relax and have fun." Finishing his sentence he gives me a peck on the lips.

"o-okay." I stutter.


Hey baybehs! How's everyone doing?

Sorry for the short boring chapter todayyy. Hopefully the next one is bettterr.

Thank you so so much for reading this book. It means a looooot to me.

SO I want to get to know my readers more soooo I'm going to ask like a question or two at the end of the chapters bc I know y'all are amazing. 

What's your biggest fear(s)?

Mine are spiders and snakes. It's not a "I just don't like them" thing, I literally cry if I see them or I'm near one. IT's bad, I'm a pusssy assssss bich.

Next chapter will be up when this one get's 3 votes and 4 comments. Thanks baybehs love yaaaaaa.

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