Lullaby 24

820 44 5

Jackson and Jaebum have gotten married. They had a wedding, and just like Jinyoung and Mark's - it was loud. Parents didn't attend, however. As Jackson was neglected, and Jaebum's parents lived far. Instead, he have told his parents over the phone, and they were happy. Jackson have only video called them once, and he felt accepted by his lover's parents, as he didn't think he would be liked, at all. 

However, he was proven wrong. His parents complimented him with much love, and sent snacks for them to munch on. They even asked if they will have any grandchildren, and Jackson laughed. He wouldn't mind. But, Jaebum never discussed about the topic and he have gotten more busy, unfortunately. 

After a few weeks after their wedding, Jaebum finally gotten a schedule for concerts. Jackson was happy, but that means arriving at the lonely home, and having a empty bed. Jaebum does call and text him, but Jackson would always end it early since Jaebum would be exhausted. Jaebum and Jackson would bicker about Jaebum's health, but Jaebum loses and hangs up with a 'i love you'. 

Supposedly, Jackson was the wife of the relationship. 

However, Jackson wasn't always lonely. Most days, Jinyoung would drop off Coco, their dog and daughter, for him to babysit while Mark worked and Jinyoung had a longer shift than Jackson. Coco would accompany everyone at the cafe, until Jackson takes her home with him since Jinyoung would have a longer shift. 

Jackson didn't mind Coco. He found her adorable. 

Jackson was on the couch, Coco sitting on his stomach while he watched whatever is on television. Fortunately, he has Coco all to himself for the night since Mark and Jinyoung will go on a date tonight, and have the time to themselves. Jackson didn't complain, but took Coco and decided to babysit her for tonight. 

His fingers ran through her cotton fur, Coco sleeping soundly on his stomach, relaxed by the soft pets from the other. Jackson sighs, bored. For this past week, he has been bored without Jaebum. He knew it was late, and he decided to ignore his phone to let Jaebum get rest. 

Jackson should get pets to accompany him on these lonely days. 

Surely, he does have Coco, but only a period of time. Of course, he has to return Coco, since it was Mark's dog after all. Jackson wouldn't mind keeping Coco, but Mark was obsessed with the cottonball, as he seems to buy cute hats for the poor thing. However, Coco doesn't seem to mind all that much.

"Do dogs even like costumes?" Jackson thought out loud, Coco lifted her head to look at the blonde. Jackson pursed his lips, and looked at Coco. "Do you like costumes?" he asked, and Coco didn't respond, as she only rested her head back down. Jackson sighs, the boredom making him drive crazy. He would want to ask for longer shifts, but after he gotten married, Shownu have told him that he should rest up. 

Its not like Jackson is pregnant. He just got married, he doesn't see the problem. He thinks that the others were planning something that he doesn't know, but he doesn't care, anymore. 

They probably wanted him to actually take care of Coco. As much as he loved Coco, the dog was sometimes boring as it sometimes get lazy. He groans, and Coco looked at him, surprised by the noise erupting from the other. Jackson picked up Coco and set her aside, he got up and stretched. "So fucking bored!" he exclaims, taking his phone, thinking to text Changkyun memes. 

The younger was probably with Chan, but he didn't care. He needed some type of amusement. 

However, he noticed the ignored message from his husband an hour ago. The message have clarified that he will be home in 30 minutes. If Jackson saw the message before, he would of been excited, but it has been an hour and he have grown worried. He texted back, his fingers worriedly typing away. 

He asked if his husband was okay, but his husband didn't answer at all. The messages remained unread, and Jackson started worrying more. He started calling, and checked outside through the window, if Jaebum would appear. However, he didn't. Unfortunately, it was raining, and it wasn't helping him calm down at all. 

He paced the house, Coco following, yapping for the other's attention. However, Jackson completely ignored her. About to call Kihyun, since he was the only one available, the door have started to unlock and instantly he turned to the door. Coco barked as he ran up to Jaebum, luckily Coco was a hypoallergenic dog, and Jaebum smiled down at her, laughing softly. Jackson huffed and ran up to him, wrapping his arms around him. 

"Wait, be careful!" Jaebum moved away. Jackson looked at him, confused. He noticed Jaebum soaked from the rain outside, and he also noticed the kittens in his arms, he awed at the sight of the three kittens. "They are so cute!" Jackson awed, and Jaebum smiled. 

"They were out in the rain... Also, you only greet the cats instead of me?" Jaebum pouted, and Jackson laughed as he kissed his beloved husband. He sighs, "You didn't answer my messages or calls!" Jackson scolds, the concern finally gone and Jaebum shrugged. "You didn't respond to my message," Jaebum states and Jackson scoffs. 

"So, petty!"

"I am just kidding," Jaebum laughs. "My phone died. I love you a lot to ignore you," he leaned over and kissed his lover. However, Jackson moved away with a pout, making Jaebum's cold and wet lips land on his cheek, instead. "So, petty." he mimics and Jackson laughed, while Jaebum carried the kittens onto the counter. 

"Can you take care of them? I need to change," Jaebum asks, moving his luggage upstairs while dripping. Coco tried to touch the kittens on the counter, but the counter was too high. The kittens didn't seem scared as they were more curious then scared. Jackson cooed at them while taking the dish towel, and wiping down their fur to dry them. 

"So cute..." Jackson says with a smile, and the kittens mewled up at him. Mewling loudly, while Coco whimpered in excitement. Jaebum arrived back within minutes, "I already named them." he states, and Jackson turned to him. "We are keeping them?" he questions and Jaebum pouts, eyes widening to beg. 


Jackson rolled his eyes, "I wasn't going to say no." 

"Good!" Jaebum picked up the cream colored kitten, the splotches of brown made her look like a chocolate chip. "This is Nora... Those two are Odd and Kunta," Jaebum have named the white kitten 'Odd' and the black kitten 'Kunta'. Jackson smiled, and nodded. "Okay. Nice to meet you, Nora, Odd, and Kunta!" he coos, kissing the top of their heads while Jaebum held Nora. He watched his husband adore the kittens. 

"You didn't tell me you were coming home, early." Jackson turned to look at his husband, and Jaebum smiled back at him with a shrug. "Wanted to surprise you, also I did want you to wait for me... But, I saw these guys, and I had to take care of them." Jaebum hums, and Jackson chuckled. "Are you sure they have no owners?" Jackson asks. He have seen neighborhood cats, and they weren't always strays. 

Jaebum nodded. "Of course. They were left in a box, like those movies. Why is Coco here?" Jaebum asks, and Jackson shrugs. "To replace you," he grinned and Jaebum gasped. "I am calling up Jinyoung and Mark to pick up their child," Jaebum says jokingly and Jackson laughed. "The two are probably fucking," Jackson shrugs and Jaebum understood why he was babysitting Coco, now. 

"Also, no cursing in front of the children." 

"This is our niece, and our kids?" Jackson clarifies, looking at the pets and Jaebum nodded with a cheeky smile. 

"Yes," Jaebum yawns and took the other kittens, but only holding Odd and Nora since Jackson took Kunta. The couple brought the kittens upstairs to their room, Coco following with her claws tapping lightly against the wooden floor as she followed after them. Excitedly, she hopped up and laid on the bed while Jackson and Jaebum put down the kittens on the bed. 

Jackson let himself get clingy as he haven't seen Jaebum for a few weeks. He hugged Jaebum, and rested his head on his chest, happy to have him back. Jaebum chuckled and kissed his head, while he wrapped his arms around him.

"Goodnight, Jae..." Jackson mumbled. The boredom finally diminished as tiredness have taken over, and Jaebum hums. "Goodnight, love." Jaebum whispers. 

Before, Jackson could fall asleep, he heard Jaebum whisper his goodnight to the kittens and Coco. Jackson chuckled, "Dork."

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