Lullaby 6

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Sitting in a building with white walls, he felt this weight on his shoulders as he sat and waited. He knew the sinking of his heart when he sits in the middle of the cage, waiting for the sentence of life or death. Jaebum hung his head down, staring down at his hands, blood from the incident staining his fingers. 

Sirens of the ambulances and the faucet of blood falling upon his hands when was pulled away from Jackson, and Jaebum dread to hold him. He wanted to hold him. 

The haunting of death clouded Jaebum's mind, and he didn't want to let go. 

He doesn't know Jackson. Why should he care?

"You should wash that off..." Jinyoung says softly, his hand patted on Jaebum's back, making the raven head flinch under his touch. His thoughtful mind dragging him away from reality, as only a touch of life brought him back. "Right. Are you okay?" Jaebum looked up at Jinyoung, and the other smiled but his tired eyes didn't seem to express assurance. "I will be. Jackson will be, also. See? Breaking in has it ways," he sighs as he took a seat beside his best friend. 

A small heartless laugh escaped Jaebum's chapped lips, shaking his head as he stood up. "I need an answer on why you know how to pick locks," he sighs and left the waiting room. Walking inside the bathroom, he walked over to the sink and washed his hands. The cold water running on his slight trembling hands, his eyes drawing away from his now cold hands, he met the exhausted expression facing back in the mirror. 

Its been a few hours since he was in the hospital, and he would be lying if he didn't feel the sorrow he have buried in his mind to comfort his own self. 

It wasn't any different as he remembered. 

Heart wrenched with sorrow, blue roses only producing the oxygen for it to keep beating. He hated the suffocating feeling within these white walls, the familiar scene of his reflection, made him want to lock away, again. The locked sorrow finally escaping, right when he stepped in the familiar white enclosure.

He knows the tortured cries, and he knows the demons that lurks within the haunted. A place he truly hated instead of feared. Hospitals only awakening the locked away sorrow within the depths of his mind, and he felt the chains appearing on him, again. Suffocated by the collar as he tried to run, but he know he couldn't. 

He could never leave. 

Although, it was locked away with a hidden key, the demons seem to find it. Thus, his true self lies. The Jaebum was only facade to cover up the death of Lim Jaebum. 

"Jae!" Jinyoung's voice erupted in his ears, disrupting the sorrowful thoughts of his own nightmare. Turning away from his reflection, he saw the tired eyes have a light of hope. "Jackson is awake!" Jinyoung exclaims, a small twitch on his lips, as though he was happy by the news. Jaebum nodded, looking away as the heaviness within his chest remain. 

"Jae, I know you hate hospitals... But, I am proud that you came for Jackson." Jinyoung's tone was soft, and eyes of the sympathy dawn over him. Jaebum nodded, he didn't want to meet his best friend's eyes. He knows the look, and he hated it. 

It made him feel weak, and he hate to admit defeat to a demon in disguise. 

"His room is 221. Take all the time you need, Jae." Jinyoung left, and Jaebum gripped the edge of the sink, his nails scraping against the white marble. He wanted to break down, the pit of anger boiling, but he knew he couldn't. It was unnecessary. Taking a deep breath, Jaebum paced around the bathroom to calm himself and overcome it. 

Feeling a vibration in his pocket, he took out the device from his pocket. Looking down at Jackson's phone, he looked at the message. Furrowing his brows, together in complete confusion as he read. He should feel disgusted, but the many thoughts made him confused.

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