Chapter 3

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Colby's POV:

As I sped back to the house Liz followed closely her head lights reflecting in my mirrors, normally I would be iffy on letting fans come to the house but I knew this was one of those cases where I needed to make an exception. I pounded my palm against my steering wheel impatiently as our front gate slowly opened, I parked in my usual spot and threw my door open. Sam gave Liz the keys to unlock the door so we could go in. As I pulled Y/N from the back seat Sam grabbed her crutches. we rushed into the house slightly freaking out, "Get the hell off the couch Jake we need it" Sam said setting the crutches against the wall and fixing some pillows at one end for her head. "Woah man who is that?" Jake half yells as he jumps off the couch "Don't worry about that right now go get some ice man!" Sam demands. I gently set Y/N down on the couch and knelt to the ground so I was about eye level with her. Jake hands me a zip lock bag of those plastic freezable fruit, I look up at him and he nods and runs back to the kitchen as if knowing that these things are pathetic and I was bout to throw them at him. Jake returns a few seconds with actual ice in the bag, I turned back to Y/N as she lay unconscious on the couch.

I put the bag of ice on the side of her head to reduce some of the swelling, after a few minutes her face started to contort to a grimace like she were in pain. Liz seen her start to move and she jumped off the couch and sat on the floor next to me to see if her friend as going to be ok, at this point all of the roommates were in the living room waiting for Y/N to wake up. Sam had filled them in on what had happened, Aaron and Devyn were saying we need to take her to the hospital but I just ignored them. Y/N's hand reached up and gently pulled my arm away so the ice want on her head anymore "Man that shits cold" she whispered groggily, Liz and I laughed a little and Liz hugged her friend. I let out a sigh of relief as my hands fell to my lap, "Are you ok Y/N, you were out for quite a while...... Arron and Devyn were trying to convince me to take you to the ER" I laughed at the last part and stood up helping her sit up on the couch. " I'm glad you didn't I hate doctors... and yeah I think I'll be ok.....well... maybe" she had her hand on her head and was touching the rather large bump that had formed there. "You gave me a heart attack jerk" Liz playfully slapped her arm, Y/N smiled and hugged Liz who pushed her off.

"I'm ready for bed do you want to go get a hotel?" Liz asked before a yawn escaped her mouth causing just about everyone to yawn, I looked at my watch and shook my head "I don't think there will be any open its already about to be midnight......... you guys can sleep on the couch I have another one in my room one of you can crash on...." Y/N shrugged and looked at Liz for approval. "Yeah I'll take the one down here" Liz said helping Y/N up off the couch, I seen Liz wink at her but I ignored it and offered my arm to Y/N. I was helping her up the stairs and I looked back at Liz seeing Sam handing her blankets and sitting next to her on the couch, at least he was starting to get over Kat I was starting to get worried he'd be upset forever. "Sorry about the mess" I turned my light on and looked over at Y/N who just smiled at me and shrugged. "You take the bed ill sleep on the couch" I said grabbing one of the pillows off my bed, she nodded and sat on the edge of my bed and began undoing the buckles on her boot she cringed and stopped falling back onto the bed giving up. I moved in front of her and started gently working at the boot to help her, she sat up a shocked look on her face and I worked to undo the tight buckles as gently as I could. "I really appreciate everything you guys did for me today" her voice was soft and soothing, I looked up from the her boot as I released the last buckle "You're welcome I really don't mind, I enjoy your guys company....... and I can tell Sam is fond of Liz"


I smiled I could definitely tell Sam and Liz were getting along, Colby gently slid the boot off my foot set it on the ground. "There we go.... do you need pillows to elevate it?" he stands up and I nod, he walks out and I start smiling like an idiot I fall back onto the bed and wonder how I could be so lucky. He walks in and sets two pillows next to me and sits on the couch "why didn't they put a cast on you?" he asks pointing to the boot "I honestly have no idea... they make me wrap it in like an ace bandage then wear the boot all day but I have to sleep with just the ace wrap on.... maybe so I can keep it clean" I tried to think of why but I myself didn't even know. "Usually i have no problem getting the boot off but today i think i over did it because its ridiculously swollen and its pretty sore" I sigh as i look down at my swollen toes peeking out of the ace, "Did you cry?..... like when you broke it" Colby asked as he layed down on his stomach facing the bed, he used the pillow to prop his torso up off the couch and rested his chin on the arm rest. I shook my head and laughed a little "No actually I thought I had just sprained it and waited to go to the dr until the next day". I mimicked Colbys position as i layed on the bed, we looked like two teenage girls at a slumber party but we didn't care.

Chasing Love - Colby brock x reader Sam Golbach x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now