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"Stop it!" Bucky yelled

The video paused, and Bucky stood taking hold of the papers and coffee mug that was on the table in front of him and pushing them to the floor, he then silently marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Tony?" Natasha asked after a minutes silence

Tony stood, frozen, his face showed no emotion other than guilt and horror.

He was so still,one might have thought he had stoped breathing, still staring at the now, paused video of his older sister

"Tony come on now" Natasha said again, clearly everyone was too shocked to take initiative so the responsibly fell to her

She stood up, walking over to the still frozen Tony,

She put one hand on his back and the other on his arm and to her surprise he allowed himself to be lead away

She lead him to the kitchen where she sat him down at the counter and went to make a cup of tea,

She came back and Tony had his elbows rested on the table and his head in his hands

She placed the cup of milky tea in front of him "Hey"

Tony didn't look up or reply,

Natasha sat opposite him and drew herself up, putting her arms down on the table in front of her and taking a deep breath

"Tony I have no idea what going through your head right now, but I do know you, and I can make an educated guess, you feel guilty and angry and sad and god knows what else"

Tony sighed and stood up, not even acknowledging the cup of tea Natasha had given him

"I need to go to the lab" he said and began to walk away but Natasha grabbed his wrist and held him back

"Tony," she began " you can't work this problem away, let me help"

Tony looked away from her and shook away her grasp, leaving without another word

- meanwhile -

"So that was..." Wanda trailed off

"Poor kid" Steve said in a defeated voice

"We need to save her" all eyes turned to Clint as he stood "she won't last much longer, look at the dates on these files, 1986, they froze her in 1992 that means she resisted for six years! And they got her out" Clint paused, scanning the file in front of him "two years ago, so in total she had been tortured for eight years"

"And she haven't broken?" Steve asked, astounded

"She must be strong" Wanda commented

"Wait" Clint was looking intently at the file, with a look of horror plastered on his face

"What is it?" Steve stepped towards Clint

"She has powers" Clint said solemnly, looking up with a sorrowful expression

"What are they?" Wanda urged

"Jesus" Clint breathed and he passed the file to Steve and pointed to the third paragraph

The experiment was successful, the girl now has the ability to change her physical form into a shadow, she can move through objects, but not walls. People cannot touch her unless she is in her physical form, the only way they would know where she was would be a shadow. This would make HYDRA infinitely more powerful,

"Oh my god" Steve breathed, almost unable to comprehend your abilities

"What is it?" Wanda asked, she stood and walked over to where Steve was standing, reading the file from over his shoulder

She gasped, and took a step back, leaning on a chair

"I know" Clint said

"We need to rescue her" Steve insisted, a look of defiance on his face

"I know, but how?" Wanda agreed

"We need to talk to stark, he usually does this kind of stuff" Steve answered

"Steve, I don't think Tony will be in the right state of mind to do this" Clint said  "I mean, can you imagine what's going through his head right now?"

"Well I mean he kind of does" the two men looked to Wanda "Well I mean he does! With Bucky, you though he was dead, as did Tony with sister, Bucky was taken by HYDRA as was Tony's sister, they were both tortured, they have both had their memory's wiped and you both found out unexpectedly without any warning"

They couldn't help but agree with her, there were many similarities between you and Bucky

"Yes I guess, but Bucky was brainwashed, but she isn't under HYDRA's control" Steve protested

"Yet" Clint added

"You should talk to him" Wanda said

"I can't do that!" Steve yelled

"Why not?" Wanda asked defiantly

"Tony won't want to see me now, we still don't really see eye to eye" Steve sighed

"Steve, he needs someone who knows what he's going through, weather he likes it or not he's not alone, we need to help him and get his sister back" Wanda put her hand on Steve shoulder, comforting him

"Alright, fine"

Rescue me. Avengers x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora