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I swallowed hard looking at everyone who stood around my hospital bed. They all had looks of concern and anger on their face. I wiped my forehead catching the sweat that began to fall.

I owed them all an explanation on why I tried to take my own life. I could tell they all were growing very impatient.

My mom was crossing her arms tighter tapping her leg faster. Cassidy kept rolling her eyes. Taymor's nostrils kept flaring. Glizzy and everyone else was giving me that 'bitch speak' look.

"Why?" My mom said breaking the uncomfortable silence

"You know you could come to me for anything I'm your mom for god sakes. I'd try to make it better for you the best way I can. I feel like I've failed you, you couldn't even tell me you were feeling this way"

"What led up to this? Why this?"

I sighed looking at her. Tears streaming down her face. I wish I could just spill it all. But then Tay would lose his mom and probably go to jail his damn self. I can't do that to them. And plus that's my mom's best-friend she'd be devastated.

Fuck it.

"I can't have everyone in here when I say this. I only want my mom, Cassidy, Tay and Glizzy in the room" I said lowly

I heard some sighs as everyone else evacuated the room besides who I requested to stay.

I sat up a little more and looked at them all individually.

"It started when we moved here"

"I didn't wanna leave my bestfriend, I knew I'd eventually lose her because I moved so far away from her. That did eventually happened just as I knew it would. I can't blame her though. It was completely my fault"

"Then the first day being here Taymor literally hated me. Shit sucked. Like damn nigga ain't even know me and already hated me. Bad vibes"

"Same day I went to the park with him. Met Glizzy. Tay became weirdly jealous asf"

"Anyways fast forward to when shit really got crazy. I went on a date with Glizzy and when I came back Tay got aggressive. Like really aggressive. He raped me. Not only that he stripped my virginity from me"

"I eventually forgave him for it. Hell I liked him oddly so why not right?" I chuckled slightly

"Then I found out he had a girlfriend. That shit hit heart. So I just kept kicking it with Glizzy. Tay hated that shit. He wanted me to his damn self. Even though he had a girlfriend"

"Tay eventually fucked up what me and Glizzy had. Glizzy hated me. Understandable. But I was a lil broken. Just when I started to feel for him"

"Anyways. After all of that Cassidy came on to me one day. She kissed me. I was creeped out about so I just avoided everyone"

"One night I was just feeling stupid horny so I got Glizzy to forgive me and come get me. He picked me up and took me to this abandoned house where he choked me tf out and expressed how he felt about me"

"I passed out but he took me back to his house and when I woke up. We fucked"

"Somehow Tay came and they were fighting woke me up. Shit led to another. Anyways they both ended mad at me"

"I woke up in the middle of that night handcuffed down to my bed. And behold Cassidy did it. She rode me blasé blasé. Got mad I didn't like it and got the biggest strap on I've ever seen on and raped me"

I stopped for a second and looked at my mom. She looked calm. Like deadly calm. Like once I was done she was gonna kill someone.

"I took it and kept quiet about it. There's one more event that occurred before I said fuck it I wanna die"

"What was that?" My mom said

"Tay choked me out over some shit I didn't do. He thought I told his girlfriend about me and him fucking. Calling me a faggot like he wasn't willingly in my guts but okay"

"I would've rather kept it all to myself and died a peaceful suicide than let it all be known"

"I don't wanna ruin anyone's lives."

"I don't want any police involved. I just wanna move. I'm tired of being here around them. Tired of pain"

"I hate it here"


Boring chapter. Ik ik🙃

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