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You stepped out and saw a man lying on the floor with a red headed woman and a brunette man crouching over him, and a man in HYDRA tactical gear being restrained by a blond man in a blue suit

Bucky ran to the man on the floor

"Tony!" He yelled and he too crouched down next to the man

"What the fuck happened? I was only gone for a few minutes!"

"That HYDRA agent shot him" the brunette said

"Three times" the red headed woman added

You looked at the man on the floor, he had short black hair and a goatee - you had no idea how but you felt you had seen him somewhere before and suddenly you filled with rage

You slowly turned your head towards the HYDRA agent who was now pinned against the wall by the blond man

You walked towards him, stepping over the body's that were littering the floor

You walked up so you were just behind the blond man , he turned his head and looked at you a shocked expression plastered on his face

"Step aside" you told him in a voice that was croaky from the fact you hadn't really used it except for screaming in pain for years

"Miss I-" you cut of the man with a look that was so powerful it appeared to pierce his soul

"Right" he let the man fall to the floor and you crouched down so as to be at eye level with him

"You're going to regret doing that" you said in a scarily calm voice

The man's face went pale as he realised how serious you were and he tried to move away from you but you grabbed hold of his collar


Natasha leaned over tony, trying to ignore the agents screams in the background

"Come on tony stay with me" she muttered as she tried to stop the blood that was poring out Tony's shoulder, chest and arm

"Y/n" he muttered

"Yeah I know, you need to stay here for her Tony" Natasha encouraged

"How is he?" Steve asked as he crouched next to Bucky

"I thought you were taking care of the agent?" Clint asked

"The kid seems to be taking care of it" steve said looking up only just in time to see you throw the man across the room by his foot

"Where is she?" Tony asked without looking up

"She's ok" Bucky replied and the corners of Tony's mouth turned up

Steve looked to his friend who was pale and lifeless but still fighting and felt a rush of pride

"I don't think we can do anything" Natasha said in a defeated voice

"What?! No! We have to be able to do something! It can't end here!" Steve yelled in a panicked voice

Tony groaned and Wanda stroked his hair

"I'm sorry Steve, he's lost a lot of blood, back up won't be here for a few hours and the bullet in his chest might have hit something important" Natasha quickly wiped away a tear that only just managed to escape the corner of her eye

"No" Wanda whispered

"It-it's ok" Tony said weakly

"No tony you can't give up" Steve said

Tony gave a half hearted snort "getting sentimental Rodgers?"

Steve smirked as a singular tear slid slowly down his face

"Just look— after her" he coughed struggling to keep his eyes open

"Tony just hold on" Bucky urged but Tony shook his head

"Promise me" he insisted looking directly at Steve

"I swear" steve promised

Tony looked back up at the ceiling and small sad smile on his face

"There are- are worse ways to go" he choked "it could be worse"

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