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"So how you been?" Taymor asked

"Fine" I said not really wanting to make a conversation with him

"How's your mom?"

"Hell I don't know haven't seen her in years" I said

"Oh. So this your boyfriend?" He motioned to my therapist

"Why is that any of your concern?" I asked with a little irritation in my voice

He threw his hands up in defense

"My bad. Just was gonna ask you if you wanted to get lunch sometime and ca-

"No thanks" I interrupted him

I turned to my therapist

"I don't wanna get anything from here anymore. Can we go?" I asked him

"Uhm sure" He said going to the door

I turned and followed

"Well uhm bye I guess Mir" I heard Taymor say

I didn't respond just continued to exit the coffee shop and make my way down the road.


"Daddy who was him?" Mira asked looking up at me

I looked down at her. "Just an old friend"

"Oh. Him is rude"

"He's not baby. Just some things you're not old enough to understand" I said

She nodded

"You still want a donut?" I asked walking up to the register

"No. But can we go see mommy"



"Princess!" Miya said smiling the best she could when she saw Mira

"Mommy!" Mira yelled and ran to Miya's bedside

Miya picked her up and set her on her lap.

"Mommy when are you gonna come home?" Mira asked

"I'm not sure baby. Hopefully soon"

"I can't wait cause me and daddy painted my woom and I want you to see it" Mira said cheerfully

"I can't wait to see it either"

"We went to the donut shop and daddy saw one of him old wude fwiends. But him says him isn't wude but me think him is. Him didn't even wanna get wunch with daddy. They would have had a bunch of candy. Him missed out"

Mira chuckled, "Hey baby you remember the playroom across the hall?"


"Could you go over there so me and daddy can talk for a sec"

Mira nodded and hopped down off of Miya's lap.

I walked Mira over to the play room and then came back.

"Sit" Miya said motioning to the chair next to her bed

I came and sat in the chair.

"What we needa talk about?" I asked

"So they gave me only 2-3 months to live"

"Two months? What happened to 7 years?"

"They said my cancer has gotten worse and there's no way my body could hold off for 7 years"

I sighed feeling tears sting my eyes. Me and her weren't together but she's still my babymomma and it's gonna be hard on Mira.

"Look don't cry. Cause then I'll cry and you know I hate to cry. Just promise me to take care of our baby" she said running her fingers through my hair

"I promise" I said wiping my tears

"So what rude friend did you see today?" She asked

"It was Mir" I said

"Did y'all talk?" She asked

"No he brushed me off" I sighed

I ended up telling Miya everything that happened with me and Mir. She was hurt but understanding. She helped me through my lil depression stage I went through after everything. The shit I went through with my mom and everything.

We still had our little moments where we had sex. That's where Mira came in the picture. Kinda drew us closer. Miya's literally my best-friend. I really appreciate her for understanding.

"You'll get the chance to talk to him" Miya said

"Yea I know" I said



"I'm really proud of you. You didn't feed in to him" my therapist said

"Thanks" I said lowly

"I know you still love him and all but it's best you don't feed into him so that love can leave and you can fully push him behind you"

"Yea I know, I'm trying" I said

"Hopefully you'll never run into him again"


Everybody knows once you run into the person you've been dreading to see. You'll constantly run into them over and over again.


Tay and Mir be together?

They just be friends?

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