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You stood as a man entered your cell, you were filled with anticipation- something big was going on and no one would tell you what, you heard fighting and people yelling outside and it was infuriating that you were stuck in your cell

The man looked sad and conflicted- unlike any of the HYDRA agents you had seen who usually looked angry or looked at you as if you were filth

he had shoulder length brown hair, a muscular physique and a metal arm. He was wearing black tactical gear and had an assortment of weapons hanging of a belt

Bucky looked right back at you, you looked like absolute shit, your hair hung loosely around your head, the bags under your eyes were prominent and you had a distant look bout you - like your soul was trying to claw itself away from your body

You were dressed in black leggings and a black bra, you had some kind of muzzle covering your face that had been put on to tight and so prickles or blood dotted around your nose and cheeks. All exposed parts of your skin were covered in a patchwork of ugly scars,

"Hello" he said and you looked at him sceptically- no one at HTDRA would address you like that, there were no greetings- only orders

"My names Bucky" he continued taking a sheepish step forward and you didn't reply- quite obviously as the muzzle was restricting your speech

"You don't have to be scared, no one will hurt you anymore" he took yet another step forward and you stepped back, putting your arms out in front of you

"It's ok, you're ok" he said, stepping back

You gave him a confused look and coked your head to left

"We're going to get you out of here, would you like that?" He asked

You had no idea what the hell what going on and it's not like you could ask so you just kind of stood there dumbfounded

The man looked uncomfortable

"Can you- talk?" He asked

Your confused expression turned into one that could only say 'are you fucking kidding me man?'

"Oh right, mask" he finally got the picture "are you able to take it off or do you want me to?"

Obviously you didn't reply and this conversation was just turning into a train wreck

The man who called himself Bucky stepped forwards and you stepped backwards in response, pushing your back up to the wall

"Hey it's ok" he said in a soothing voice as he stepped closer but it did nothing to calm your nerves - clearly this man was a HYDRA agent who was trying to break you via a different approach, well it wouldn't work! You would never serve HYDRA - you would rather die

You surveyed they way he moved, you had to get him away from you, several idea's popped into your head, different ways to take him down

As he stepped forward again you stooped down, shot your leg out and span so he tripped and landed on his side, you flipped over him and kicked his stomach, you would have punched him in the face but he rolled away from you in the nick of time

"Kid!" He yelled as he dodged punch after punch you threw at him

Your hands moved faster than the man could dodge and soon enough he was sprawled out by your feet

He sat up on his knees, blood pouring from his nose

You took hold of his collar and slammed him against the wall, your other hand in a tight fist - poised and ready to strike

"Kid I won't fight you"

You paused - what did he just say?

He was nothing like anyone you remember meeting before, you let go of his collar and he dropped to the floor

You stepped backward and stood, watching him slowly get up and wipe his bloody nose

He looked back up at you - you expected to see hatred or fear or at least some form of anger but when he looked up you saw sympathy and understanding in his eyes

"Let me help you" he said he stepped forwards but this time instead of retreating you allowed him to come closer and walk behind you

Your entire body was tense, ready for the pain you were sure was soon to come

You flinched as he reached for the back of your muzzle and fiddled with it until it fell of and dropped to the floor

You quickly turned away from him and stepped back, surprised that he hadn't hurt you 

"I told you - I won't hurt you" he said

Suddenly gunshots sounded from outside

"Oh shit" Bucky muttered, the door slid open as he ran out of the cell

A moments hesitation followed as you watched in slow motion as the the door slid shut


Sarcasm laced your inner voice as you jumped out of the cell just before it closed

Rescue me. Avengers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now