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7 years later...

Beatrix darted her eyes, scanning the cold, bland room. She found it hard to move or talk, or anything of that matter, until she peered over at a beautiful teenager.

She was looking through magazines while two children ran around her in circles. Beatrix couldn't get over the fact that the girl was a complete Barbie doll.

Her hair was in blonde box braids and she had smooth, dewy light brown skin. She was thick in the hips and thighs and slim in the waist. She looked over seventeen since her eyebrows were well filled in and she wore lip liner and highlight, complimenting her hazel eyes.

"She moving," The young girl gasped while leaning over looking at Beatrix who frowned at her. "Woah, she's mean."

"My momma not mean!" A little boy, that looked just like the girl, defended. "Tell her Yanna!"

The teenager's eyes enlarged as she stood up and looked at Beatrix who was slowly moving her hand and tapping on her mouth, which was covered with a ventilator.

"NURSE! NURSE! SHE'S WOKE! MY MOMMA IS WOKE!" She rejoiced while running out.

Meanwhile, Beatrix was face to face with a brown skin, skinny girl who was short. Her hair was curly and in two puffs. She had pretty eyes that was shaped just like Beatrix's. She wore a creme long sleeve shirt, polka dotted leggings, and pink uggs.

"Whatcha dooooing?" She asked annoyingly making Beatrix roll her eyes. She was trying to figure out how she got in the position she was in, when just yesterday her family was killed and she was sent to the crazy house.

"Mrs. Allen," a nurse smiled taking the ventilator out. "This is just awesome! I'm so glad you're awoken. A lot of people don't make it out of a coma."

Beatrix found it hard to speak so she just arched her eyebrow while giving the lady a stern look.

"Oh you don't know," the nurse sighed palming your face. "Well—."

"Uh no, you already telling ha the wrong story," she said waving her off. "Well if you don't know, I'm Ziyanna. These two rascals are Ziggy and Nixie. I see you been looking at us like we crazy or something. Seven years back you overdosed on LSD which did some damage to your brain. They said LSD is a lot, and you possibly hallucinated that same night. You been in a coma ever since and daddy refused to pull the plug. May Lavender and Sadi burn they souls in hell."

Beatrix looked at her confusingly and finally muttered out something. "Zane..."


"Zane you have a call on line 3, should I put them on hold until you get done with your meeting?" Zane's assistant asked politely.

"I can take it, the meeting is over with," he answered back in a proper voice. "Who is it?"

"Tatiana," she answered bringing him some coffee. "She said it's urgent."

"Hello?" Zane answered with a frowned. "The kids okay?"

"The kids are perfectly fine," she said in a happy voice. "What I need is for you to do is take off early today. I got you a birthday present waiting at your house."

"You want me to take off my multi-million business for a birthday gift," he chuckled.

"Oh trust me this gift is pretty extraordinary," she drawled.

"Alright, Tatiana," he said in a sarcastic tone. "I'll be coming home around six tonight."

"Talk to you laterrrr," she sang and hung up. He just shook his head and relaxed in his massaging office chair while glancing over at a picture of his beautiful fiancé.

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