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WITH each kill they made, Coraline felt more guilt

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WITH each kill they made, Coraline felt more guilt. She told herself that this was okay; that they were doing something good. Maybe they were, but the humanitarian inside of her couldn't excuse murder for good. Well, she technically wasn't doing the killing. She was an accomplice. Was there truly blood on her hands?

Yes, there was. There definitely was. But she refused to admit it to herself. Coraline continued to justify the crimes as much as she could. It was becoming harder as the number continued to rise. By the end of November, they had killed two rapists, one pedophile, and three serial killers.

"It's just our own better version of the Purge," Michael assured once. "You know, for us good guys."

He didn't get it, which made Coraline ask herself who was more psychotic out of the two of them. In Michael's mind, this was all for Coraline's happiness, so she could use her visions for something worthwhile. He burnt people to the ground. He turned others to ash. He made brains explode from the inside out. Michael killed these horrible humans for Coraline, to show her the kind of love and loyalty she deserved. It was his way of honoring her. Coraline would never understand that.

The members of board game club were the only people who truly recognized her friendship with Michael, and for that, she was grateful, despite Greg's disapproval. Eloise was happy that Coraline found someone else who understood her, and Billy ... well, Billy just thought Michael was cooler than all of them combined. Greg, on the other hand, would constantly use his big brain to remind Coraline "how bad this relationship would end if people found out." Coraline would normally roll her eyes and tell him that he was being overdramatic. "Hardly anyone here knows what he looks like anyways," she'd argue. "We're fine."

Amongst all the news of murders occurring around town, Coraline Avery was chosen as top student of her class in November. Even rebellious murderers can keep up with their good grades if they really tried. Everyone was talking about her again, forgetting the local killings that were happening almost once or twice a week. Her school picture was posted on the main bulletin board near the entrance of school, serving as a constant reminder that she was front page news. Crazy Coraline was rising to the top once more.

People were looking at her again, but not with terror or pity. They were staring at her with admiration. Besides the geek squad, who thought she didn't deserve to be put on a pedestal yet again. But here Coraline was: top student of the month, preventer of future crimes to come, and – according to Michael Langdon – a prophet. What else could she ask for? Maybe someone did have big plans for her. This was only the beginning.

She broke apart from Eloise as her friend headed to her own class. Eloise was enjoying the newfound attention to, seeing as she was Coraline's closest friend at school. Coraline adjusted the straps of her backpack and walked to her American History classroom, taking note of her former clique staring at her with actual fucking wonder. Turning her head to the side, she saw her face on another bulletin board, amongst the chaos of flyers and job listings. She approached the board while eyeing one paper in particular.

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