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You woke slowly and groggily- everything was fuzzy and smeared together

You groaned, your head was killing you. You tried to bring your hand to your temple but you couldn't

You raised your head and saw your arms and legs restrained to a table, you tried to change your form, get out of them but you couldn't

Your clothes had been changed too - you now wore loose fitting trousers and a t-shirt

You began to panic, straining against the bonds that held you down,

You looked around and saw you were in a white room that was practically empty warning- if you don't like needles don't read the next three lines x
except for a drip feeder that was attached to your arm and a heart monitor

There was an uninhabited chair in the corner and a mirror hanging on the wall

You began to panic more- what the hell had happened?!

You looked up as a man in a suit walked into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him

"Ah you're awake" he walked to the side of your bed and you desperately tried to move away from him

"It's ok, you won't be hurt here" he comforted but you didn't know if he was telling the truth

"Would you like to sit up maybe?" He asked, he pressed a button below your head and your bed raised so you were leaning up

"Who the fuck are you?" You looked at the man in disgust

"Agent Coulson" he replied

"That means nothing to me" you spat, shaking the bed you were tied to for effect

Agent Coulson seemed to snigger slightly and he brought the chair from the corner closer to you and sat down

"Your brothers not very happy about you being here" he said and you gave him a confused look

"And he sure can be stubborn" he continued "don't worry he's perfectly safe - in fact he's on the other side of that mirror"

The man jerked his head to the large mirror on the wall


A remorseful look appeared on the man's face

"You'll soon see" he replied

You decided to ignore his vague reply and ask "Where am I?" You decided not to even glance at the mirror and instead glare daggers at this agent

"SHIELD" he replied simply

"It's not very polite to treat a lady like this you know?" You sneered

"I'm sorry?" Agent Coulson asked, looking confused

"Oh I don't know? The restraints maybe?" You snapped

"sorry about those - we had them made specially so you couldn't just do the shadow thing out of them" he chuckled

You sighed "you know? if your going to kill me can you just make it bloody quick"

The man paused and looked at you with a confused expression "we're not going to kill you"

"What could you possibly gain by keeping me alive?" You retorted

"What could we loose?"

"A great deal - trust me"

Coulson looked at you in some sort of awe "was that a threat?"

"Wow, I didn't think it was possible" you said in false surprise


"You're ever more stupid than you look" the man scoffed "of course it was threat!" You continued

He took a deep breath "listen you are the one tied to a table here, you may think you're in control here but I beg to differ"

You glared at him "then beg"

He smirked "Listen, we want to help you - you saved a man's life you know?" He stood up and walked to the far end of the small room

Your head jerked up "Where is he?" You asked in an urgent tone

"I already told you - he's behind the mirror"

"No you didn't!"

"I did - he's rather insistent on seeing you, if that's ok?"

You did not reply instead looking at the man in upmost confusion

"I'll send him through"

Rescue me. Avengers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now