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You looked over to the group on the floor after you were finished with the agent who was laying in a bloody heap at your feet

A few of them were crying and instantly a feeling of dread settled over you - although you weren't entirely sure why, you needed to protect this man - you felt you had some kind of duty? If that's the word? Like you had some kind of moral programming imbedded within you saying you would do whatever it took to make sure this man was safe.

You ran to his side and took hold of the side of his face

"Y/n?" He asked in a weak voice, you didn't know who y/n was but you did know one thing, you had to do something

"Hold still" you said and you looked to the man who had come into your cell

"You all need to get back" you said and he looked at you sympathetically

"I'm sorry - there's nothing you can do"

"Get back" you repeated

"What are you going to do?" he asked and you rolled your eyes "get back" you said again

He gave you a funny look but he and the rest of them complied, stepping back and giving you adequate space to work 

"Y/n" the man who had been shot said  and he tried to move his hand up to your face

"You need to be still" you said as you took hold of his hand and gently put it back to his side,

You put your hand on the mans chest, you ignored the circle thing that seemed to be glowing which- thinking about it probably wasn't very wise but it didn't seem to be an issue at that point

You put your hand over the bullet wound on his chest and took a deep breath

"Might hurt a little" you said and you smiled at him before closing your eyes and looking down

Suddenly warm light glowed from his wounds and the group who were standing either side of you gasped,

Sweat beaded from your forehead and you clenched your teeth from the strain, you had never done this before but you somehow knew you could - it was weird and you couldn't explain it

This went on for about twenty seconds then you gasped as you jerked your hand away and stumbled to your feet, taking several wobbly steps backwards

The man on the floor lay completely still, unmoving as still as if he wasn't breathing, but one could never be sure.

You struggled to cling onto consciousness and anxiety and anticipation filled you - had it not worked after all?

Suddenly the man gasped and sat straight up putting his hand on the, now, healed bullet wound on his chest and looking down at his blood stained shirt

"Tony!" Steve yelled and he as well as everyone but you ran forwards to greet their friend

"What happened?" The man who had been shot asked, dumbfounded

"Your sister-" steve froze, turning and looking up at you

You looked exhausted and scared, your nose was pink and your legs were shake-y

However you grinned as you finally fell into unconsciousness and fell sidewards onto the cold, concrete floor  

Rescue me. Avengers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now