Part of the Fun

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Leo ran out of the door, leaving me with the unconscious man. 

'' C'mon, Nico, '' he yelled from the empty halls. 

I couldn't run away from here. What if I get caught? I'll just end up back here... maybe something even worse than here. 

But what if I really did get out of here? I could live a normal life, like a normal teenager. No more being locked up in white padded rooms with no one to talk to but myself, no more shots, no more stupid itchy strait jackets.

'' NICO! '' 

I struggled to my feet and started to run. I couldn't stay in this place anymore. I need to get out of here and now, Leo's given me that chance. It's just his second day around me and he's already making me break out of mental institutions, I thought to myself and shook my head. I kept running toward Leo feeling as free as ever. 

'' You came! I thought you were gonna make me do this by myself, '' he said, grabbing a screwdriver and a lighter from his pocket.

I gasped, '' How did you get that in here?!? They very... thoroughly... check you when you get in here, '' I said, remembering the very weird security strip check they make you do when you first enter the place.

'' I have connections... and yeah... that should've been illegal, '' he said and took a sharp turn into an unlit area of the halls. In fact, I don't even think the owners and workers knew existed before. Leo went to the furthest back tile and started using the screwdriver to wedge it open. Once he did, the area below it was completely black with darkness. He took out the lighter again and dropped it, unlit, into the hole. 

''  What are you doing? We'll be caught for sure, '' I whispered to Leo, who looked like he patiently waiting for something to happen with the hole. I was quite worried that he had dropped the lighter on an explosive or something, since he did seem sort of...well... insane. 

'' Of course, we'll be caught... it's part of the fun, '' he said and smiled his creepy Joker smile at me. 

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