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"Reagan?" Ziyanna frowned.

"No," Reagan said with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm your mother. Your best friend."

"We'll be over here, Yanna," Beatrix stated while rubbing her back.

"Alright momma," she sighed and watch them leave. She focused her attention on Reagan who had her nose turned up.

"I'm your mother, not that chipmunk," she said pointing at herself. "Did she have you?"

"Did you have me?" Ziyanna quizzed. "What you expect me to do? Huh? Forgive you and act like you ain't choose coke over me?"

Reagan bit her lip in embarrassment. She needed something quick to tell her daughter so she can get back on her side. "Ziyanna, I need to tell you the real story. Beatrix has been manipulating you for way too long."


They were now back at Zane's parents house and couldn't figure out why Ziyanna was so quiet and dry. Zane felt like it was because Reagan told her bogus information but Beatrix convinced him that it was only because she had rekindled with her mother after seven years.

"Ziyanna you wanna—," Beatrix started.

"Nope," Ziyanna finished while going inside Tatum's old room and slamming the door behind her.

Beatrix jerked her head back and opened her door again. "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you walk away when I'm talking to you."

Ziyanna scoffed and put in her headphones, but Beatrix snatched them off. "I don't know who the fuck you getting bold with but you better calm the fuck down!"

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" Ziyanna frowned while towering over Beatrix. "Bitch you ain't nothing but a broke down ho my daddy took in for a personal fuck."

Beatrix had slapped the dog shit out of Ziyanna instantly after fuck rolled off her tongue.

"Beatrix what the hell?!" Zane bellowed while pushing her powerfully, making her fall to the ground. He went to see for his daughter who was crying and holding her red cheek.

"Leave her daddy!" Ziyanna shrieked. "She abusive!"

"Mane get the fuck out, B," Zane growled while picking up his dramatic daughter.

"Zane I—."

"Get out!" He roared. "I want you out! I told you I didn't want you touching my children! Especially Ziyanna!"

Beatrix had angry tears coming down as she stormed out and grabbed her suitcases.

"I'm coming with you," Ziggy said. "Don't leave me."

"Yeah, me too," Nixie said behind Ziggy. "I don't wanna be here and you're not here with me."

They attacked her with hugs and she accepted them. "We're going over paw paw and granny house then we'll go back home."

"Nah," Zane said. "You ain't taking my kids nowhere."

"Zane these are my kids," Beatrix cried. "You can hit me, push me around, or verbally abuse me but you will not take my kids away from. That's one fight you would lose."

BeatrixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora